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🐛 Bug
🐛 Bug
Something isn't working
🧰 Dependency
🧰 Dependency
Any dependency change (add / remove / downgrade / update)
💬 Discussion
💬 Discussion
A documentation of decisions + ensuing discussion
📚 Documentation
📚 Documentation
Improvements or additions to documentation
👥 Duplicate
👥 Duplicate
This issue or pull request already exists
🎨 Enhancement
🎨 Enhancement
Improvements to existing code / functionality
⚗️ Experiment
⚗️ Experiment
Trying something out, not sure if it will work
✨ Feature
✨ Feature
New addition to the codebase (feature, utility, component, etc.)
🧑‍💻 Help wanted
🧑‍💻 Help wanted
Extra attention is needed
⚖️ Legal
⚖️ Legal
Law breakers will be punished
🧐 Question
🧐 Question
Further information is requested
🔖 Release
🔖 Release
Merge of this PR triggers a new release
🧪 Testing
🧪 Testing
Relating to testing of this code
🛠️ Tooling
🛠️ Tooling
Relating to build tooling or deployment