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About AnnotaPipeline

Integrated tool to annotate hypothetical proteins developed by Laboratório de Bioinformática at Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina (Brazil).

AnnotaPipeline was tested in Unix-based systems. We strongly recommend to use Unix-based systems or Mac. AnnotaPipeline was not tested in Windows.

If you have questions, suggestions or difficulties regarding the pipeline, please do not hesitate to contact our team here on GitHub or by email: [email protected].

Analysis description checks all required parameters in AnnotaPipeline.yaml before execution

1. Gene prediction

Run AUGUSTUS for gene prediction, using these required arguments:

  • strand
  • genemodel
  • species
  • protein
  • introns
  • start
  • stop
  • cds

You can also use these optional arguments:

Or add augustus argument below augustus-optional: (as described in example config file)

  • hintsfile
  • extrinsicCfgFile
  • UTR

After gene prediction, sequences are "cleaned" based on minimal sequence size from seq-cleaner on AnnotaPipeline.yaml.

.aa, .cdsexon and .codingseq sequences are extracted from GFF output using (AUGUSTUS script).

.aa sequences are used for subsequent analysis. .codingseq sequences are used for transcriptomics analysis (optional).

2. Similarity analysis

Similarity analysis run through, which executes blastp with format 6 output (parsed after run) on predicted proteins (cleaned) against SwissProt:

  • qseqid
  • sseqid
  • sacc
  • bitscore
  • evalue
  • ppos
  • pident
  • qcovs
  • stitle

    evalue and max_target_seqs given by user

This output is parsed to find annotations in the secondary database. The keyword list in AnnotaPipeline.yaml is used to exclude potential hypothetical annotations.

Hits are classified – as a potential annotation – if: (i) it doesn't have any words in the keyword list, and (ii) passed value thresholds for identity, positivity and coverage. All potential annotations – hits that passed all criteria – are present in BASENAME_SwissProt_annotations.txt for manual check.

Potential annotations are ranked by bitscore and the best hit is assigned to the corresponding protein. Proteins that aren't annotated based on SwissProt annotations, are separated in BASENAME_BLASTp_AA_SwissProted.fasta and blastp is rerun against the secondary database (selected in AnnotaPipeline.yaml).

Following the same process, BASENAME_SpecifiedDB_annotations.txt classifies potential annotations.

Annotation files:

  • BASENAME_annotated_products.txt contains all annotations
  • BASENAME_hypothetical_products.txt contains hypothetical proteins with no hits that passed all criteria(which doesn't have a single hit that passes all criteria) are present in BASENAME_hypothetical_products.txt
  • BASENAME_no_hit_products.txt contains proteins with no hits – against SwissProt and the secondary database – that are treated as hypothetical for subsequent analysis

3. Functional annotation

Functional analysis runs in two different ways:

  • For annotated proteins:
    • InterProScan is used (with configured databases) to get ontology and IPR terms
  • For hypothetical proteins (which includes no_hit_products):
    • InterProScan, RPS-BLAST and HMMER are used to find hits of possible functions of predicted proteins

Software arguments:

Optional arguments can be given in AnnotaPipeline.yaml for InterProScan, HMMER and RPS-BLAST (not tested)

  • InterProScan – for annotated and hypothetical proteins – uses -goterms and -iprlookup arguments.
  • hmmscan runs with --noali argument and user values for evalue and domE. It also uses Pfam database.
  • RPS-BLAST runs with evalue and max_target_seqs arguments given in AnnotaPipeline.yaml and -outfmt 6 "qseqid sseqid sacc bitscore evalue ppos pident qcovs stitle". RPS-BLAST uses CDD database.


  • join outputs for both InterProScan runs in a single file called InterProScan_Out_BASENAME.txt. This file summarizes outputs for each predicted protein.
    • Coils, Gene3D and MobiDBLite databases are structural databases and are excluded from this output.
  • RPS-BLAST information for hypothetical proteins are summarized in BASENAME_Grouped_Hypothetical_Information.txt as it gives long descriptions. It may be helpful to find functional hints for proteins.
  • uses InterProScan results with parsed files from BLAST results to generate All_annotated_products.txt. This file joins gene annotation (from BLAST) with functional annotation (from InterProScan) using GOs and IPR values. This file is used to annotate sequences (aminoacid and nucleotide) in FASTA and GFF files.

