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A client side angular library to work with




Install using npm by running

npm install @bloomscorp/ngx-bloomsight



Use the app.module.ts to configure the library.

import {NgxBloomsightModule} from '@bloomscorp/ngx-bloomsight';

    declarations: [AppComponent],
    imports: [
            propertyToken: '65143f755c403e030c222340',
            isDevelopmentMode: true,
            stopAll: false,
    providers: [],
    bootstrap: [AppComponent]
export class AppModule { }

Below is the table with all the possible options that can be configured.

Option Type Description Mandatory Default
propertyToken string property token NA
isDevelopmentMode boolean if true, then logs data in the browser console NA
observePageViaWebAPI boolean if true, will detect page view event based on web APIs. However, if false, pageViewObserver should be used to trigger page view event true
stopSimpleEvent boolean stops only simple event tracking false
stopDataEvent boolean stops only data event tracking false
stopPageViewEvent boolean stops only page view event tracking false
stopAll boolean stops all event tracking false
logOnly boolean tracks event but doesn't save to database. Should be used only when isDevelopmentMode: true false

Page View Event

To tracking website visits for your angular application just initialize BloomsightEventService service in app.component.ts.

import {BloomsightEventService} from '@bloomscorp/ngx-bloomsight';

constructor(public bloomsightService: BloomsightEventService) { }

Simple Event

Use the resolveSimpleEvent method to log simple events

import {BloomsightEventService} from '@bloomscorp/ngx-bloomsight';

constructor(public bloomsightService: BloomsightEventService) { }

    .resolveSimpleEvent('65d735b122354c8ba6a489c2', 'Contact Us CTA button');
Option Type Description Mandatory Default
eventToken string Id of simple event NA
label string a label/name for the event for future reference ''

Data Event

Use the resolveDataEvent method to log data events

import {BloomsightEventService} from '@bloomscorp/ngx-bloomsight';

constructor(public bloomsightService: BloomsightEventService) { }

        productId: 120,
        sku: 'PROD021298'
    'Add to Wishlist CTA button'
Option Type Description Mandatory Default
eventToken string Id of data event NA
eventData Object additional metadata in key, value format NA
label string a label/name for the event for future reference ''

Send Email

Use sendEmail method to send email

import {BloomsightMailService} from '@bloomscorp/ngx-bloomsight';

constructor(public bloomsightMailService: BloomsightMailService) { }

Option Type Description Mandatory Default
engineId string Id of the engine that will be used to send email NA
templateId string Id of the email template that will be used as email body NA
templateOwnerId string Id of the user who has created the template NA
emailMetaData FormData attachment & variables used in the template & their respective values in key, value format NA
onSuccess function pass a function to trigger on successfully sending email NA
onError function pass a function to trigger when an error occurs NA




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