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A simple and lightweight API for filtering and checking bad words, built with Go and Echo.


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Simple Bad Word Checker


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A simple and lightweight API for filtering and checking bad words, built with Go and Echo.



🌟 Features

  • 📋 Retrieve a comprehensive list of bad words via API
  • ✅ Check if a specific word is considered inappropriate
  • 🌐 User-friendly web interface for easy testing and usage
  • 🐳 Docker support for simple deployment

🚀 Usage

API Endpoints

Method Endpoint Description
GET /healthz Health check endpoint
GET /api/words Get a list of bad words
GET /api/word/:word Check if a word is a bad word
GET /api/sentence/:sentence Check if a sentence contains bad words
POST /api/sentence Check if a sentence contains bad words
GET /api/replacer/:sentence Replace bad words in a sentence
POST /api/replacer Replace bad words in a sentence

Web Interface

Access the intuitive web interface by navigating to

📝 TODO List

Task Status Description
Migrate static word set to database ⚙️ In Progress Move the static word set to a database for better management and scalability
Create endpoint to let everyone can add more word ⚙️ In Progress Implement an API endpoint to allow users to add additional bad words dynamically
Add languages detector and support more languages 🟡 Pending Integrate language detection to support filtering bad words in multiple languages

💻 Installation

  1. Clone this repository:
git clone
  1. Navigate to the project directory:
cd your_project_dir
  1. Build and run via docker compose:
make up
  1. Access the application at http://localhost:8089 in your browser.

⚙️ Makefile Commands

Command Description
make build Builds the Docker image
make up Starts the application using Docker Compose
make up-detached Starts the application in detached mode
make down Stops and removes the containers
make clean Removes the Docker image
make restart Restarts the application
make logs Tails the logs of the running containers
make status Shows the status of the running containers

📦 Dependencies

  • Go - The programming language powering the server
  • Echo - High performance, extensible, minimalist Go web framework
  • Tailwind CSS - A utility-first CSS framework for rapid UI development

📁 Project Structure

├── assets
│   └── badwords.go
├── docker-compose.yml
├── Dockerfile
├── go.mod
├── go.sum
├── main.go
├── Makefile
├── presentation
│   └── server.go
├── static
│   ├── android-chrome-192x192.png
│   ├── android-chrome-512x512.png
│   ├── apple-touch-icon.png
│   ├── favicon-16x16.png
│   ├── favicon-32x32.png
│   ├── favicon.ico
│   ├── images
│   │   └── github-mark.svg
│   ├── index.html
│   ├── screenshot.png
│   └── site.webmanifest
└── usecase
    └── badwords.go

🎉 Contributing

Contributions, issues, and feature requests are welcome! Feel free to check issues page or open pull request.

📄 License

This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.

🙏 Acknowledgments

We'd like to tip our hats to:

  • The awesome folks at for their fantastic favicon generator. It's made our app look snazzy!
  • The brilliant minds at Carnegie Mellon University for providing a comprehensive list of bad words. Your work helps keep the internet a little cleaner!

Your resources have been invaluable in making this project shine. Thank you! 🌟


Made with ❤️ by iamickdev

From JLR Lab
A Gen Z technology research, consulting and development team based in Thailand.