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Joynr Java Settings

The following describes which settings can be made in Java, either by:

  1. Default settings file (provided by joynr)
  2. Properties file (persisted properties)
  3. Programmatically
  4. OS environment settings
  5. Java System settings

Defaults: All defaults are set in and The properties that must be overriden for a normal deployment (assuming you are not just testing on localhost) are marked below as REQUIRED.

Precedence: Java system settings take precedence over OS enviromnent settings and so on (see order above).

OS environment settings: Since . is not allowed in OS environment settings, every . in the property key has to be replaced by a _ when used in OS environment settings. E.g.: joynr_messaging_mqtt_brokerurisinstead of joynr.messaging.mqtt.brokeruris.


  1. Default settings file: Cannot be modified (shipped with joynr).

  2. Properties file (persistence file): Add property to a joynr persistence file (paths of persistence files can be configured):


Persistence files are loaded automatically when the joynr runtime is created.

  1. Programmatically: Add property to the joynrConfig before the joynr runtime is created;
Properties joynrConfig = new Properties();
joynrConfig.setProperty(joynr.setting.key, value);

See also Java guide, JEE guide.

  1. OS environment settings: Add environment variable joynr_settings_key with value value. Every . in the property's key has to be replaced by a _.

  2. Java System settings: When running a java standalone application (e.g. example.jar), use -D to set system properties:

java -Djoynr.settings.key=value -jar example.jar



When shared subscriptions are enabled for MQTT the channel ID identifies the cluster. Each node of the cluster must use the same value. If no channel ID is specified a random UUID will be used as the channel ID.


When shared subscriptions are enabled for MQTT the receiver ID identifies a node within a cluster. If no receiver ID is specified a random UUID will be used as the receiver ID.


This property allows establishing two mqtt connections in parallel. One is used for publishing and one for subscribing. This can be used to enhance throughput.

  • Type: String
  • User property: joynr.messaging.mqtt.separateconnections
  • Default value: false


When a proxy is built, the max. duration of the arbitration process can be limited by setting the discoveryTimeoutMs attribute of a DiscoveryQos object that is then passed to the proxy builder. If no discovery timeout is specified this way, the default value will be read from this property.

  • Type: long
  • User property: joynr.discovery.defaultTimeoutMs
  • Unit: milliseconds
  • Default value: 600000


If a proxy is built and the corresponding provider cannot be found immediately, the lookup on the capabilities directory will be repeated after a certain time interval. The length of this interval can be specified by setting the retryIntervalMs attribute of a DiscoveryQos object that is then passed to the proxy builder. If no retry interval is specified this way, the default value will be read from this property. See also PROPERTY_DISCOVERY_MINIMUM_RETRY_INTERVAL_MS.

  • Type: long
  • User property: joynr.discovery.defaultRetryIntervalMs
  • Unit: milliseconds
  • Default value: 10000


Minimum value for DiscoveryQos.retryIntervalMs, see PROPERTY_DISCOVERY_DEFAULT_RETRY_INTERVAL_MS. The minimum will be applied automatically if the provided value is smaller.

  • Type: long
  • User property: joynr.discovery.minimumRetryIntervalMs
  • Unit: milliseconds
  • Default value: 2000


If a provider is registered, its expiry date will be set to 'now + N'. N is the value of this property.

  • Type: int
  • User property: joynr.discovery.provider.defaultexpirytimems
  • Unit: milliseconds
  • Default value: 3628800000 (6 weeks)


The maximum length of a text message the WebSocket transport is able to send/receive.

  • Type: int
  • User property: joynr.messaging.maxmessagesize
  • Default value: 4000000


The number of threads used by the message router to send joynr messages.

  • Type: int
  • User property: joynr.messaging.maximumparallelsends
  • Default value: 20


The maximum allowed time-to-live (TTL) of joynr messages. The TTL used in a joynr message is set on the proxy builder using the messaging QoS object. These TTLs are only accepted up to the maximum value defined by this property.

