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v2 Migration Guide

Auth0.swift v2 includes many significant changes:

  • Thread-safe renewal of credentials from the Credentials Manager.
  • Support for custom storage layer in the Credentials Manager.
  • Support for async/await and Combine.
  • Support for custom headers.
  • Adoption of the Swift 5 Result type.
  • Simplified error handling.

As expected with a major release, Auth0.swift v2 contains breaking changes. Please review this guide thorougly to understand the changes required to migrate your application to v2.

Table of Contents

Supported Languages


The minimum supported Swift version is now 5.3.


Auth0.swift no longer supports Objective-C.

Supported Platform Versions

The deployment targets for each platform were raised to:

  • iOS 12.0
  • macOS 10.15
  • Mac Catalyst 13.0
  • tvOS 12.0
  • watchOS 6.2

Default Values


The default scope value in Web Auth and all the Authentication client methods (except renew(withRefreshToken:scope:), in which scope keeps defaulting to nil) was changed from an assortment of values to openid profile email.

Types Removed


The following protocols were removed:

  • AuthResumable
  • AuthCancelable
  • AuthProvider
  • NativeAuthTransaction

AuthResumable and AuthCancelable were subsumed in AuthTransaction, which is no longer public.

Type aliases

The iOS-only type alias A0URLOptionsKey was removed, as it is no longer needed.


  • The custom Result enum was removed, along with its shims. Auth0.swift is now using the Swift 5 Result type.
  • The Challenge.CodingKeys enum is no longer public.


The following structs were removed, as they were no longer being used:

  • NativeAuthCredentials
  • ConcatRequest


The following Objective-C compatibility wrappers were removed:

  • _ObjectiveAuthenticationAPI
  • _ObjectiveManagementAPI
  • _ObjectiveOAuth2

The following classes were also removed, as they were no longer being used:

  • Profile
  • Identity

You should use UserInfo from userInfo(withAccessToken:) instead.

Methods Removed

Global methods

The iOS-only method resumeAuth(_:options:) and the macOS-only method resumeAuth(_:) were removed from the library, as they are no longer needed. You can safely remove them from your application.

Authentication client


You should use login(usernameOrEmail:password:realmOrConnection:audience:scope:) instead.

Before / After
// Before
    .login(usernameOrEmail: username, 
           password: password, 
           connection: connection, 
           scope: scope, 
           parameters: ["key": "value"])
    .start { result in
        // ...

// After
    .login(usernameOrEmail: username, 
           password: password, 
           realmOrConnection: connection, 
           scope: scope)
    .parameters(["key": "value"])
    .start { result in
        // ...

For multi-factor authentication, use multifactorChallenge(mfaToken:types:authenticatorId:) and then either login(withOTP:mfaToken:) or login(withOOBCode:mfaToken:bindingCode:).


You should use signup(email:username:password:connection:userMetadata:rootAttributes:) and then login(usernameOrEmail:password:realmOrConnection:audience:scope:) instead. That is, first create the user and then log them in.

Before / After
// Before
    .signUp(email: email, 
            username: username, 
            password: password, 
            connection: connection, 
            userMetadata: metadata, 
            scope: scope, 
            parameters: ["key": "value"])
    .start { result in
        // ...

// After
    .signup(email: email, 
            username: username, 
            password: password, 
            connection: connection, 
            userMetadata: metadata)
    .start { result in
        switch result {
        case .success:
                .login(usernameOrEmail: username, 
                       password: password, 
                       realmOrConnection: connection, 
                       scope: scope)
                .parameters(["key": "value"])
                .start { result in
                    // ...
        case .failure(let error): // ...


You should use codeExchange(withCode:codeVerifier:redirectURI:) instead.

Before / After
// Before
    .tokenExchange(withParameters: ["key": "value"]) 
    .start { result in
        // ...

// After
    .codeExchange(withCode: code, 
                  codeVerifier: codeVerifier, 
                  redirectURI: redirectURI) 
    .parameters(["key": "value"])
    .start { result in
        // ...


You should use login(appleAuthorizationCode:fullName:profile:audience:scope:) instead.

tokenInfo(token:) and userInfo(token:)

You should use userInfo(withAccessToken:) instead.


