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77 lines (49 loc) · 2.65 KB

File metadata and controls

77 lines (49 loc) · 2.65 KB

File Structure


This file aims to give a clear understanding of the role and functionality of each component within the project.

Backend Files

Go Files in the Backend

  • main.go

    • The entry point of the Go application. It sets up the web server and ties together all the components of the backend.
  • /config/config.go

    • Contains configuration-related code, such as reading environment variables and setting up global configuration parameters.
  • /db/database.go

    • Manages database connections and provides an interface for database operations.
  • /db/migration/migration.go

    • Handles database migrations, ensuring the database schema is up-to-date.
  • /db/seed/seed.go

    • Used for seeding the database with initial data for development or testing.
  • /utils/

    • This directory contains utility functions and helpers that are used across the application.
    • Includes files like errs.go for error handling, response.go for standardized API responses, etc.

API Handlers

  • /api/handlers/
    • Contains handler functions for API endpoints.
    • Files like cloud_providers_controller.go, verification_controller.go, and certificate_controller.go define the logic for respective API endpoints.


  • /api/services/
    • Implements business logic and interacts with external services and databases.
    • Includes service implementations like AWSVerificationService, and interfaces like VerificationService.

Frontend Files

  • /public/

    • Contains HTML templates and HTMX files for the frontend.
    • index.templ is the main entry point for the frontend interface.
  • /dist/

    • Contains compiled and minified CSS and JavaScript files, along with other static assets like images and icons.

Security Files

  • /utils/security/
    • Contains security-related modules like auth.go, credentials.go, and encryption.go, which handle various aspects of application security.

Docker and Deployment

  • Dockerfile

    • Contains instructions for building the Docker image of the Go application.
  • docker-compose.yaml

    • Defines the multi-container Docker setup, including the Go application and the Nginx server for the frontend.

Documentation and Configuration


    • Provides an overview of the project, setup instructions, and general information.
  • .env.sample

    • A sample environment file with necessary environment variables for running the application.
  • Makefile

    • Contains scripts to automate common development tasks like building, running, and testing the application.

This file should be updated as new components are added or existing ones are modified.