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Folders and files

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Folder structure: gliderstudio > classes, plots, data

Place .csv files you want to process inside data/mydata.

Run script main.m.

Plots will be saved as into plots/plots_mydata (format: same-name-as-csv-file.png).

Glider data (position, rotation and height) will be saved into a .mat file (format: same-name-as-csv-file.mat).

Structure and details

  • data: data collected in the Motion Studio and saved as csv files
    • any subfolder created here is referred as sessionfolder
    • mydata : place here csv files you want to process
    • data60 : datasets where body was visible for 60% or more frames
  • plots: generated plots will be saved here
    • any subfolder created here is referred as plotfolder
    • plotsdata60 : plots from data60 datasets
    • plots_mydata: plots will be saved here
  • classes: custom for importing and managing tracking data (see below)
    • MyBatch : helps parsing through multiple files inside trackingData > sessionfolder
    • MyTake : helps importing and plotting tracking data from single csv file
    • MyGlider : helps modifying data for glider studio purposes

Options used for Motive's Export Data:

  • Enabled: Header info, Markers, Rigid Body Bones
  • Units: milimeters (mm)
  • Rotation: XYZ
  • Global coordinates
  • solver settings: default



Parse through a folder with tracking data (.csv files).

Folder structure: parentfolder (where code is) > datafolder > sessionfolder > csv files.


  • sessionfolder : folder inside datafolder (string)
  • datafolder : default "trackingData/"
% create object to use data methods
mysession = MyBatch;
mysession = mysession.newBatch("trackingData/", sessionfolder);

Relevant outputs:

  • folderpath: path (relative to current folder) to the data files
  • filename: name of csv file inside sessionfolder.
% get folderpath
folderpath = mysession.folderpath;
%  get name of k-th file within session folder
filename = mysession.getfname(k);


Import data from a single csv file; run checks to get rid of gaps (when all markers were occluded) and extra frames (after glider hit the floor or left MoCap arena). Access time and 6DoF rigid body pose in global coordinates wrt Motion Studio global frame of reference.

GLOBAL frame of reference: ORIGIN ~ middle of MoCap arena; ORIENTATION: Y-up, X positive towards entrance door


  • folderpath
  • filename

Relevant outputs:

  • time: array with time stamps of data collection
  • position: XYZ body position wrt to global coordinates, in mm
  • rotation: XYZ rotation wrt to global coordinates, between -180 - 180 degrees
    % new take object
    take = MyTake;
    % collect data and runs checks
    take =, fpath);

    % get data for analysis
    [time, position, rotation] = take.getData;

Note: no changes in data (no interpolation, change of coordinates, angle etc).


  • 3D data points in global frame, in meters for better visualization
  • Rotation angles (also wrt global frame), between -180 - 180 degrees
    % plot tracking data in global coordinates
    plotfoldername = "takePlots";
  • Figure
    • title: name of rigid body
    • subtitle: take name
  • Save as
    • .png file
    • in chosen plotfoldername (located inside parentfolder)
    • file name: take name


Beatriz Asfora, PhD.

Motion Studio, Cornell University


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