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Implement a New Synchronization Service

There has been major refactoring in this software to make it more generic and extendable and should hopefully be straightforward to support a new synchronization between two arbitrary services using syncall. If in doubt, have a look at an existing synchronization (e.g., Taskwarrior <-> Google Keep) and mimic the way things are done there. That being said, you should be comfortable with python before attempting to do so.

Let's say you want to implement synchronization of the items of service alpha, with the items of service beta.

syncall, out-of-the-box, provides you with the following:

  • A clear, well-tested framework, built on top of item-synchronizer to synchronize items of two arbitrary services.
  • A mechanism to detect when a synchronization side contains modifications or additions and thus, trigger the right actions on the other side/service.
  • Various resolution strategies to do the right thing in case of a conflict (e.g., an item modification on both synchronization sides) in a clear and flexible manner.
  • Clear and detailed logging of the actions it's taking during the synchronization process and a summary of what's been done by the end of it. It also provides -v, -vv etc. flags to tweak the verbosity of the logging accordingly.

The following need to be done:

  1. Implement a new top-level executable ( Add a line about this executable in pyproject.toml (under [tool.poetry.scripts]) so that it's installed as part of the python package. See for example tw_notion_sync. This executable should take care of setting the command line interface with the user of the tool, read credentials for connecting to the synchronization services, and most importantly invoke the Aggregator.

    We're making use of click for CLI parsing across the top-level executables, and you can find command-line flags to re-use in the app_utils package.

  2. Create a new Synchronization Side class for communicating with service alpha and a new synchronization Side class for communicating with service beta. If one of these sides already exists, e.g., NotionSide, you can just reuse that.

    This class should implement the SyncSide abstract class and should abide to the following interface.

    def start(self):
        """Initialization steps.
        Call this manually. Derived classes can take care of setting up data
        structures / connection, authentication requests etc.
    def finish(self):
        """Finalization steps.
        Call this manually. Derived classes can take care of closing open connections, flashing
        their cached data, etc.
    def get_all_items(self, **kargs) -> Sequence[ItemType]:
        """Query side and return a sequence of items
        :param kargs: Extra options for the call
        :return: A list of items. The type of these items depends on the derived class
        raise NotImplementedError("Implement in derived")
    def get_item(self, item_id: ID, use_cached: bool = False) -> Optional[ItemType]:
        """Get a single item based on the given UUID.
        :use_cached: False if you want to fetch the latest version of the item. True if a
                     cached version would do.
        :returns: None if not found, the item in dict representation otherwise
        raise NotImplementedError("Should be implemented in derived")
    def delete_single_item(self, item_id: ID):
        """Delete an item based on the given UUID.
        .. raises:: Keyerror if item is not found.
        raise NotImplementedError("Should be implemented in derived")
    def update_item(self, item_id: ID, **changes):
        """Update with the given item.
        :param item_id : ID of item to update
        :param changes: Keyword only parameters that are to change in the item
        .. warning:: The item must already be present
        raise NotImplementedError("Should be implemented in derived")
    def add_item(self, item: ItemType) -> ItemType:
        """Add a new item.
        :returns: The newly added event
        raise NotImplementedError("Implement in derived")
    def id_key(cls) -> str:
        Key in the dictionary of the added/updated/deleted item that refers to the ID of
        that Item.
        raise NotImplementedError("Implement in derived")
    def summary_key(cls) -> str:
        """Key in the dictionary of the item that refers to its summary."""
        raise NotImplementedError("Implement in derived")
    def last_modification_key(cls) -> str:
        """Key in the dictionary of the item that refers to its modification date."""
        raise NotImplementedError("Implement in derived")
    def items_are_identical(
        cls, item1: ItemType, item2: ItemType, ignore_keys: Sequence[str] = []
    ) -> bool:
        """Determine whether two items are identical.
        .. returns:: True if items are identical, False otherwise.
        raise NotImplementedError("Implement in derived")

    Note that items passed to and from the Side class are pure python dictionaries.

  3. Create two conversion methods, one to convert an alpha item to a beta item, and a second one to convert a beta item to an alpha item. The convention is to name them convert_tw_to_notion and convert_notion_to_tw. These methods should be relatively short. See for example tw_notion_utils.

You shouldn't need to tinker with:

  • The item-synchronizer/Synchronizer class. That's the meat of the synchronization process and it's independent of the sides that you want to synchronize.
  • The Aggregator class. This sets the stage for calling the Synchronizer and should also be independent of the sides that you want to synchronize.