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Sampler component of 6.111 (Introductory Digital Systems Laboratory) final project

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Sampler component of 6.111 (Introductory Digital Systems Laboratory) final team project. Notes adapted from project writeup.

Block Diagram



The Sampler consists of a Sample Controller, a Storage Controller, and a Playback module. The Sample Controller and Storage Controller were fully functional by the end of the project, but the Playback module suffered from a few bugs that prevented correct audio output. However, these should be easily correctable to achieve full functionality.

The Sampler nominally runs at 100MHz. However, the SD card runs at 25MHz, and the DDR RAM runs at 200MHz. Theoretically, the Sampler’s core modules should be fine running at 200MHz as well, but this was not tested.

The block diagram omits a few top level wires that were used for debugging, and has explicit widths for some busses that were parameterized, showing the values used in the final version of the design.

Storage Controller

The storage controller provides an interface between the SD card and the RAM. The storage controller turned out to be the most complex part of the Sampler, and was split into two sub-modules to organize its functionality.

SD Interface

The first module that makes up the storage controller is the SD Interface. It interfaces with the Nexys 4 SD interface provided by the course staff, and adds a FSM that allows the FPGA to read SD cards that have been prepared with a Python script. The Python script extracts the samples from the WAV files (skipping the headers for simplicity) and inserts “magic words” (0xDEADBEEF, 0xCAFED00D, and 0xFEE1DEAD) as separators corresponding to the beginning and end of each audio file as well as end of the data loaded on the SD.

The SD Interface FSM starts a read once the FPGA is powered on and the SD card is ready, then continues to start 512 byte reads until the end of the written data is reached. The SD Interface receives the number of requests currently stored in the Arbiter, the second module of the Storage Controller, and if there is not space for another full 512 byte read, the FSM waits until some requests have been processed before starting another read. The version of the FSM used for the final checkoff of the project stays in a “done” state after loading and never needed to write to the SD card, but the FSM can easily be altered to go back to the ready state to trigger more than one load in future versions. In addition, the FSM could be easily expanded to support writing data back to the SD card.

The SD Interface buffers the bytes it receives and passes them to the Arbiter in 16 bit chunks. In addition, it signals when the first bytes of a new file are being sent to the Arbiter.

The largest challenge in implementing the SD Interface was that it runs at 25 MHz, while the rest of the FPDJ system runs at 100-200MHz. This was mainly an issue because it was a detail that was forgotten until hardware testing started, but it was fairly easy to handle.


The Arbiter acts as an interface to the DDR RAM. In the current design, it is connected to the SD Interface and the Playback module, but it could be easily generalized into a port system that would allow it to be quickly connected to a recording module or other modules that need RAM access.

The Arbiter consists of a FIFO IP core and two FSMs. The FIFO is configured as a First Word Fall Through FIFO for performance, but the design works with a standard FIFO as well. In addition, the FIFO was configured with a depth of 1024 just in case the SD card outputs two full 512 byte reads without any of the incoming data being written to the RAM, but in practice, because the SD card is only running at 25MHz while the Arbiter runs at 100MHz,

The Arbiter receives “requests” from the SD Interface and Playback modules, which need to write to and read from the RAM, respectively. Requests are 33 bits wide and have the following structure:

  • bits 31:30 - READ or WRITE (10 or 11)
    • Read requests:
      • Bits 30:27 - request ID number (described in Playback module section)
      • Bits 26:0 - RAM address
    • Write requests:
      • Bit 30 - new file (1 or 0)
      • Bits 29:16 - unused
      • Bits 15:0 - data to write

The first FSM in the Arbiter is the Request FSM. When the SD Interface or Playback module assert their “incoming request” wire, the Request FSM adds the request to the FIFO. If both modules assert a request at once, it adds them one at a time. The Request FSM also contains internal registers to ensure that it only adds one register per assertion of the incoming request wires. This prevents duplicate requests being added due to the requesting modules having different clock speeds than the Arbiter (for example, the SD Interface, which runs at 25MHz, while the Arbiter runs at 100MHz) and therefore asserting a “one cycle” signal for much longer than one clock cycle inside the Arbiter. This design strategy turned out to be very useful in ensuring that actions that were only supposed to happen once did in fact only occur once, as unexpected signal hold times can occur from FSM transition time in addition to different clock domains.