  • Type: long
  • User property: joynr.messaging.maxttlms
  • Default value: 2592000000 (30 days)


A routing table entry has an expiry date; once this point in time has been passed, the entry can be removed from the routing table. The expiryDateMs is calculated or updated based on the message ttls plus this grace period in milliseconds.

  • Type: long
  • User property: joynr.messaging.routingtablegraceperiodms
  • Default value: 30000


The number of milliseconds between two consecutive invocations of the routing table cleanup

  • Type: long
  • User property: joynr.messaging.routingtablecleanupintervalms
  • Default value: 60000


The message router sends joynr messages through different messaging middlewares (WebSockets, MQTT, ...) using middleware-specific messaging stubs. On transmission errors the message router initiates a retransmission.

If the messaging stub does not provide information on when to retry message transmission, the message router will use the send message retry interval defined by this property to delay the message transmission and start a new transmission attempt. Multiple unsuccessful retransmission attempts will add an additional exponential backoff to delay message transmission.

The maximum delay between such retransmission attempts can be configured with PROPERTY_MAX_DELAY_WITH_EXPONENTIAL_BACKOFF_MS.

The message router tries to resend a message until its TTL expires or the maximum number of retries is reached, see PROPERTY_ROUTING_MAX_RETRY_COUNT.

  • Type: long
  • User property: joynr.messaging.sendmsgretryintervalms
  • Default value: 3000


The message router sends joynr messages through different messaging middlewares (WebSockets, MQTT, ...) using middleware-specific messaging stubs. On transmission errors the message router initiates a retransmission until the message's TTL expires.

If PROPERTY_ROUTING_MAX_RETRY_COUNT is set, this value is used as upper bound on the number of send retries. If either the message's TTL expires or the maximum number of retries is reached, no further retransmission attempts are initiated and the message is dropped with an error log message.

  • Type: long
  • User property: joynr.messaging.routingmaxretrycount
  • Default value: -1 (retry count is not taken into account)


The message router sends joynr messages through different messaging middlewares (WebSockets, MQTT, ...) using middleware-specific messaging stubs. On transmission errors the message router initiates a retransmission until the message's TTL expires. The time till the next retransmission increases exponentially with each unsuccessful retransmission.

The maximum time can be limited by setting PROPERTY_MAX_DELAY_WITH_EXPONENTIAL_BACKOFF_MS. Please make sure to set a value higher than PROPERTY_SEND_MSG_RETRY_INTERVAL_MS.

If PROPERTY_MAX_DELAY_WITH_EXPONENTIAL_BACKOFF_MS is set, this value is used as upper bound for the added time to the retry interval by the exponential backoff algorithm.

  • Type: long
  • User property: joynr.messaging.maxDelayWithExponentialBackoffMs
  • Default value: -1 (no maximum delay for retry interval)


The cluster controller sends a freshness update message to the global discovery directory every PROPERTY_CAPABILITIES_FRESHNESS_UPDATE_INTERVAL_MS milliseconds. The global discovery directory updates the lastSeenDateMs of all capabilities registered via this cluster controller.

  • Type: long
  • User property: joynr.capabilities.freshnessupdateintervalms
  • Default value: 21600000 (6 hours)


The GBIDs (Global Backend IDentifiers) of the backends for the cluster controller to connect to. A GBID identifies a single backend independently of its address. This is necessary for multiple backends, since the URI/URL of a backend can differ depending on external circumstances. In case of MQTT, a backend (GBID) consists of all joynr participants (consumers and providers) which are connected to the same MQTT broker, i.e. all participants that can be reached via this broker.

The first defined GBID is used as default for the global capabilities directory and provider registration. The GBIDs are mapped to transport specific URLs. In case of MQTT, a Broker-Uri has to be defined for each GBID in the Property MqttModule.PROPERTY_MQTT_BROKER_URIS.

