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Boilerplate for React / Express app written in TS


This is a web application boilerplate that integrates React, Vite, Express, and TypeScript. This setup provides a robust development environment with hot module replacement for the frontend and an efficient build system for both frontend and backend.


  • React for building user interfaces.
  • Vite (with swc) for an ultra-fast frontend development experience.
    • Includes css modules
  • Vite for front-end builds
  • Express for API endpoints
  • TypeScript for adding type safety to JavaScript.
  • vscode debugging for frontend / backend
  • Esbuild for efficient backend builds.
  • Proxying of api endpoints through Vite environment during development
  • Common typings between frontend and backend
  • esLint with rules from recent projects
  • prettier with the standard rules
  • Jest testing setup with one example test file
  • File-based routing (/src/pages for all routes)
  • /src/public for static assets
  • Docker deployment working
    • Only prod setup for now


  • Express .env reference is the typical process.env.VALUE
  • Client-side (build time by Vite) .env reference is import.meta.env.VALUE


  • Did them all!


  1. To get started, clone the repository and install the dependencies:

    git clone
    cd vite-express-ts
    npm install
  2. Then create a .env file by copying .env.sample to .env

  3. Run /scripts/ (used for docker deploys only)



To start both the frontend and backend in development mode, run:

npm run dev

This will start the Vite development server for the frontend and the Express server for the backend concurrently.

Available at http://localhost:5100


To build the application for production:

npm run build

This script builds both the frontend and backend parts of the application. The result is put in .local/vite/distand .local/express/dist respectively.

Start Production Server

After building, start the production server with:

npm run start

This runs a simple node ./.local/express/dist/api.js command to start the express server that serves the /api/v1 endpoints.

Deploy via Docker

  • npm run docker:preview:rebuild
    • Builds two docker images:
      • nginx
        • vite is used to build the front-end (React) to static assets in /.local/vite/dist
        • these are copied into the nginx image at the default nginx path
        • /api/v1/ routes are proxied to the express server
      • express
        • esbuild is used to build to a static file /.local/express/dist/api.js
        • this file is copied to a node container and run with node /api.js
  • npm run docker:preview to start the containers
  • Go to https://localhost to hit the nginx server


  • src/: Contains the source code for the React frontend.
  • src/server/: Contains the source code for the Express backend.
  • .local/vite/dist: Destination for the built frontend files.
  • .local/express/dist: Destination for the built backend server files.