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Snapshot manager for Amazon Kinesis Data Analytics for Apache Flink helps the users to generate a snapshot on a periodic basis.


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Snapshot Manager - Amazon Managed Service for Apache Flink (formerly Amazon Kinesis Data Analytics)

🚨 August 30, 2023: Amazon Kinesis Data Analytics has been renamed to Amazon Managed Service for Apache Flink.

Snapshot Manager - Amazon Kinesis Data Analytics for Apache Flink offers the following benefits:

  1. takes a new snapshot of a running Kinesis Data Analytics for Apache Flink Application
  2. gets a count of application snapshots
  3. checks if the count is more than the required number of snapshots
  4. deletes older snapshots that are older than the required number

This will be deployed as an AWS Lambda function and scheduled using Amazon EventBridge rules e.g. once in a day or week.



Figure below represents the architecture of Snapshot Manager.


Process flow diagram

Figure below represents the process flow of Snapshot Manager.



  1. Python 3.7
  2. IDE e.g. PyCharm
  3. Access to AWS Account
  4. A running Kinesis Data Analytics for Apache Flink Application

AWS service requirements

The following AWS services are required to deploy this starter kit:

  1. 1 AWS Lambda Function
  2. 1 Amazon SNS Topic
  3. 1 Amazon DynamoDB Table
  4. 1 IAM role with 4 policies
  5. 1 AWS CloudWatch Event Rule

Deployment instructions using AWS console

  1. Create an SNS Topic and subscribe required e-mail id(s)

  2. Create a DynamoDB Table

    1. Table name= snapshot_manager_status
    2. Primary partition key: name= app_name, type= String
    3. Primary sort key: name= snapshot_manager_run_id, type= Number
    4. Provisioned read capacity units = 5
    5. Provisioned write capacity units = 5
  3. Create following IAM policies

    1. IAM policy with name iam_policy_dynamodb using this sample
    2. IAM policy with name iam_policy_sns using this sample
    3. IAM policy with name iam_policy_kinesisanalytics using this sample
    4. IAM policy with name iam_policy_cloudwatch_logs using this sample
  4. Create an IAM role for Lambda with name snapshot_manager_iam_role and attach above policies

  5. Deploy snapshot_manager function

    1. Function name = snapshot_manager

    2. Runtime = Python 3.7

    3. IAM role = Select snapshot_manager_iam_role created above

    4. Function code = Copy the contents from

    5. Under General configuration:

      1. Timeout = e.g. 5 minutes
      2. Memory = e.g. 128 MB
    6. Environment variable = as defined in the following table

      Key Value Description
      aws_region us-east-1 AWS region
      app_name Application Name Application name of Kinesis Data Analytics for Apache Flink
      snapshot_manager_ddb_table_name snapshot_manager_status Name of the DynamoDB table used to track the status
      primary_partition_key_name app_name Primary partition key name
      primary_sort_key_name snapshot_manager_run_id Primary sort key name
      sns_topic_arn SNS Topic ARN SNS Topic ARN
      number_of_older_snapshots_to_retain 30 The number of most recent snapshots to be retained
      snapshot_creation_wait_time_seconds 15 Time gap in seconds between consecutive checks to get the status of snapshot creation
  6. Go to Amazon Create EventBridge and create a rule

    1. Name = SnapshotManagerEventRule
    2. Description = EventBridge Rule to invoke Snapshot Manager Lambda
    3. Define pattern = Schedule with desired fixed rate e.g. 6 Hours
    4. Select targets
      1. Target = Lambda function
      2. Function = Previously created lambda Function snapshot_manager

License Summary

This sample code is made available under the MIT-0 license. See the LICENSE file.


Snapshot manager for Amazon Kinesis Data Analytics for Apache Flink helps the users to generate a snapshot on a periodic basis.




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