You should use Web Auth with its connection(_:) method instead.

Before / After
// Before
    .webAuth(withConnection: connection)
    .start { result in
        // ...

// After
    .start { result in
        // ...


The method relies on a deprecated endpoint and has no direct replacement. You can use login(appleAuthorizationCode:fullName:profile:audience:scope:) and/or login(facebookSessionAccessToken:profile:audience:scope:) instead.


The method relies on a deprecated endpoint and has no replacement.

Web Auth

Auth0.swift now only supports the authorization code flow with PKCE, which is used by default. For this reason, the following methods were removed from the Web Auth builder:

  • usingImplicitGrant()
  • responseType(_:)

The useUniversalLink() method was removed as well, as Universal Links cannot be used for OAuth redirections without user interaction since iOS 10.

useLegacyAuthentication() and useLegacyAuthentication(withStyle:) were also removed. Auth0.swift now only uses ASWebAuthenticationSession to perform web-based authentication.

💡 Check the FAQ for more information about the alert box that pops up by default when using Web Auth.

Credentials Manager

The method enableTouchAuth(withTitle:cancelTitle:fallbackTitle:) was removed. You should use enableBiometrics(withTitle:cancelTitle:fallbackTitle:evaluationPolicy:) instead.



The init(string: String?, statusCode: Int) initializer was removed.


The init(string: String?, statusCode: Int) initializer was removed.


The init(string: String?, statusCode: Int) initializer was removed.



The a0_url(_:) method is no longer public.

Types Changed

  • Auth0Error was renamed to Auth0APIError, and Auth0Error is now a different protocol.
  • Credentials is now a final class that conforms to Codable instead of JSONObjectPayload.
  • UserPatchAttributes is now a final class.
  • UserInfo was changed from class to struct.
  • AuthenticationError was changed from class to struct, and it no longer conforms to CustomNSError.
  • ManagementError was changed from class to struct, and it no longer conforms to CustomNSError.
  • WebAuthError was changed from enum to struct.
  • CredentialsManagerError was changed from enum to struct.

Type Properties Changed

PasswordlessType enum

Cases renamed

The following cases were lowercased, as per the naming convention of Swift 3+:

  • .Code -> .code
  • .WebLink -> .webLink
  • .AndroidLink -> .androidLink

AuthenticationError struct

Properties removed

The property description was removed in favor of localizedDescription, as AuthenticationError now conforms to LocalizedError.

ManagementError struct

Properties removed

The property description was removed in favor of localizedDescription, as ManagementError now conforms to LocalizedError.

WebAuthError struct

All the former enum cases are now static properties, so to switch over them you will need to add a default clause.

Before / After
// Before
switch error {
    case .userCancelled: // handle WebAuthError
    // ...

// After
switch error {
    case .userCancelled: // handle WebAuthError
    // ...
    default: // handle unknown errors, e.g. errors added in future versions

Properties removed

  • infoKey
  • errorDomain
  • errorCode
  • errorUserInfo

Error cases removed

All the following error cases were no longer being used.

  • .noNonceProvided
  • .invalidIdTokenNonce
  • .cannotDismissWebAuthController
  • .missingResponseParam
  • .missingAccessToken

Error cases renamed

  • .unknownError was renamed to .unknown.
  • .noBundleIdentifierFound was renamed to .noBundleIdentifier.

Error cases added

  • .invalidInvitationURL, for when the invitation URL is missing the organization and/or the invitation query parameters.
  • .noAuthorizationCode, for when the callback URL is missing the code query parameter.
  • .idTokenValidationFailed, for when the ID Token validation performed after Web Auth login fails.
  • .other, for when a different Error happens. That error can be accessed via the cause: Error? property.

CredentialsManagerError struct

All the former enum cases are now static properties, so to switch over them you will need to add a default clause. As static properties cannot have associated values, to access the underlying Error for .renewFailed, .biometricsFailed, and .revokeFailed use the new cause: Error? property.

Before / After
// Before
switch error {
    case .revokeFailed(let error): handleError(error) // handle underlying Error
    // ...