4. Optional: Transcript quantification

Transcript quantification uses Kallisto and transcripts (.codingseq provided by AUGUSTUS) with RNA-seq data given by user.

Analysis starts with kallisto index and is followed by kallisto quant:

Both methods uses bootstrap value provided by user

  • 1 – paired-end data – using estimated average fragment length (l) and estimated standard deviation of fragment length (s)

    • Optional arguments for paired-end data if given by user in AnnotaPipeline.yaml


  • 2 – single-end data – using REQUIRED arguments estimated average fragment length (l) and estimated standard deviation of fragment length (s) given by user in AnnotaPipeline.yaml


  • removes hits – by TPM value – below the threshold parameter from proteomics section. Possible thresholds are:
    • Median
    • Mean
    • Float value (user input)
  • Parsed output file is called BASENAME_Transcript_Quantification.tsv and contains a simplified result of Kallisto output (abundance.tsv) with target_id and TPM value

5. Optional: Peptide identification

WARNING 1: Faild runs for Comet MS/MS don't crash AnnotaPipeline, so check AnnotaPipeline_Log.log to assure all spectrometry files produced outputs

WARNING 2: Before run, check if your comet.params file is compatible with installed comet version

Proteomics analysis uses Comet MS/MS with comet.params config given by user. In this file, our script overwrite values for following parameters:

  • decoy_search = 1
  • output_pepxmlfile = 0
  • output_percolatorfile = 1
  • decoy_prefix = DECOY_

Comet MS/MS runs with:

  • Modified comet.params
  • Annotated protein file
  • Path containing mass spectrometry files (comet-spectrometry param) and extension (comet-ext param)
    • Extension can be mzXML, mzML, Thermo raw, mgf, and ms2 variants (cms2, bms2, ms2)
  • Optional arguments first and last are used, if given, and overwrite cutoff values defined in comet.params

Comet MS/MS outputs (files with .pin extension) and raw files are moved to current directory.

Percolator runs for each .pin file with default parameters.

Percolator outputs are parsed by using percolator-qvalue (AnnotaPipeline.yaml). Raw files are maintained. quantitative_proteomics function uses parsed Percolator files to create BASENAME_Total_Proteomics_Quantification.tsv.

This output quantifies (all spectometry outputs):

  • Unique Peptide – number of unique peptides found across the entire dataset
  • Total Peptide – number of total peptides found across the entire dataset
  • Unique Spectrum – number of unique spectrum found across the entire dataset
  • Total Spectrum – number of unique spectrum found across the entire dataset

Last but not least integrates all outputs (in a single file summarizing all annotations found for each protein) from:

  • Prediction and similarity analysis
  • Functional annotation
  • Transcriptomic (if used)
  • Peptide identification (if used)

How to setup

AnnotaPipeline requires the following software to run properly:

You will also need to install AUGUSTUS (available at if you want to run this pipeline starting with gene/protein prediction.

Before executing, please modify the necessary fields in the configuration file (AnnotaPipeline.yaml).

Download databases


Choose one secondary database:

  • TrEMBL (available at

  • EuPathDB (available at

    • AmoebaDB
    • CryptoDB
    • FungiDB
    • GiardiaDB
    • HostDB
    • MicrosporidiaDB
    • PiroplasmaDB
    • PlasmoDB
    • ToxoDB (tested)
    • TrichDB
    • TriTrypDB (tested)
  • NCBI | NR Database (available at

    TIP: You can use a subset of the NR Database

  • Custom Database: You can set a custom database if you provide the pattern to get descriptions in the fasta file.


    Sequences from the Arabidopsis database (ArabdopsisDB Tair10) are separated by pipes ("|") with protein descriptions in the 3th field.

    >AT1G51370.2 | Symbols:  | F-box/RNI-like/FBD-like domains-containing protein | chr1:19045615-19046748 FORWARD LENGTH=346

    It is possible to use AnnotaPipeline with the Tair10DB changing the following parameters:

    • secondary-format set to custom
    • customsep set to "|"
    • customcolumn set to 2

    NOTE: customcolumn is set to 2 because indexing starts at 0.

