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Using SageMaker Containers for SageMaker Training

This document discusses in detail how to use SageMaker Containers for training.

SageMaker Containers makes easier the process to bring your own container (BYOC). In this scenario, SAGEMAKER_PROGRAM, containing the name of the entry point script located under /opt/ml/code folder is the only environment variable required. Alternatively, a hyperparameter named sagemaker_program can be used. The workflow to train a BYOC container is a follows:

byoc training workflow

SageMaker invokes the CLI binary train when training starts. This binary invokes trainer.train(), the function responsible for creating the training environment, executing the entry point, and reporting results.

Training environment creation is encapsulated by training_env() function call, this function returns an TrainingEnv object. The TrainingEnv provides access to aspects of the training environment relevant to training jobs, including hyperparameters, system characteristics, filesystem locations, environment variables and configuration settings. It is a read-only snapshot of the container environment during training and it doesn't contain any form of state. Example on how a script can use TrainingEnv:

import sagemaker_containers

env = sagemaker_containers.training_env()

# get the path of the channel 'training' from the ``inputdataconfig.json`` file
training_dir = env.channel_input_dirs['training']

# get a the hyperparameter 'training_data_file' from ``hyperparameters.json`` file
file_name = env.hyperparameters['training_data_file']

# get the folder where the model should be saved
model_dir = env.model_dir
data = np.load(os.path.join(training_dir, file_name))
x_train, y_train = data['features'], keras.utils.to_categorical(data['labels'])
model = ResNet50(weights='imagenet')
..., y_train)

#save the model in the end of training, 'saved_model'))

Entry point execution is encapsulted by, user_entry_point, args, env_vars), it prepares and executes the user entry point, passing env_vars as environment variables and args as command arguments. If the entry point is:

  • A Python script: executes the script as ENV_VARS python entry point_name ARGS
  • Any other script: executes the command as ENV_VARS /bin/sh -c ./module_name ARGS

Usage example:

import sagemaker_containers
from sagemaker_containers.beta.framework import entry_point

env = sagemaker_containers.training_env()
# {'channel-input-dirs': {'training': '/opt/ml/input/training'}, 'model_dir': '/opt/ml/model', ...}

# reading hyperparameters as a dictionary
hyperparameters = env.hyperparameters
# {'batch-size': 128, 'model_dir': '/opt/ml/model'}

# reading hyperparameters as script arguments
args = env.to_cmd_args(hyperparameters)
# ['--batch-size', '128', '--model_dir', '/opt/ml/model']

# reading the training environment as env vars
env_vars = env.to_env_vars()
# {'SAGEMAKER_CHANNELS':'training',
#  'SAGEMAKER_CHANNEL_TRAINING':'/opt/ml/input/training',
#  'MODEL_DIR':'/opt/ml/model', ...}

# executes user entry point named as follow:
# SAGEMAKER_MODEL_DIR=/opt/ml/model python --batch-size 128 --model_dir /opt/ml/model'', args, env_vars)

If the entry point execution fails, trainer.train() will write the error message to /opt/ml/output/failure.

The entry point touches the sucess file under /opt/ml/success otherwise.

TensorFlow, MXNet, PyTorch, Chainer, and Scikit-Learn are Framework Containers. One difference between a Framework Container and a BYOC is while the latter includes the entry point under /opt/ml/code, the former doesn't include the user entry point and needs to download it from S3. The workflow is as follows:

framework containers training workflow

The subsections below will detail the integration between the SageMaker Python SDK and SageMaker Containers and how to create a framework container.

When the SageMaker Python SDK is used to create a training job with a framework containers, it passes special hyperparameters to the training job, which are parsed by SageMaker Container and the framework containers. For example:

from sagemaker.tensorflow import TensorFlow

model_dir = 's3://SAGEMAKER-BUCKET/hvd-job-377/model'

mpi_distribution = {
  'mpi': {
    'enabled': True,
    'custom_mpi_options': '-x HOROVOD_HIERARCHICAL_ALLREDUCE=1',
    'processes_per_host': 8}}

estimator = TensorFlow(entry_point='',
                       hyperparameters={'lr': 0.3},

When a training job is created using the estimator above, i.e. is called, the Python SDK will create additional hyperparameters and invoke the training job as follow:

import boto3

job_hyperparameters = {
  # user provided hyperparameters
  'lr': '0.3',

  # hyperparameters created by the Python SDK and used by SageMaker Containers
  'sagemaker_job_name': 'JOB_NAME',
  'sagemaker_program': '',
  'sagemaker_region': 'us-west-2',
  'sagemaker_submit_directory': 's3://SAGEMAKER-BUCKET/JOB_NAME/source.tar.gz'
  'sagemaker_container_log_level': '20',
  'sagemaker_mpi_enabled': 'true',
  'sagemaker_mpi_num_of_processes_per_host': '8',

  # hyperparameters created by the Python SDK and used by the TF container
  'model_dir': 's3://SAGEMAKER-BUCKET/hvd-job-377/model'

boto3.client('sagemaker').create_training_job(HyperParameters=job_hyperparameters, ...)

As you can see in the example, in addition to user-provided hyperparameters, the SageMaker Python SDK includes hyperparameters that will be used by SageMaker Containers and or the framework container. The most important SageMaker hyperparameters for training are:

  • sagemaker_program: name of the user-provided entry point, it is mandatory unless environment variable SAGEMAKER_PROGRAM is provided.
  • sagemaker_submit_directory: local or S3 URI location of the source.tar.gz file containing the entry point code. It is mandatory unless the code is already located under the /opt/ml/code folder.

The complete list of hyperparameters is available here.

A framework container is composed by a Dockerfile and framework-specific logic. Let's see the MXNet container as an example:


FROM mxnet/python

# install SageMaker Containers and SageMaker MXNet Container
RUN pip install sagemaker-containers sagemaker_mxnet_container

# set as framework entry point

In the example above, MXNet and Python libraries are already installed in the base container. The framework container only needs to install SageMaker Containers and the SageMaker MXNet container package. The environment variable SAGEMAKER_TRAINING_MODULE determines that the function train under the module training of the container package is going to be invoked when the container starts.

The training package

from sagemaker_containers.beta import framework

# name of the user entry point from sagemaker hyperparameter
user_entry_point = env.module_name

# local or S3 URI location of the source.tar.gz file
module_dir = env.module_dir

def train(env):
  env = framework.training_env()

The code above covers everything necessary for single training using MXNet. The following example includes framework specific logic required for distributed training.

def train(env):
  env = framework.training_env()

  ps_port = '8000'

  # starts the MXNet scheduler only in the first instance
  if env.current_host == 'algo-1':
      _run_mxnet_process('scheduler', env.hosts, ps_port)

  # starts MXNet parameter server in all instances
  _run_mxnet_process('server', env.hosts, ps_port)


The implementation of run_mxnet_process can be found here. The example above starts the mxnet scheduler in the first instance and starts the mxnet server in all instances.