// After
switch error {
    case .revokeFailed: handleError(error.cause) // handle underlying Error?
    // ...
    default: // handle unknown errors, e.g. errors added in future versions

Error cases renamed

  • .failedRefresh was renamed to .renewFailed.
  • .touchFailed was renamed to .biometricsFailed.

Error cases added

.largeMinTTL, for when the requested minTTL is greater than the lifetime of the renewed Access Token.

UserInfo struct

It is now a struct, so its properties are no longer marked with the @objc attribute.

Credentials class

The properties are no longer marked with the @objc attribute. Additionally, the following properties are no longer optional:

  • accessToken
  • tokenType
  • expiresIn
  • idToken

NSError extension

These properties were removed:

  • a0_isManagementError
  • a0_isAuthenticationError

Method Signatures Changed

Authentication client


The methods of the Authentication API client now only yield errors of type AuthenticationError. The underlying error value (if any) is available via the cause: Error? property of the AuthenticationError value.

Before / After
// Before
switch error {
case .success(let credentials): // ...
case .failure(let error as AuthenticationError): // handle AuthenticationError
case .failure(let error): // handle Error

// After
switch error {
case .success(let credentials): // ...
case .failure(let error): // handle AuthenticationError

Renamed createUser(email:username:password:connection:userMetadata:rootAttributes:)

The method createUser(email:username:password:connection:userMetadata:rootAttributes:) was renamed to signup(email:username:password:connection:userMetadata:rootAttributes:).

Renamed tokenExchange(withCode:codeVerifier:redirectURI:)

The method tokenExchange(withCode:codeVerifier:redirectURI:) was renamed to codeExchange(withCode:codeVerifier:redirectURI:).

Removed parameters parameter

The following methods lost the parameters parameter:

  • login(phoneNumber:code:audience:scope:)
  • login(usernameOrEmail:password:realmOrConnection:audience:scope:)
  • loginDefaultDirectory(withUsername:password:audience:scope:)
  • startPasswordless(email:type:connection:)

To pass custom parameters to those (or any) method in the Authentication client, use the parameters(_:) method from Request:

    .renew(withRefreshToken: credentials.refreshToken) // Returns a Request
    .parameters(["key": "value"]) // 👈🏻
    .start { result in
        // ...

Renamed realm parameter

In the method login(usernameOrEmail:password:realmOrConnection:audience:scope:) the realm parameter was renamed to realmOrConnection.

Reordered scope and audience parameters

In the following methods the scope and audience parameters switched places, for consistency with the rest of the methods in the Authentication client:

  • login(appleAuthorizationCode:fullName:profile:audience:scope:)
  • login(facebookSessionAccessToken:profile:audience:scope:)

Changed scope parameter to be non-optional

In the following methods the scope parameter became non-optional, with a default value of openid profile email:

  • login(email:code:audience:scope:)
  • login(phoneNumber:code:audience:scope:)
  • login(usernameOrEmail:password:realmOrConnection:audience:scope:)
  • loginDefaultDirectory(withUsername:password:audience:scope:)
  • login(appleAuthorizationCode:fullName:profile:audience:scope:)
  • login(facebookSessionAccessToken:profile:audience:scope:)

Removed channel parameter

The multifactorChallenge(mfaToken:types:authenticatorId:) method lost its channel parameter, which is no longer necessary.

Management client


The methods of the Management API client now only yield errors of type ManagementError. The underlying error value (if any) is available via the cause: Error? property of the ManagementError value.

Before / After
// Before
switch error {
case .success(let user): // ...
case .failure(let error as ManagementError): // handle ManagementError
case .failure(let error): // handle Error

// After
switch error {
case .success(let user): // ...
case .failure(let error): // handle ManagementError

Web Auth


The Web Auth methods now only yield errors of type WebAuthError. The underlying error value (if any) is available via the cause: Error? property of the WebAuthError value.

Before / After
// Before
switch result {
case .success(let credentials): // ...
case .failure(let error as WebAuthError): // handle WebAuthError
case .failure(let error): // handle Error

// After
switch result {
case .success(let credentials): // ...
case .failure(let error): // handle WebAuthError


This method now yields a Result<Void, WebAuthError>, which is aliased to WebAuthResult<Void>. This means you can now check the type of error, e.g. if the user cancelled the operation.

