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A Bibliophile's Paradise

Table of Contents
  1. About Bibliophiles
  2. Languages and Tools
  3. Prerequisites
  4. Installing The Project
  5. Creators of This Project
  6. Supervisor

About Bibliophiles

Bibliophiles is a book cataloging and review website. There are two types of users - Admin and Reader.

An Admin can add, update and delete-

  • Books
  • Authors
  • Publishers
  • Genres

A Reader can-
  1. Explore and critique books available in our database.
  2. Search for any book as they want using our advance search.
  3. Create virtual bookshelves and add and delete books in their bookshelves and personalize their bookshelves accordingly.

Here in Bibliophiles, a Reader will find properly cataloged books, so that they can enrich their knowledge of books and everything related to books (i.e. authors, publishers etc.)

Languages and Tools

  • Node.js
  • OracleDB
  • Bootstrap
  • React


Oracle: As this is primarily an Oracle Database Project, Oracle has to be installed in your system. To install Oracle 19c, follow these steps.

  1. Go here and register for an account of your own.
  2. Then go here and install the file according to your system.
  3. After downloading the ZIP file, UNZIP it and Run setup.exe
  4. Install properly.

Node.js: For this project, you will also need Node.js. Install Node.js from here

Installing The Project

Follow the steps below to properly install this project.

Downloading The Project

  1. First, download the project as a ZIP file from github into your PC
  2. Then UNZIP it

Setting Up The Database

  1. Go to SQL Plus
  2. Enter proper user-name and password to login
  3. Then run command

    SQL> connect sys as sysdba
    Enter password: password
  4. Create a new user. For example, we are creating c##bibliophiles

    SQL> create user c##bibliophiles identified by password;
    SQL> grant all privileges to c##bibliophiles;
  5. Now connect to c##bibliophiles

    SQL> connect c##bibliophiles
    Enter password: password
  6. Run the 'SchemaCreation.sql' file from 'database-setup' folder

    SQL> @[path]

    In the place of [path] you will have to provide the path of SchemaCreation.sql in your PC.
    For example if your file is in D:\Bibliophiles-main\database-setup\SchemaCreation.sql then run

    SQL> @D:\Bibliophiles-main\database-setup\SchemaCreation.sql
  7. Run the 'TrigsFuncProcs.sql' file from 'database-setup' folder

    SQL> @[path]

    In the place of [path] you will have to provide the path of TrigsFuncProcs.sql in your PC.
    For example if your file is in D:\Bibliophiles-main\database-setup\TrigsFuncProcs.sql then run

    SQL> @D:\Bibliophiles-main\database-setup\TrigsFuncProcs.sql
  8. This way user c##bibliophiles will have the proper schema of our project
  9. To get the existing Data of our Project, you will also have to run 'Data.sql' file. But, as there are characters in 'Data.sql' that SQL Plus cannot read, you will have to go to your database GUI (navicat, datagrip etc.) and run 'Data.sql' for c##bibliophiles from there.
  10. If done properly, your user c##bibliophiles should have proper scema, triggers, procedures, functions and data of our project.

Setting Up The Environment Variables

Create a new file .env in the server folder
Add the following code.


You will have to insert proper values in places of


For example, if we want to run it on port 5000, using the user c##bibliophiles we just created, and with the connection string as localhost:1521/orcl, then we will add the following code in .env

PORT = 5000
DatabaseUser = 'c##bibliophiles'
DatabasePassword = 'password'
DatabaseConnectionString = 'localhost:1521/orcl'

Installing NPM Packages

Open cmd and go to the client folder in cmd and run the command

 npm install

Then go to the server folder in cmd and do the same

 npm install

Running The Project

Open cmd and go to the server folder in cmd and run the command

 npm start

Then go to the client folder in cmd and do the same

 npm start

Creators of This Project



A primarily database focused project.







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