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Releases: asvela/keyoscacquire

Extreme API Makeover

21 Jan 12:46
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Big makeover with a few non-compatible changes, sorry, but I believe they
should not be too troublesome to make as you most likely relied on methods
that are still more or less compatible.

When writing the base of this package back in 2019, I had very limited Python
development experience, and some not so clever choices were made. It was time
to make clear these up and make the API easier to use.

Here are the changes:

  • More attributes are used to make the information accessible not only through

    • Captured data stored to Oscilloscope._time and Oscilloscope._values
    • The filename finally used when saving (which might not be the same as the
      the argument passed as a filename check happens to avoid overwrite) is
      stored in Oscilloscope.fname
    • Oscilloscope._raw and Oscilloscope._metadata with unprocessed data
  • More active use of attributes that are carried forward rather than always
    setting the arguments of methods in the Oscilloscope class. This
    affects some functions as their arguments have changed (see below), but
    for most functions the arguments stay the same as before. The arguments
    can now be used to change attributes of the Oscilloscope instance.

  • Oscilloscope.__init__ and other functions will no longer use default
    settings in keyoscacquire.config that changes the settings of the
    Oscilloscope, like active channels and acquisition type, but only set
    default connection and transfer settings

  • Changed the name of the module oscacq to oscilloscope and moved
    functions not within the Oscilloscope class to other modules, see
    details below

  • Bugfixes and docfixes for the number of points to be transferred from the
    instrument (previously num_points argument, now a property). Zero will
    set the to the maximum number of points available, and the number of
    points can be queried.

  • Moved save and plot functions to keyoscacquire.fileio, but are imported
    in the oscilloscope (prev oscacq) module to keep compatibility

  • New keyoscacquire.fileio.load_trace() function for loading saved a trace
    from disk to pandas dataframe or numpy array

  • Oscilloscope.query() will now try to read the error from the
    instrument if pyvisa fails

  • Importing keyoscacquire.programmes in module to make it
    accessible after importing the module

  • Changes in list_visa_devices and cli programme: now displaying different
    errors more clearly; cli programme now has -n flag that can be set to not
    ask for instrument IDNs; and the cli programme will display the instrument's
    serial rather than Keysight model series.

  • Indicating functions for internal use only and read only attributes with
    prefix _, see name changes below

  • Documentation updates, including moving from read-the-docs theme to Furo theme

  • PEP8 improvements

  • New methods:

    • Oscilloscope.get_error()
    • Oscilloscope.set_waveform_export_options()
    • Oscilloscope.save_trace() (Oscilloscope.savepng and
      Oscilloscope.showplot can be set to control its behaviour)
    • Oscilloscope.plot_trace()
  • New properties: New properties getters querying the instrument for the
    current state and setters to change the state

    • Oscilloscope.active_channels
    • Oscilloscope.acq_type
    • Oscilloscope.num_averages
    • Oscilloscope.p_mode
    • Oscilloscope.num_points
    • Oscilloscope.wav_format
    • Oscilloscope.timeout (this affects the pyvisa resource, not the scope
  • No compatibility: Name changes

    • module oscacq to oscilloscope
    • Oscilloscope.determine_channels() -> Oscilloscope.set_channels_for_capture()
    • Oscilloscope.acquire_print -> Oscilloscope.verbose_acquistion
    • Oscilloscope.set_acquire_print() set Oscilloscope.verbose_acquistion
      attribute instead
    • Oscilloscope.capture_and_read_ascii() -> Oscilloscope._read_ascii()
      (also major changes in the function)
    • Oscilloscope.capture_and_read_binary() -> Oscilloscope._read_binary()
      (also major changes in the function)
    • Oscilloscope.inst -> Oscilloscope._inst
    • -> Oscilloscope._id
    • Oscilloscope.address -> Oscilloscope._address
    • Oscilloscope.model -> Oscilloscope._model
    • Oscilloscope.model_series -> Oscilloscope._model_series
    • oscacq._screen_colors -> fileio._SCREEN_COLORS
  • No compatibility: Moved functions and attributes

    • check_file() from oscacq to fileio
    • interpret_visa_id() from oscacq to visa_utils
    • process_data() (as well as _process_data_ascii and
      _process_data_binary) from oscacq to dataprocessing
    • _SCREEN_COLORS (prev. _screen_colors) from oscacq to fileio
  • No compatibility: Some functions no longer take sources and
    sourcesstring as arguments, rather Oscilloscope._sources must be set by
    Oscilloscope.set_channels_for_capture() and sourcesstring is not in
    use anymore

    • Oscilloscope.capture_and_read(), and its associated
      Oscilloscope._read_ascii() and Oscilloscope._read_binary()
    • Oscilloscope.get_trace()
  • No compatibility: Misc

    • Oscilloscope.get_trace() now also returns Oscilloscope.num_channels
    • Oscilloscope.get_active_channels() is now a property active_channels
      and returns a list of ints, not chars
    • keyoscacquire.config does not have the _acq_type, _num_avg,
      and _ch_nums static variables anymore as these will not be used
    • keyoscacquire.config has two new static variables, _num_points
      and _p_mode

Context manager, get_active_channels, and verbosity

10 Feb 15:04
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  • Context manager compatibility (enter and exit functions implemented)
  • Adding the function get_active_channels to query the scope of its active channels
  • Adding verbose attribute

Minor improvements

31 Oct 20:18
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  • Some adaptation for using 9000 series oscilloscopes with limited functionality
  • Expanding the contents of the list_visa_devices table
  • Bugfix for ascii data processing (originating in v3.0.0)

Expanded command line options and more

31 Oct 20:20
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  • Expanded command line programmes to take many more options:

    • Connection settings: visa_address, timeout
    • Acquiring settings: channels, acq_type
    • Transfer and storage settings: wav_format, num_points, filename, file_delimiter
  • Added Oscilloscope.generate_file_header() to generate file header with structure::


    Now used by save_trace()

  • (No compatibility measures introduced): Camel case in function names is no more

    • getTrace -> get_trace
    • saveTrace -> save_trace
    • plotTrace -> plot_trace
    • and others
  • (No compatibility measures introduced): Oscilloscope.build_sourcesstring() -> Oscilloscope.determine_channels() and changed return sequence

  • (No compatibility measures introduced): module installed_commandline_funcs -> installed_cli_programmes

  • (No compatibility measures introduced): functions ending with _command_line() -> _cli()

  • Fixed issue when setting number of points to transfer

  • Fixed issue (hopefully) with sometimes getting wrong traces exported. Have now set communication to signed ints, and setting least significant bit first

  • Fixed issue where ASCii wave format would set zero time to the beginning of the trace

  • Wrote comprehensive documentation on read the docs