Currently, only MQTT is supported for multiple backends.

This property has to be provided as one line where the GBIDs are separated by commas. This also means that ',' is an invalid character for a GBID.

  • REQUIRED for cluster controller runtime with enabled global transport.
  • Type: String
  • User property: joynr.messaging.gbids
  • Default value: joynrdefaultgbid

Persistence settings


If the file based participant ID storage (PropertiesFileParticipantIdStorage) is used, participant IDs of registered providers are persisted to this file and reused for further registrations to the same interface and domain combination.

  • Type: String
  • User property: joynr.discovery.participantids_persistence_file
  • Default value:

Properties to override the DiscoveryEntries of the joynr backend services

The following properties can be used to override the provisioned DiscoveryEntry for the GlobalCapabilitiesDirectory (GCD) without providing a provisioning file for all required DiscoveryEntries (see section PROPERTY_PROVISIONED_CAPABILITIES_FILE).

Note: Specifying an incomplete entry by, e.g., setting the participant ID to an empty value will result in the system failing to start.


The channel ID (topic in case of Mqtt) of the global capabilities directory (backend). To be able to connect to the global capabilities directory a discovery entry is created in the local capabilities directory as well as an appropriate routing table entry.

To override the default value from the provisioning file, PROPERTY_GLOBAL_CAPABILITIES_DIRECTORY_URL has to be configured as well. This property will be ignored otherwise.

  • Type: String
  • User property: joynr.messaging.capabilitiesdirectorychannelid
  • Default value: discoverydirectory_channelid


The participant ID of the global capabilities directory (backend). To be able to connect to the global capabilities directory a discovery entry is created in the local capabilities directory as well as an appropriate routing table entry.

To override the default value from the provisioning file, PROPERTY_GLOBAL_CAPABILITIES_DIRECTORY_URL has to be configured as well. This property will be ignored otherwise.

  • Type: String
  • User property: joynr.messaging.capabilitiesdirectoryparticipantid
  • Default value: capabilitiesdirectory_participantid


In case the capabilities directory is using MQTT as its primary transport (default):
The value you set here is ignored. It still has to be set to a non empty value to enable overriding of the other fields of the capabilities directory discovery entry. The GCD is always contacted via one of the configured MQTT connections (PROPERTY_MQTT_BROKER_URIS, PROPERTY_GBIDS). By default, the first (default) GBID of PROPERTY_GBIDS is used.

See also the static capabilities provisioning documentation below.

  • REQUIRED to override the provisioned GCD DiscoveryEntry to connect to the GCD
  • Type: String
  • User property: joynr.messaging.gcd.url
  • Default value: ``


The domain of the discovery services (backend). To be able to connect to the global discovery directory (capability directory) a discovery entry is created in the local capabilities directory.

To override the default value from the provisioning file, PROPERTY_GLOBAL_CAPABILITIES_DIRECTORY_URL has to be configured as well. This property will be ignored otherwise.

  • Type: String
  • User property: joynr.messaging.discoverydirectoriesdomain
  • Default value: io.joynr


LimitAndBackpressureSettings contains the properties that are related to incoming MQTT requests and the possible ways of dealing with a heavy load situations, i.e. when requests are processed slower (by joynr or the invoked provider implementations) than their arrival rate. The following diagram describes how joynr determines whether backpressure should be applied:

Determining message acknowledgement

The upper threshold mentioned in this diagram is PROPERTY_MAX_INCOMING_MQTT_REQUESTS - (PROPERTY_KEY_MQTT_RECEIVE_MAXIMUM * number of connected MQTT brokers). When a message is processed, then the number of remaining unprocessed requests is checked again. If that number is lower or equal to PROPERTY_BACKPRESSURE_INCOMING_MQTT_REQUESTS_LOWER_THRESHOLD, backpressure mode is disabled and any unacknowledged Mqtt5Publishes are acknowledged.