InterProScan: Tested databases

WARNING: Installation through conda/mamba requires manual download and configuration of InterProScan databases

  • CDD
  • Gene3D
  • Hamap
  • Panther
  • Pfam
  • Pirsf
  • Pirsr
  • Prints
  • PrositePatterns
  • PrositeProfiles
  • Sfld
  • Smart (unlicenced)
  • Superfamily
  • Tigrfam
  • Coils
  • MobiDBLite

Using conda

  1. Download Annota_environment.yaml file

  2. Create environment

    2.1 with default conda

    conda env create -n <desired_name> -f Annota_environment.yaml

    2.2 with mamba (speedup installation)

    conda update -n base conda
    conda install -n base -c conda-forge mamba
    mamba env create -n <desired_name> -f Annota_environment.yaml
  3. Activate environment

    conda activate <desired_name>
  1. Download databases

  2. Configure InterProScan databases and AnnotaPipeline.yaml

Setup AUGUSTUS species for personalized predictions

  1. Locate AnnotaPipeline environment home
    echo $CONDA_PREFIX
  1. Go to $CONDA_PREFIX/config/species
    cd $CONDA_PREFIX/config/species
  1. Add custom species folder (trained results)

Manual install

  1. Clone repository
   git clone
  1. Run (Scripts will be available at $PATH)
  1. Install required softwares:

  2. Optional softwares

  3. Download databases

  4. Configure AnnotaPipeline.yaml

Setup AnnotaPipeline.yaml

TIP: If you already have InterProScan locally installed and configured, use it instead (as an alternative to conda installation – interpro vanilla)

We recommend using our example configuration file as a guide (config_example.yaml).

How to run can run with three different options:

Protein file as input -c AnnotaPipeline.yaml -p protein_sequences.fasta

This is the simplest execution of AnnotaPipeline.

The annotation process will begin with the submitted protein_sequences.fasta and will contain a simplified version of header.

Also, this way to run will not produce and annotated GFF output.

Genome file as input -c AnnotaPipeline.yaml -s genomic_data.fasta

This is the complete execution of AnnotaPipeline.

It will execute gene/protein prediction based on genomic_data.fasta utilizing AUGUSTUS and the predicted proteins will initiate the annotation process.

Given the prediction process, it is important to use a trained AUGUSTUS model for your species before executing AnnotaPipeline.

Protein and GFF files as input -c AnnotaPipeline.yaml -p protein_sequences.fasta -gff gff_file.gff

You can execute AnnotaPipeline with this command line if you already have .aa and .gff files from previous AUGUSTUS predictions. The submitted .gff needs to be in GFF3 format.

The annotation process is the same as the genomic data input, the difference being you will skip gene prediction and start with similarity analysis.


AnnotaPipeline, it will output five main files (along with many others in their respective folders):

  • All_Annotated_Products.txt contains all unique sequence identifiers and their respective annotations (with functional annotations – when present).
  • Annota_BASENAME.fasta contains all sequences and their annotations (with functional annotations – when present) in FASTA format.
  • BASENAME_Annotated_GFF.gff contains all sequences and their annotations (with functional annotations – when present) in GFF3 format.

    This file is absent in Protein file as input run mode

  • AnnotaPipeline_BASENAME_transcripts.fasta contains nucleotide sequences for predicted proteins, with the same features present in the protein file.
  • AnnotaPipeline_BASENAME_Summary.tsv summarizes hits for each protein in similarity, functional, transcriptomics (if used) and proteomics analysis (if used).

Raw outputs are listed inside output folders:

  • 1_GenePrediction_BASENAME – AUGUSTUS files
  • 2_SimilarityAnalysis_BASENAME – BLASTP analysis
  • 3_FunctionalAnnotation_BASENAME – InterProScan/HMMER/RPS-BLAST analysis
  • 4_TranscriptQuantification_BASENAME – Kallisto analysis
  • 5_PeptideIdentification_BASENAME – Comet MS/MS and Percolator analysis

The output folders and files will be located in the same folder you executed the pipeline.

Output Files


If you used AnnotPipeline in your research, please cite us

AnnotaPipeline: An integrated tool to annotate eukaryotic proteins using multi-omics data

...And the following papers:

If you used Transcriptomics module, please also cite:

If you used Proteomics module, please also cite:


No releases published



Contributors 4

