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Releases: awslabs/amazon-kinesis-client-python

Release 2.1.5 of the Amazon Kinesis Client for Python

30 May 17:38
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Release 2.1.5 (May 29, 2024)

  • Fixed CI due to different macOS architecture PR #246
  • Added necessary Java SDKs to run sample PR #248
  • Upgraded boto dependency to boto3 PR #245
  • Upgraded AWS SDK from 2.19.2 to 2.25.11 PR #248
  • Upgraded aws-java-sdk from 1.12.370 to 1.12.668 PR #248

Release 2.1.4 of the Amazon Kinesis Client for Python

23 Apr 20:45
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Release 2.1.4 (April 23, 2024)

  • Upgraded KCL and KCL-Multilang dependencies from 2.5.2 to 2.5.8 PR #239
  • Upgraded ion-java from 1.5.1 to 1.11.4 PR #243
  • Upgraded logback version from 1.3.0 to 1.3.12 PR #242
  • Upgraded io.netty dependency from 4.1.86.Final to 4.1.94.Final PR #234
  • Upgraded Google Guava dependency from 32.0.0-jre to 32.1.1-jre PR #234
  • Upgraded jackson-databind from 2.13.4 to 2.13.5 PR #234
  • Upgraded protobuf-java from 3.21.5 to 3.21.7 PR #234

Release 2.1.3 of the Amazon Kinesis Client for Python

08 Aug 20:37
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  • Added the ability to specify STS endpoint and region PR #221
  • Upgraded KCL and KCL-Multilang Dependencies from 2.5.1 to 2.5.2 PR #221

Release 2.1.2 of the Amazon Kinesis Client for Python (June 29th, 2023)

29 Jun 21:41
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  • Added the ability to pass in streamArn to multilang Daemon PR #221
  • Upgraded KCL and KCL-Multilang Dependencies from 2.4.4 to 2.5.1 PR #221
  • Upgraded Google Guava dependency from 31.0.1-jre to 32.0.0-jre PR #223
  • Added aws-java-sdk-sts dependency PR #212

Release 2.1.1 of the Amazon Kinesis Client for Python

18 Jan 19:20
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What's Changed

Full Changelog: v2.1.0...v2.1.1

Release 2.1.0 of the Amazon Kinesis Client for Python

13 Jan 18:26
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What's Changed

Full Changelog: v2.0.6...v2.1.0

Release 2.0.6 of the Amazon Kinesis Client for Python

24 Nov 00:40
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Release 2.0.6 (November 23, 2021)

  • Upgraded multiple dependencies PR #152
    • Amazon Kinesis Client Library 2.3.9
    • ch.qos.logback 1.2.7

Release 2.0.5 of the Amazon Kinesis Client for Python

11 Nov 20:52
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Release 2.0.5 (November 11, 2021)

  • Upgraded multiple dependencies PR #148
    • Amazon Kinesis Client Library 2.3.8
    • AWS SDK 2.17.52
  • Added dependencies
    • AWS SDK json-utils 2.17.52
    • third-party-jackson-core 2.17.52
    • third-party-jackson-dataformat-cbor 2.17.52
  • Updated samples/ reflecting support for InitialPositionInStreamExtended
    • Related: #804 Allowing user to specify an initial timestamp in which daemon will process records.
    • Feature released with previous release 2.0.4

Release 2.0.4: Fix breaking release 2.0.3

26 Oct 18:10
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Release 2.0.4 (October 26, 2021)

  • Revert/downgrade multiple dependencies as KCL 2.3.7 contains breaking change PR #145
    • Amazon Kinesis Client Library 2.3.6
    • AWS SDK 2.16.98
  • Upgraded dependencies
    • jackson-dataformat-cbor 2.12.4
    • AWS SDK 1.12.3

Release 2.0.2 of the Amazon Kinesis Client for Python

04 Jun 18:35
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Release 2.0.2 (June 4, 2021)

  • Upgraded multiple dependencies in PR #137
    • Amazon Kinesis Client Library 2.3.4
    • AWS SDK 2.16.75
    • AWS Java SDK 1.11.1031
    • Amazon ion java 1.5.1
    • Jackson 2.12.3
    • io.netty 4.1.65.Final
    • typeface netty 2.0.5
    • reactivestreams 1.0.3
    • guava 30.1.1-jre
    • Error prone annotations 2.7.1
    • j2objc annotations 2.7.1
    • Animal sniffer annotations 1.20
    • slf4j 1.7.30
    • protobuf 3.17.1
    • Joda time 2.10.10
    • Apache httpclient 4.5.13
    • Apache httpcore 4.4.14
    • commons lang3 3.12.0
    • commons logging 1.2
    • commons beanutils 1.9.4
    • commons codec 1.15
    • commons collections4 4.4
    • commons io 2.9.0
    • jcommander 1.81
    • rxjava 2.2.21
  • Added Amazon Glue schema registry 1.0.2