The second FSM is the RAM FSM. It idles until the FIFO contains at least one request, then reads a request and either reads from or writes to the RAM based on the request type. To do this, the FSM sends signals to the Ram2Ddr component provided by Digilent, which creates a standard SRAM interface for communicating with the DDR. The RAM FSM holds the RAM control wires at the correct values for long enough to meet the timing specifications of the DDR, then moves on to the next request. Based on the type of request, the RAM FSM also outputs whether it is writing a new file along with the address it has just11 written to or the request ID number of the sample it has just read from RAM, and these pieces of information are sent to the Sample Controller and Playback Module, respectively. Because the Nexys 4 has more than enough space to store 15 audio files, the RAM FSM simply starts at RAM address zero and increments upwards. However, this would be straightforward to change if more complex memory organization was needed.

The Arbiter took a lot of planning to design. The two FSMs were initially combined, but this resulted in incoming requests being missed if the Arbiter was currently holding the RAM control wires for a read or write. After the FSMs were separated, care had to be taken to ensure that the Request FSM was the only one adding data to the FIFO and the RAM FSM was the only one reading data out of the FIFO so that multiple driver errors did not occur. In addition, once it was noted that the SD card runs at 25MHz, the registers had to be added to the Request FSM to prevent duplicate requests being added. Simulating and hardware testing both the SD Interface and Arbiter was also difficult. Simulating required figuring out how to read data files into the testbench, which was not very clearly documented. Hardware testing was a challenge even with an ILA module because of the number of signals that needed to be tracked, which significantly increased implementation time, and because the RAM does not provide any sort of acknowledgement of a successful write, so testing did not really occur until the Playback module was also implemented. In retrospect, it would have been a much better idea to create a simple top simulation level to verify each part of the storage controller in the hardware before the entire Sampler was complete.

Sample Controller

The sample controller translates input from the Sequencer (another teammate's component) into memory addresses that are sent to the playback module.

As described above, when the SD card detects it is reading a new file, it sends a signal to the Arbiter, which then signals and outputs the RAM address when it actually writes the beginning of the new file. The Sample Controller stores the incoming addresses in an array of 15 registers and maintains a pointer for which register to update next. The pointer wraps around from the last to the first register so that registers will be overwritten if more than 15 samples are loaded. Similarly to the Arbiter, the Sample Controller uses an “already updated” flag to prevent duplicate addresses being stored to mitigate issues with longer than expected input signals.

When the Sequencer sends a nonzero trigger number to the Sample Controller, it sends the starting address stored in the register with the trigger number to the Playback module.

The Sample Controller was the simplest module to implement. Due to its simplicity, the Sample Controller can be easily parameterized in the future to support more than 15 samples at once.


The Playback module handles reading samples from the RAM and mixing their sound data together to create the final audio output for the Sampler. While the Playback module was not completely functional for the project checkoff, the architecture is fully in place to play multiple audio files at once after a few bugs are fixed.

The Playback module is organized into a number of playback “slots.” The current design was implemented with 30 playback slots, though the theoretical maximum is somewhere around 100 depending on how timing actually works out on the hardware and between modules (23 microseconds in between each 44.1kHz sample clock pulse divided by 210 nanoseconds minimum DDR read time according to the Digilent Ram2Ddr spec).

Each slot consists of a RAM address, a data buffer, and two flags to track whether the slot has generated a RAM request in the current sample clock cycle and whether it has received data back from the RAM in the current sample clock cycle. In addition, the Playback module has three registers to prevent issues arising from longer than expected input signal lengths, just as the Arbiter and Sample Controller do.

