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TurtleBot3 Navigation with Lidar Data


Clone the lidar_navigation repo into ~/catkin_ws/src with:

# On Ubuntu PC
cd ~/catkin_ws/src
git clone

Install the required python packages with:

# On Ubuntu PC
cd ~/catkin_ws/src/lidar_navigation
pip install -r requirements.txt

Compile the ROS support for Contour messages with:

# On Ubuntu PC
cd ~/catkin_ws

Start a Turtlebot3

Start a physical Turtlebot3 with:

# On TurtleBot3
roslaunch turtlebot3_bringup turtlebot3_robot.launch 

Start a simulated TurtleBot3 in Gazebo with:

# On Ubuntu PC
roslaunch turtlebot3_gazebo turtlebot3_empty_world.launch 

Add a maze model to the empty TurtleBot3 world with:

  1. Click on the Insert tab
  2. Click on one of the models under ~/catkin_ws/src/lidar_navigation/models
  3. Align the maze model with the TurtleBot3 model
  4. Orient the screen with Ctrl+Shift mouse movements

Launch Nodes

Launch the lidar navigation nodes with:

# On Ubuntu PC
# To publish the interpretation of the lidar data 
rosrun lidar_navigation

# To drive the robot
rosrun lidar_navigation

# To view the contour and centroid data
rosrun lidar_navigation --plot_all

# To view the walls data
rosrun lidar_navigation --plot_all

Stop a crashed physical Turtlebot3 with:

# On Ubuntu PC
roslaunch lidar_navigation

Warning: Stop the node before running the node.

Reset a crashed TurtleBot3 in Gazebo to its original starting position with Ctrl+R and restart the geometry_node.

Manual robot control

Launch keyboard teleop control with:

# On Ubuntu PC
roslaunch turtlebot3_teleop turtlebot3_teleop_key.launch

Warning: Do not run turtlebot3_teleop_key.launch at the same time as

Node CLI Options

Option Description Default
--slice_size Slice size degrees 5
--slice_offset Slice offset 0
--max_dist_mult Maximum distance multiplier 1.1
--publish_rate Publish rate 30
--scan_topic LaserScan values topic name /scan
--contour_topic Contour value topic name /contour
--centroid_topic Centroid Point value topic name /centroid
--publish_pc Publish point cloud values false
--pc_topic PointCloud2 values topic name /pc2
--verbose Enable debugging info false
-h, --help Summary of options

Option Description Default
--max_linear Maximum linear speed .35
--max_angular Maximum angular speed 2.75
--stop_angle Full stop angle 70
--publish_rate Publish rate 30
--centroid_topic Centroid Point value topic name /centroid
--verbose Enable debugging info false
-h, --help Summary of options

Option Description Default
--pause Pause secs per scan 0
--plot_all Plot all items false
--plot_points Plot points false
--plot_contour Plot contour false
--plot_centroid Plot centroid false
--plot_slices Plot slices false
--max_plot_mult Maximum plot multiplier 1.05
--contour_topic Contour value topic name /contour
--template_file Template file name /html/plot-image.html
-p, --port HTTP port 8080
--http_delay HTTP delay secs 0
--http_verbose Enable verbose HTTP log false
--verbose Enable debugging info false
-h, --help Summary of options

Option Description Default
--iterations Iterations per RANSEC point set 20
--min_points Minimum number of points for a wall 20
--distance Threshold point distance 0.025
--pause Pause secs per scan 0
--plot_all Plot all items false
--plot_points Plot points false
--plot_centroid Plot centroid false
--max_plot_mult Maximum plot multiplier 1.05
--contour_topic Contour value topic name /contour
--template_file Template file name /html/plot-image.html
-p, --port HTTP port 8080
--http_delay HTTP delay secs 0
--http_verbose Enable verbose HTTP log false
--verbose Enable debugging info false
-h, --help Summary of options


Launch RViz viewer to view /scan and /pc2 values with:

# On Ubuntu PC
roslaunch turtlebot3_bringup turtlebot3_model.launch

Creating a maze with gzmaze

Instructions on creating a maze with gzmaze are here