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HashTable Tokenizer


The HashTable Tokenizer is a C++ implemented hash table designed for efficient tokenization. This project provides a solution to convert text into numeric tokens and vice versa, facilitating the intermediate processing of large language modele. The implementation uses a custom hash function with separate chaining to resolve collisions, optimized for quick retrieval and insertion of token-word pairs.



  • Custom Hashing: Implements a unique hashing function for distributing words efficiently across the hash table.
  • Separate Chaining: Utilizes separate chaining to handle collisions, ensuring fast access even with hash conflicts.
  • No STL Libraries: Developed without the use of Standard Template Library (STL) to meet project constraints.
  • Efficient Tokenization: Supports operations to tokenize text to numeric tokens and retrieve text from tokens.
  • Memory Management: Careful handling of memory allocation and deallocation to prevent leaks and ensure optimal performance.

Getting Started


Ensure you have a C++ compiler installed on your system (GCC recommended). This project does not require any external libraries.


To compile the project, navigate to the project directory and use the provided Makefile:



After compilation, you can run the program using:

./a.out < input_file

Where input_file is a file containing a sequence of commands as described in the "Commands" section.


This project accepts the following commands:

  • M m: Initializes a new hash table with size m.
  • INSERT word: Inserts a word into the tokenizer.
  • READ filename: Reads words from a specified file.
  • TOKENIZE word: Returns the token associated with the word.
  • RETRIEVE t: Retrieves the word associated with token t.
  • STOK string_of_words: Tokenizes a string of words.
  • TOKS string_of_tokens: Turns a string of tokens back into words.
  • PRINT k: Prints the keys stored at position k in the hash table.


The input files should end with the string "EXIT", which will terminate the program. The output for each command is either a success or failure message, a token, a word, or a series of tokens or words depending on the command.


For a detailed explanation of the program's design and implementation, refer to the design document included in the repository.


To test the project with Valgrind for memory leaks:

valgrind ./a.out <

Replace with your test input file.


Contributions to the HashTable Tokenizer are welcome. Please feel free to fork the repository, make changes, and submit pull requests.