When the Playback module gets a starting address from the Sample Controller, it loads the address plus two (to avoid the first two start of file magic word bytes) into the next available slot using a pointer that wraps around so that the oldest slots are replaced first. A potential improvement to this mechanism would be tracking which slots are empty so that old but still playing slots are skipped in favor of jumping to a newer, empty slot.

At each pulse of the 44.1kHz sample clock, the Playback module begins to look at one slot per clock cycle. If the current slot is at the end of the file, it is cleared. Otherwise, if the slot is not empty and the current slot has not yet received data during this sample clock cycle, the Playback module generates a playback request which is sent to the Arbiter. As described in the request structure, each playback request includes an ID which corresponds to the number of the slot generating the request. When a request is generated, the address stored in the slot is updated for the next sample clock cycle.

When the Arbiter signals that there is data ready from the RAM, it also provides the ID that was in the request that retrieved the available data. Using the ID, the Playback module updates the corresponding slot’s flags and shifts the new data into the corresponding slot’s buffer. While shifting the data into the buffer, the Playback module switches the order of the two bytes so that they are read in the correct order for actual audio output, as WAV files store their samples in little endian format.

As data is shifted into the corresponding slot’s buffer, the data that is being shifted out is added to a register that stores the overall audio mix for the current sample clock cycle. The audio being added to the mix register is shifted to prevent clipping. At each pulse of the sample clock, the contents of the mix register are sent to the overall audio output of the playback module, and the cycle begins again for the next set of audio samples.

The Playback module turned out to be significantly more complicated than expected, and was difficult to debug in hardware as it also relied on the full functionality of the Sample Controller and Storage Controller. Similarly, simulating it either required a slow simulation including both of the other modules, or faking the input data, which does not always provide an accurate model of timing between the modules.

While the architecture for the Playback module appeared to work in simulation, there seemed to be some bugs that were not debugged in time for checkoff. The main issues of unintelligible playback despite seemingly correct output when debugging using an ILA module that appeared during checkoff were caused by forgetting to switch the byte order to account for the little-endianness of WAV files. In addition, the wrong bits were not passed to the PWM and the PWM was not biased correctly, but that would not have fixed the byte ordering issue. Even when the PWM and byte ordering were fixed after checkoff, the audio output, while clear, occured at half the expected speed (with a corresponding lowering in pitch). This is most likely due to a miswiring somewhere higher up, but nothing obvious was found. There also appears to be a bug when triggering multiple samples in a row on hardware, although this bug does not appear at all in simulation. Finally, shifting the data being added to the mix was not implemented until after checkoff, but as the overall audio output was not functional then, trying to mix samples without shifting was not fully tested on the hardware. Despite these issues, the Playback module seems to be close to functional, and once fixed in the future, will allow the Sampler to be fully functional.

The Playback module would also benefit from future restructuring, as some of the flags it uses may be redundant, and it contains nested if statements that should be optimized. In addition, Vivado seemed to be unable to implement the slot registers as BRAM as expected, and used separate registers for each slot instead. The reason for this was not particularly clear, but other fixes may resolve this as a side effect.

Sampler Conclusion

Although the audio output was not fully functional by the time of checkoff, designing the Sampler was a very rewarding process. The most interesting parts of the design were working with components in multiple clock domains and creating an inter-module communication system that can be generalized to other designs using the DDR RAM in the future. Making sure that signed values for audio data were correctly propogated through the design also required some extra attention to detail. In addition, learning how to write testbenches that read datafile and looked at internal uut signals was a good learning experience, and figuring out how to use Verilog header files was also useful.

The design process would probably have been smoother if each component had been tested on the hardware after it was simulated, rather than simulating each component until the entire Sampler was complete, then trying to debug the entire thing on the FPGA. This would have involved effectively writing “hardware testbenches” for each module, but the end result would have probably made debugging much easier. In addition, small but important details such as the SD card running at a slow clock speed and WAV data being stored in little-endian format should have been noted early and handled during the initial design process, not realized during the debug process and fixed at the end.


Sampler component of 6.111 (Introductory Digital Systems Laboratory) final project






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