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Deploy Astro site to Pages

An astro ready made template for writing docs fast using markdown.


cloning repository

you'll have to first clone the repository.

git clone


you'll then install all the projects dependancies.
you can use npm, yarn pnpm e.t.c

npm install


you'll have to run the development server for easy development.

npm run dev

configuring the sidebar

the left sidebar is configuration is on the src/content.ts file.
edit the file in order to change the content of the sidebar.

// src/content.ts
export const sidebarStructure = [
    label: "Getting Started",
    children: [
        label: "introduction",
        path: "./docs/introduction",
        label: "installation",
        path: "./docs/installation",

configuring the right sidebar happens in the markdown/mdx file in the `content` folder.

example content/docs/introduction.mdx.

title: "Introduction"
outline: ["getting-started", "installation"]

rest of the markdown...

adding content

To add more content to the template, just add more markdown\mdx files to the content/docs directory.
The routing is done automatically by Astro, read about router here.

deployment and build

static files are generated hence your docs can be deployed anywhere you want, read more here.

to build run:

npm run build


MIT license (do what you want)