Exiting backpressure mode

If multiple GBIDs are connected to, the threshold at which messages stop being acknowledged decreases proportionally to the amount of GBIDs. This is to enforce the limit set by PROPERTY_MAX_INCOMING_MQTT_REQUESTS, as each connection can have up to PROPERTY_KEY_MQTT_RECEIVE_MAXIMUM unacknowledged requests.

Backpressure configuration examples


Setting this limit protects a joynr instance against consuming too much memory. This may be the case if the processing of requests (meaning RPCs and fire-and-forget methods) coming over MQTT is slower than their incoming rate and there is a resulting need of queueing them. Before the set maximum is reached, further incoming MQTT requests will not be acknowledged anymore, so that only the configued maximum of requests can be received by the client. New requests coming over MQTT will be accepted again when the processing of previous ones is completed. When backpressure is enabled, then this value has to be set. Otherwise the joynr runtime will fail to start with an exception.

  • Type: int
  • User property: joynr.messaging.maxincomingmqttrequests
  • Default value: 0


Controls whether the backpressure mechanism is active. When backpressure is enabled it is required to set reasonable values also for PROPERTY_MAX_INCOMING_MQTT_REQUESTS, PROPERTY_KEY_MQTT_RECEIVE_MAXIMUM and PROPERTY_BACKPRESSURE_INCOMING_MQTT_REQUESTS_LOWER_THRESHOLD. In case that at startup an invalid value combination for these three properties is detected an IllegalArgumentException is thrown.

  • Type: Boolean
  • User property: joynr.messaging.backpressure.enabled
  • Default value: false


Requires PROPERTY_MAX_INCOMING_MQTT_REQUESTS > 0 and will have effect only if additionally PROPERTY_BACKPRESSURE_ENABLED is set to true. After the joynr client has entered backpressure mode, backpressure mode can be exited again when the number of currently unprocessed requests falls back to this limit. It has to be strictly lower than PROPERTY_MAX_INCOMING_MQTT_REQUESTS - (PROPERTY_KEY_MQTT_RECEIVE_MAXIMUM * number of connected MQTT brokers).

  • Type: int
  • User property: joynr.messaging.backpressure.incomingmqttrequests.lowerthreshold
  • Default value: 20

Access Control


Enables or disables access control checks.

  • Type: boolean
  • User property: joynr.accesscontrol.enable
  • Default value: false



compress all outgoing replies by default, even if the request was not compressed. If the property set to be false then replies are only compressed if the corresponding request is set to be compressed.

  • Type: boolean
  • User property: joynr.messaging.compressreplies
  • Default value: false


Set the mqtt prefix to be prepended to replyTo topics when using shared subscriptions. If shared subscriptions are disabled, the unicast prefix is used, i.e. the replyTo address is the same as the global address for provider registration.

  • Type: String
  • User property: joynr.messaging.mqtt.topicprefix.sharedsubscriptionsreplyto
  • Default value: replyto/


Can be used to set the cluster topic prefix (shared by all nodes in a MQTT cluster-node configuration).

  • Type: String
  • User property: joynr.messaging.mqtt.topicprefix.unicast
  • Default value: ``


Set the mqtt prefix to be prepended to multicast topics.

  • Type: String
  • User property: joynr.messaging.mqtt.topicprefix.multicast
  • Default value: ``



Define how many simultaneous unacknowledged QoS 1 and QoS 2 publications we are ready to receive from the Mqtt Broker. When backpressure is enabled, backpressure mode is entered when PROPERTY_MAX_INCOMING_MQTT_REQUESTS - (PROPERTY_KEY_MQTT_RECEIVE_MAXIMUM * connected MQTT brokers (GBIDs)) unfinished requests are queued. The result of the above calculation must not be zero or less, else the joynr runtime will fail with an exception.

  • Type: int
  • User property: joynr.messaging.mqtt.receivemaximum
  • Default value: 65535


List of URIs of the MQTT broker backend services for the cluster controller to connect to.

