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CloudFormation (IaC) template to provision EC2 instance with PHP, Apache/Nginx and MySQL/MariaDB/PostgreSQL


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AWS CloudFormation template to provision Amazon EC2 instance with PHP, Apache/Nginx, MySQL/MariaDB/PostgreSQL, i.e. LAMP, LEMP, LAPP or LEPP stack.


LAMP is an acronym for the operating system, Linux; the web server, Apache; the database server, MySQL (or MariaDB); and the programming language, PHP. It is a common open source web platform for many of the web's popular applications. Variations include LEMP which replaces web server with Nginx, LAPP which replaces database server with PostgreSQL, and LEPP which uses Nginx and PostgreSQL. According to W3Techs, PHP is used by more than 70%, and either Nginx or Apache is used by more than 60% of websites as of 2023.

This repo provides CloudFormation template to provision a EC2 instance with option to specify PHP version, web server engine (Apache or Nginx) and database engine (MySQL, MariaDB or PostgreSQL) to install. The EC2 instance can be used for software development or deployment of PHP based web applications such as WordPress and Moodle.

Architecture Diagram


Overview of features

The template provides the following features:

Note that use of cloudformation template indicates acceptance of license agreements of all software that is installed in the EC2 instance.

Deployment via CloudFormation console

Download .yaml file for the desired operating system (Amazon Linux 2, Amazon Linux 2023 or Ubuntu/Ubuntu Pro 22.04 server)

Login to AWS CloudFormation console. Choose Create Stack, Upload a template file, Choose File, select your .YAML file and choose Next. Enter a Stack name and specify parameters values.


  • ec2Name: EC2 instance name
  • ec2KeyPair: EC2 key pair name. Create key pair if necessary
  • processorArchitecture: Intel/AMD x86_64 or Graviton arm64. Default is Graviton (arm64).
  • instanceType: EC2 instance types. Do ensure type matches processor architecture. Default is t4g.large burstable instance type. For best performance, consider M6g or M7g for general purpose workloads


  • vpcID: VPC with internet connectivity. Select default VPC if unsure
  • subnetID: subnet with internet connectivity. Select subnet in default VPC if unsure
  • displayPublicIP: set this to No if your EC2 instance will not receive public IP address. EC2 private IP will be displayed in CloudFormation Outputs section instead. Default is Yes
  • assignStaticIP: associates a static public IPv4 address using Elastic IP address. Default is Yes

Remote Administration

  • ingressIPv4: allowed IPv4 internet source prefix to SSH and NICE DCV ports, e.g. You can get your source IP from Use to block incoming access from public internet. Default is
  • ingressIPv6: allowed IPv6 internet source prefix to SSH and NICE DCV ports. Use ::1/128 to block all incoming IPv6 access. Default is ::/0
  • allowSSHport: allow inbound SSH from ingressIPv4 and ingressIPv6. Option does not affect EC2 Instance Connect access. Default is Yes


  • webOption: Apache, Nginx web server or none.
  • phpVersion: PHP version to install or none
  • databaseOption: MySQL, MariaDB, PostgreSQL database server or none. MySQL option for Amazon Linux will attempt to use MySQL Community Edition repository, where MySQL root password can be retrieved using the command sudo grep password /var/log/mysqld.log. Select none if using external database such as Amazon RDS.
  • s3BucketName (optional): name of Amazon S3 bucket to grant EC2 instance to via IAM policy. Leave text field empty not to grant access. A * value will grant the EC2 instance access to all S3 buckets in your AWS account and is usually not recommended. Default is empty.
  • r53ZoneID (optional): Amazon Route 53 hosted zone ID to grant access to. Enable this if your DNS is on Route 53 and you want to use Certbot with certbot-dns-route53 plugin to get HTTPS certificate. A * value will grant access to all Route 53 zones in your AWS account. Permission is restricted to TXT DNS records only using resource record set permissions. Default is empty.


CloudFormation Outputs

The following are available on Outputs section

  • EC2console: EC2 console URL link to start/stop your EC2 instance or to get the latest IPv4 (or IPv6 if enabled) address.
  • EC2instanceConnect: EC2 Instance Connect URL link. Functionality is only available under certain conditions.
  • SSMsessionManager: SSM Session Manager URL link. Use this to change login user password. Password change command is in Description field.
  • WebUrl: EC2 web server URL link
  • DCVwebConsole: NICE DCV web browser client URL link#. Login as the user specified in Description field

#Native NICE DCV clients can be downloaded from Web browser client can be disabled by removing nice-dcv-web-viewer package.

PHP performance configuration

Based on public articles about PHP performance (many thanks to the authors), the following enhancements were made:

Using Cloudwatch agent

Amazon CloudWatch agent is installed, and enables collection of EC2 system-level metrics and AWS X-Ray traces.

Create agent configuration file

Before running, create agent configuration file. You can use agent configuration file wizard:

sudo /opt/aws/amazon-cloudwatch-agent/bin/amazon-cloudwatch-agent-config-wizard

Start Cloudwatch agent

After config.json file is created, start CloudWatch agent:

sudo systemctl enable amazon-cloudwatch-agent
sudo /opt/aws/amazon-cloudwatch-agent/bin/amazon-cloudwatch-agent-ctl -a fetch-config -m ec2 -s -c file:/opt/aws/amazon-cloudwatch-agent/bin/config.json

Refer to How do I install and configure the unified CloudWatch agent to push metrics and logs from my EC2 instance to CloudWatch? for more details.

Using Certbot to obtain TLS certificate

Refer to Certbot site for help with this tool.

Create a DNS record entry that resolves to your EC2 instance IP address, and ensure assignStaticIP is configured to Yes in your CloudFormation stack.

Using certbot-dns-route53 plugin

Ensure that you have granted Route 53 hosted zone access by specifying r53ZoneID value in your CloudFormation stack. From terminal, run the below command based on installed web server type and follow instructions.

  • Apache
    sudo certbot --dns-route53 --installer apache
  • Nginx
    sudo certbot --dns-route53 --installer nginx

Using apache plugin

  • From terminal, run the below command and follow instructions.
    sudo certbot --apache

Using nginx plugin

  • From terminal, run the below command and follow instructions.
    sudo certbot --nginx

About your EC2 instance


To improve performance, reliability, scalability, high availability and functionality, EC2 instance can be extended to use other services such as Amazon RDS, Amazon S3, Amazon ElastiCache and Amazon EFS, and with AWS SDK for PHP. Some useful resources that can help with the integration include:


To futher secure your EC2 instance, you may want to


See CONTRIBUTING for more information.


This library is licensed under the MIT-0 License. See the LICENSE file.