Before / After
// Before
    .clearSession(federated: false) { outcome in
        switch outcome {
        case true: // success
        case false: // failure

// After
    .clearSession() { result in // federated is now false by default
        switch result {
        case .success: // ...
        case .failure(let error): // ...

Credentials Manager


The methods of the Credentials Manager now only yield errors of type CredentialsManagerError. The underlying error value (if any) is available via the cause: Error? property of the CredentialsManagerError value.

Before / After
// Before
if let error = error as? CredentialsManagerError {
    // handle CredentialsManagerError

// After
switch result {
case .success(let credentials): // ...
case .failure(let error): // handle CredentialsManagerError


CredentialsManager now takes a CredentialsStorage protocol as its storage argument rather than an instance of SimpleKeychain.

This means you can now provide your own storage layer to CredentialsManager.

class CustomStore: CredentialsStorage {
    var store: [String : Data] = [:]

    func getEntry(forKey key: String) -> Data? {
        return store[key]

    func setEntry(_ data: Data, forKey key: String) -> Bool {
        store[key] = data
        return true

    func deleteEntry(forKey key: String) -> Bool {
        store[key] = nil
        return true

let credentialsManager = CredentialsManager(authentication: authentication, 
                                            storage: CustomStore())


This method now yields a Result<Credentials, CredentialsManagerError>, which is aliased to CredentialsManagerResult<Credentials>.

Before / After
// Before
credentialsManager.credentials { error, credentials in
    guard error == nil, let credentials = credentials else {
        // ...
    // ...

// After
credentialsManager.credentials { result in
    switch result {
    case .success(let credentials): // ...
    case .failure(let error): // ...


This method now yields a Result<Void, CredentialsManagerError>, which is aliased to CredentialsManagerResult<Void>.

Before / After
// Before
credentialsManager.revoke { error in
    guard error == nil {
        // ...
    // ...

// After
credentialsManager.revoke { result in
    switch result {
    case .success: // ...
    case .failure(let error): // ...

Behavior Changes

Authentication client

Enforcement of the openid scope

If you use the parameters(_:) method of Request to pass scopes and do not include the openid scope, it will be added automatically.

    // ...
    .parameters(["scope": "profile email"]) // "openid profile email" will be used
    .start { result in
        // ...

Web Auth

Supported JWT signature algorithms

ID Tokens signed with the HS256 algorithm are no longer allowed. This is because HS256 is a symmetric algorithm, which is not suitable for public clients like mobile applications. The only algorithm supported now is RS256, an asymmetric algorithm.

If your application is using HS256, you'll need to switch it to RS256 in the Dashboard or login will fail with an error:

Your Auth0 application settings > Advanced settings > JSON Web Token (JWT) Signature Algorithm

Enforcement of the openid scope

If the scopes passed via the Web Auth method .scope(_:) do not include the openid scope, it will be added automatically.

    .scope("profile email") // "openid profile email" will be used
    .start { result in
        // ...

Credentials Manager

Role of ID Token expiration in credentials validity

The ID Token expiration is no longer used to determine if the credentials are still valid. Only the Access Token expiration is used now.

Role of Refresh Token in credentials validity

The hasValid(minTTL:) method no longer returns true if a Refresh Token is present. Now, only the Access Token expiration (along with the minTTL value) determines the return value of hasValid(minTTL:).

Note that hasValid(minTTL:) is no longer being called in credentials(withScope:minTTL:parameters:headers:callback:) before the biometrics authentication. If you were relying on this behavior, you'll need to call hasValid(minTTL:) before credentials(withScope:minTTL:parameters:headers:callback:) yourself.

You'll also need to call hasValid(minTTL:) before credentials(withScope:minTTL:parameters:headers:callback:) yourself if you're not using Refresh Tokens. Otherwise, that method will now produce a CredentialsManagerError.noRefreshToken error when the credentials are not valid and there is no Refresh Token available.

Thread-safety when renewing credentials

The method credentials(withScope:minTTL:parameters:headers:callback:) now executes the credentials renewal serially, to prevent race conditions when Refresh Token Rotation is enabled.

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