The amount of Broker-Uris has to be equal to the amount of defined GBIDs, defined in ConfigurableMessagingSettings.PROPERTY_GBIDS.

  • tcp://HOST:PORT: use insecure connection

  • mqtt://HOST:PORT: use insecure connection

  • ssl://HOST:PORT: use secure connection, for this you will have to provide keystore and truststore

  • tls://HOST:PORT: use secure connection, for this you will have to provide keystore and truststore

  • mqtts://HOST:PORT: use secure connection, for this you will have to provide keystore and truststore

  • REQUIRED if using the MQTTModule

  • Type: String

  • User property: joynr.messaging.mqtt.brokeruris

  • Default value: tcp://localhost:1883


The username the cluster controller uses to authenticate against the MQTT broker backend service.

  • Type: String
  • User property: joynr.messaging.mqtt.username
  • Default value:


The password the cluster controller uses to authenticate against the MQTT broker backend service.

  • REQUIRED if using the MQTTModule and PROPERTY_KEY_MQTT_USERNAME is configured with a non-empty value
  • Type: String
  • User property: joynr.messaging.mqtt.password
  • Default value:


Sets the path to a jks keystore file with a client certificate and the corresponding private key.

This is used to authenticate the client at the server (mqtt broker) side, if enabled.

  • REQUIRED if using the ssl connection with client authentication enabled
  • Type: String
  • User property: joynr.messaging.mqtt.ssl.keyStore
  • Default value: ""


Sets the type of the keystore file.

  • Type: String
  • User property: joynr.messaging.mqtt.ssl.keystoretype
  • Default value: JKS


Sets the path to a keystore file with a trusted CA certificate.

This certificate will be used by the client to verify the MQTT brokers' certificate.

  • REQUIRED if using ssl connection
  • Type: String
  • User property: joynr.messaging.mqtt.ssl.truststore
  • Default value: ""


Sets the type of the truststore file.

  • Type: String
  • User property: joynr.messaging.mqtt.ssl.truststoretype
  • Default value: JKS


Sets the keystore's password

  • REQUIRED if using client authentication
  • Type: String
  • User property: joynr.messaging.mqtt.ssl.keyStorePassword
  • Default value: ""


Sets the truststore's password

  • REQUIRED if using ssl connection
  • Type: String
  • User property: joynr.messaging.mqtt.ssl.trustStorePassword
  • Default value: ""


If an error occurs on the MQTT connection, joynr will wait for this time (in milliseconds) before trying to connect again.

  • Type: int
  • User property: joynr.messaging.mqtt.reconnect.sleepms
  • Default value: 1000


Sets the "keep alive" interval measured in seconds. If no message is transmitted during this period, the client sends a ping message which is acknowledged by the server. This allows a client to detect disconnects without using TCP/IP mechanisms. A value of 0 disables the "keep alive" mechanism.
For multiple backends, a value has to be provided for each specified GBID. The values must be passed as a string of int values separated by commas, e.g. 60,30,0...

  • OPTIONAL, REQUIRED if multiple Broker URIs are configured
  • Type: String
  • User property: joynr.messaging.mqtt.keepalivetimerssec
  • Default value: 30


Sets the connection timeout measured in seconds. This value states how long a client will wait until a network connection to the server is established. A value of 0 means that a client will wait until the network connection is established successfully or fails.
For multiple backends, a value has to be provided for each specified GBID. The values must be passed as a string of int values separated by commas, e.g. 60,30,0...

  • OPTIONAL, REQUIRED if multiple Broker URIs are configured
  • Type: String
  • User property: joynr.messaging.mqtt.connectiontimeoutssec
  • Default value: 60


{{% note %}} Attention: this option is always enabled in JEE since Joynr version 1.22.0. Use this key to activate shared subscription support by setting the property's value to true. Shared subscriptions are a feature of HiveMQ which allow queue semantics to be used for subscribers to MQTT topics. That is, only one subscriber receives a message, rather than all subscribers. This feature can be used to load balance incoming messages on MQTT. This feature is useful if you want to run a cluster of JEE nodes. Make sure to use the same fixed participant IDs for the providers in all nodes of the cluster. See Joynr Java Developer Guide.

