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Step by Step Tutorial of Setting up IAM for Watson Assistant service within an IBM Cloud Account

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IAM Step by Step Tutorial - Watson Assistant

Table of Contents

Reason for Migration
Best Practices brainstorming prior to IAM setup
Recommended Migration Path Order
Access Policy and Resource Group Considerations
Code refactoring considerations prior to migration
Parallel testing considerations
Prereq1 RG Creation and Assignment and Resource access
Prereq2 Assign access within access group via access policies
Path1 New IAM enabled instance provisioning
Path2 Migration of CF Services

Reason for Migration:

  • Watson service use of the CF org/space access model is being deprecated on October 30, 2019. The Watson Assistant premium service instances must also be migrated by June 1, 2019. The IBM Watson Group is aligning with the larger IBM Cloud strategy for account organization and access control to service instances. This involves enabling Identity and Access Management (IAM) and Resource Groups

Best Practices brainstorming prior to IAM setup:

  • Think about the project in your organization you wish to organize in the context of IAM.
  • Think about the platform and infrastructure resources(users & services) you will use for this project
  • Think about the region(s) you will deploy the environment/services
  • Think about the users who will need various levels of access to work on this project & their responsibilities
  • Think about DevOps architecture patterns, delivery & sample environments you will need such as: development, testing, staging, production
  • If you do not already have an appropriate DevOps pipeline style organization/naming convention for CF services, it is recommended when setting up IAM.
    • CF space to RG replacement/mapping: projectname-dev-CF --> projectname-dev-RG
    • projectname-dev-RG, projectname-testing-RG, projectname-staging-RG, projectname-production-RG
    • this will ensure isolation so no mistaken what environment the users are working in
    • access groups: devs(users only have access to dev resources), operators(users only have access to prod resources), testers(users only have access to test resources), but you can assign a user to multiple access groups test test
  • For Premium there is not a 1 CF space to 1 RG correlation, you can only add services to 1 overall RG in premium

Recommended Migration Path Order:

  • Lite instances/services
  • Standard instances/services (non production:development,testing,staging)
  • Standard instances/services (production)*
  • Plus instances/services (non production:development,testing,staging)
  • Plus instances/services (production)*
  • Premium instances/services (non production:development, testing,staging)
  • Premium instances/services (production)*

Access Policy and Resource Group Considerations

  • Platform access for users to add to access policies, create a skill, provision new instances, bind services such as Cloudant
  • Recommended to create an access group that contain a specific set of users so that you can assign the access group(permissions) to the resource group which contain the resources you want them all to have access all at once to e.g. devs
  • can only have one instance/slot per RG
  • Only the account owner can create resource groups and administrators can create access groups
  • Resource Groups cannot be deleted because they are tied to billing and you also cannot change names

Code Refactoring Considerations Prior to Migration:

  • Update the environment files with the new authentication(username/pw to api key and workspace id/skill id), endpoints
  • Update the SDK to a new SDK that manages tokens.
  • Code changes to SOE to ingest new authentication.

Parallel Testing Considerations

  • Create a from(state) --> to(state) diagram to communicate to stakeholders what has been completed, what is left to be completed
  • Each step of the process (code refactoring step, migration of non prod instance 1 etc. ) should be tested & assess before continuing on with the process
  • CF instance becames an alias pointing to the IAM-enabled instance indicated by chainlink icon, should be able to test both CF credentials(username/pw) and IAM(api key) until October 2019.
  • Switch users to the new IAM-enabled instances
  • Run CF/IAM enabled instances in parallel until behavior is expected then drain users off

Step by Step Walkthrough of IAM Process in IBM Cloud

Prereq1 RG Creation and Assignment and Resource access

test test

Prereq2 Assign access within access group via access policies

  • Access groups can be (developers, testers)
  • Add users to assign to the access group
  • Assign users to access policies

test test test test test test test test test

Path1 New IAM enabled instance provisioning:

  • Watson Assistant Premium users are allocated 1 premium slot which contain 30 instances. For every production Watson Assistant CF service instance create an equivalent IAM-enabled Watson Assistant service instance within the same resource group, then shift the data from the old to the new as instructed below:

Production Service Instances

  1. Provision new instances of Watson Assistant service utilizing RG test

  2. Create new Watson Assistant(s) & skill(s) test test

  3. Export skill JSON from old CF service(Watson Assistant) & Import into new IAM-enabled RG service(Watson Assistant) test test test test

  4. (premium only) Tell the WA Premium team what that new RG name and ID region(if Dallas or Frankfurt) are for each instance via support ticket


Path2 Migration of CF Services

Non-Production Service Instances

  1. Within the IBM Cloud Dashboard click Cloud Foundry Services & you should see the migrate icon test

  2. (premium only) Tell the WA Premium team what that new RG name and ID and region(if Dallas or Frankfurt) are for each instance via support ticket

  3. Click the Migrate link after hovering over Migrate icon or choose to utilize the breadcrumb icon--> migrate to resource grouptest

  4. Choose a resource group to migrate your service to then click migrate and click done on migrate successful popup, service should now be found under "Services" and should not have a migrate icon test test test


Step by Step Tutorial of Setting up IAM for Watson Assistant service within an IBM Cloud Account






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