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This repository is the final project (Java GUI) of the Object Oriented Programming Class, Informatics Engineering, Universitas Padjadjaran.

Challenge Guide

The Snake game is a game where the player controls a line that grows in length, with the line itself being the main obstacle.


NPM Name
14080190009 Farhan Gunadi
14080190025 Aghniya Abdurrahman Mannan
14080190037 Bagas Adi Firdaus

Change log

  • Sprint Planning - (18 November 2020)

    • Divide tasks for the first week
    • Create Sprint 1
  • Sprint 1 - (18 November 2020 - 24 November 2020)

    • Making board games
    • Create a snake object and place it on the board
    • Create apple objects and place them on the board randomly
    • Make movement of snake object
  • Sprint 2 - (25 November 2020 - 02 December 2020)

    • Create a scoring system
    • Make game ending condition
    • Create application start and end conditions
  • Sprint 3 - (03 December 2020 - 09 December 2020)

    • Create application start and end conditions
    • Created an additional condition where the snake's movement is accelerated if the user presses the shift key
    • Cleaned up the code and complements

Running Application

The main file used in this program is

1. Open Terminal in the IDE you are using

2. Run the class

javac src/

3. Run the class

javac src/
java src/

4. Enjoy the game

Class Used

1. Main Application -

  • The main program to handle Display and Gameplay

2. Gameplay -

  • Class for running game process
  • 13 Variable Classes
    • snake head: Image Icon
    • Timer: Timer
    • delay: to
    • SnakeBody: ImageIcon
    • speedUp: AtomicBoolean
    • snakeHeadXPos: int
    • appleImage: ImageIcon
    • xPos: int
    • yPos: int
    • titleImage: ImageIcon
    • High score: String
    • arrowImage: ImageIcon
    • shiftImage: ImageIcon
  • 6 Methods
    • Gameplay() - For constructor classes
    • paint(g) - For frame/UI design
    • drawString(g, text, x, y) - to display a string on the screen with \n in it
    • actionPerformed(e) - Used to set the snake's movement
    • keyPressed(e) - To set conditions when pressing keyboard keys
    • keyReleased (e) - To set when user release/press shift

3. Score -

  • Class to set the score game
  • 1 Variable Class
    • score: be
  • 7 Methods
    • Score() - For constructor classes
    • increaseScore() - To increase/increase score
    • resetScore() - To reset score
    • getScore() - to return value to Gameplay view
    • getHighScore() - Function to get HighScore
    • sortHighScore() - to sort high scores
    • saveNewScore() - Function to write new score in file

4. Snake -

  • Class to manage snake
  • 9 Variable Class
    • snakexLength: int []
    • snake length: int []
    • lengthOfSnake: int
    • move: to
    • left: boolean
    • right: boolean
    • top: boolean
    • bottom: boolean
    • death: boolean
  • 10 Methods
    • Snake() - For constructor classes
    • moveRight() - To move the snake to the right
    • moveLeft() - To move the snake to the left
    • moveUp() - To move the snake up
    • moveDown() - To move the snake down
    • dead() - Function turns off so as not to repeat writing code many times
    • movementRight() - For snake movement to the right
    • movementLeft() - For snake movement to the left
    • movementUp() - For snake movement up
    • movementDown() - For downward movement of the snake

5. Apple -

  • Class to set the position of the apple when the game starts
  • 2 Variable Class
    • applexPos: int[]
    • appleyPos: int []
  • 0 Method



Leading Assumptions and App Design Details

  • App Design
    • The game board is designed with a size of 100x100 cells.
    • Game will start when user press SPACEBAR
  • Score
    • The game starts with a score = 0 and will increase by 1 every time you eat an apple
    • When the program is first run, the highscore will be = 0
    • High score will be saved when snake has been played to death (game over)
    • The program will store the 10 highest highscores
    • Highscore will not disappear even if the application is closed
    • Score will be saved in highscore.dat
  • Snake
    • The initial length of the snake before it starts = 5 cells and will increase by 1 cell every time it eats an apple
    • The snake will die when it hits the wall or hits the body
    • Boostspeed when pressing SHIFT on the keyboard
    • Every time the score reaches a multiple of 5, the snake moves faster
    • Boostspeed adjusts the speed of the snake
  • Apple
    • Apples will appear randomly when the game starts
    • Apple size 1 cell


  1. Before the game starts Start Game

  2. After the game ends End Game


Snake Game using Java







No releases published



Contributors 4