  • Type: Boolean
  • User property: joynr.messaging.mqtt.enable.sharedsubscriptions
  • Default value: false


Configures whether the mqtt client shall establish a clean session to the broker. Subscriptions will be reestablished by joynr in any case.

  • Type: Boolean
  • User property: messaging/joynr.messaging.mqtt.cleansession
  • Default value: false


Allows the configuration of ciphersuites to be used by the HiveMQ MQTT client. Ciphersuites have to be listed separated by commas eg. CIPHERSUITE1,CIPHERSUITE2,... . Defined ciphersuites must not be empty. By default (if the property is not set), the default ciphersuites are used.

  • Type: String
  • User property: joynr.messaging.mqtt.ssl.ciphersuites
  • Default value: ""


Configures whether the hostname verification for TLS connections shall be disabled. Please handle with care, this option should not be used on production systems! It can serve as a workaround to bypass certain certificate issues in test environments when the actual hostname used is not part of the list of hostnames provided by the certificate (e.g. wrt. SAN list). The hostname verification is included in recent Java versions, especially in Java 11 required by joynr 1.18.x and later. Earlier versions of Java 8 required by previous Joynr versions up to Joynr 1.16.x did not include it.

  • Type: Boolean
  • User property: joynr.messaging.mqtt.disablehostnameverification
  • Default value: false


Configures whether the MQTT connections to the broker should be started when the runtime is started. If this is true, it will do the whole process of configuring the clients and try to connect. If this is false, it will only configure the clients, but not try to connect.

An example where this could be necessary is if the application is listening to external signals on what the connection status of the MQTT Clients should be. When receiving these signals, the application should obtain the MqttClientSignalService object using Guice and call the start or stop methods depending on whether it should connect or disconnect from the broker.

MqttClientSignalService will be expecting these external signals that will tell it to start or stop the clients.

The default value is true because that is the most common use case where the runtime will want to connect to the broker right away on startup.

Note: If you're using JEE, this is not available and you should not change the default value of true.

  • Type: Boolean
  • User property: joynr.messaging.mqtt.connectonstart
  • Default value: true



The participant ID of the discovery provider on the cluster controller. On the one hand, the cluster controller assigns this participant ID to the discovery provider, on the other hand, the libjoynr connects the discovery proxy to this participant ID and creates an appropriate routing table entry. Hence, this config must match between processes using a libjoynr to connect to a cluster controller and the cluster controller process itself.

  • Type: String
  • User property: joynr.messaging.discoveryproviderparticipantid
  • Default value: CC.DiscoveryProvider.ParticipantId


The participant ID of the routing provider on the cluster controller. On the one hand, the cluster controller assigns this participant ID to the routing provider, on the other hand, the libjoynr connects the routing proxy to this participant ID and creates an appropriate routing table entry. Hence, this config must match between processes using a libjoynr to connect to a cluster controller and the cluster controller process itself.

  • Type: String
  • User property: joynr.messaging.routingproviderparticipantid
  • Default value: CC.RoutingProvider.ParticipantId


The domain used to register system serivces (i.e. discovery and routing provider) on the cluster controller. On the one hand, the cluster controller registers system serivces on this domain, on the other hand, the libjoynr connects the discovery and routing proxy to this domain and creates appropriate discovery entries. Hence, this config must match between processes using a libjoynr to connect to a cluster controller and the cluster controller process itself.

  • Type: String
  • User property: joynr.messaging.systemservicesdomain
  • Default value: io.joynr.system



The host running a cluster controller with activated web socket transport to connect to.

  • REQUIRED if using the WebsocketModule to connect a Java libjoynr to the Cluster Controller via WebSockets
  • Type: String
  • User property:
  • Default value:


The maximum idle time out (in milliseconds) for web socket connections.

  • Type: long
  • User property:
  • Default value: 60000


The path to the cluster controller's web socket transport to connect to.

  • Type: String
  • User property:
  • Default value: empty string


The port of the cluster controller's web socket transport to connect to.

  • Type: String
  • User property:
  • Default value:


If the connect to the cluster controller's web socket transport fails, the libjoynr perform a new connect attempt after this delay.

  • Type: long
  • User property:
  • Default value: 1000


The protocol used for the web socket connection to the cluster controller's web socket transport. Possible values are:

  • Type: Enumeration
  • ws
  • wss
  • User property:
  • Default value: ws



The time interval in minutes at which the capabilities cache will be searched for expired discovery entries, and these will be expunged from the cache. Applies to both local and global cached discovery entries.

  • Type: int
  • User property:
  • Default value: 60



Allows you to specify the number of seconds that ShutdownNotifier#prepareForShutdown will block before timing out and returning control to the user if the system isn't able to prepare for shutdown in time.

  • Type: int
  • User property: joynr.runtime.prepareforshutdowntimeout
  • Unit: seconds
  • Default value: 5

JEE Integration

These properties are defined as constants in the io.joynr.jeeintegration.api.JeeIntegrationPropertyKeys class.


The maximum number of provider registration retry attempts for a single provider in case of errors.

See documentation of joynr JEE integration for more information on the provider registration in joynr JEE.

  • Type: int
  • User property: joynr.jeeintegration.registration.retries
  • Default value: 5


The wait time between provider registration retry attempts for a single provider.

See documentation of joynr JEE integration for more information on the provider registration in joynr JEE.

  • Type: int
  • User property: joynr.jeeintegration.registration.retryintervalms
  • Default value: 30000


Allows disabling the automatic subscription to the MQTT topic when the runtime starts. If the automatic subscription has been disabled this way, it has to be triggered manually through the JoynrConnectionService (see the joynr JEE documentation for more details).

  • Type: boolean
  • User property: joynr.jeeintegration.subscribeonstartup
  • Default value: true

Static Capabilties Provisioning


This property can be used to determine the name, URI or path of a file / resource which can be read from either a remote URI, the local file system, or if not found there the classpath and contains the capabilities to be statically provisioned for the runtime.

By default the global capabilities directory is statically provisioned. But you are able to provision further entries.

The content of the file is a JSON serialised array of GlobalDiscoveryEntry objects. The default file is provisioned_capabilities.json and is read from the classpath from the libjoynr.jar.

When specifying a URI as the source of the provisioning file, then ensure that it is an absolute URI (contains the scheme, e.g. http:// or file:) and that the resource it points to is available for reading at startup time of the application.

The capabilities directory has a special status, in that the system requires exactly one entry for it to be provisioned. The system will fail to start if it is lacking or duplicate entries have been provisioned. If you want to change the entry from the default, you don't have to do so using the JSON format. You can override the entry from the JSON by using the properties listed in the ConfigurableMessagingSettings section above. Generally you will simply specifiy PROPERTY_GLOBAL_CAPABILITIES_DIRECTORY_URL to use another than the default backend for these services. It is also possible to override all other parts of the entry if necessary. Specifying an incomplete entry by, e.g., setting the participant ID to an empty value will result in the system failing to start. Be aware, that joynr ignores the GBID value of the statically provisioned capabilities for the internal backend services (capabilities directory etc.). It always uses the backends specified by the GBIDs of PROPERTY_GBIDS to contact these services (this is a trade off to reduce the amount of required properties). To use another (default) backend for the internal backend services, reorder PROPERTY_GBIDS or use the properties mentioned above.

  • Type: String
  • User property: joynr.capabilities.provisioned.file
  • Default value: provisioned_capabilities.json