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Sample Implementations for Agent Specifications

This repository contains sample implementations for agent specifications in rules, specifically Notation3 syntax with ASM4LD semantics. Those implementations can be run using the Linked Data-Fu engine.

The agent specifications require the BOLD server to be initialised with the data from Building 3.

A self-contained simple example can be found in ts0_demo-coffeedesk-on.n3, which turns on the lights at the Coffee Desk.

The other implementations in the folders are of the following behaviour (here we split the rules into multiple files to allow for scalability experiments). Next to the behaviour, we describe what behaviour we would consider as faulty.

Two shell scripts ( and can serve as examples for how to run those agents, and for how to run all agents for benchmarking, respectively.

Single-Loop: Simple control of lights

We implement the behaviour that a janitor would trigger when the whole building closes (TS1) or when they test functionalities of the system (TS2 and TS3).

TS1: All Lights Off

A light that is on is considered a fault. This task does not require any data point to be read, the agent must merely find all lights and turn them off.

TS2: Toggle All Lights

In this task, a light that has not been toggled since the beginning of the run is considered a fault. In contrast to TS1, this task involves perception. The agent must first read the state of a luminance command and then toggle.

TS3: All Lights Off (with reasoning)

Similar to TS1, but only a subset of the lights has to be switched off, namely those in rooms dedicated to ‘personal hygiene’ (toilet and shower). Agents must properly classify rooms, which requires that they first read sub-class axioms defined in the environment in a custom RDF vocabulary. These axioms specify, e.g. that ‘disabled toilets’ are a kind of ‘toilets’, themselves a kind of ‘personal hygiene’ rooms. As in TS1, a light in a toilet or shower that is on is considered a fault. To ensure agents correctly classify rooms, any light that has been toggled in other rooms is also considered a fault.

Continuous-Loop: Control of lights based on the environment

We implement continous-loop control to consider the following: In single-loop tasks, changes in the environment have no effect on success. This is not true of continuous-loop tasks. In continuous-loop tasks, changes in the environment may cause faults to appear, agents must thus continuously monitor the environment. The initial value of all lights is randomized so that fault rate always equals 0 in the absence of agent operation, regardless of the task. Continuous tasks TC1 and TC2 involve time only. TC3 and TC4 involve illuminance sensors. TC5-TC7 introduce occupancy sensors.

TC1: Weather report

In this scenario, a weather report provides sunrise and sunset times. A light that is off during the day is considered a fault, under the assumption that the building is likely to be occupied. Conversely, lights should be off during the night as no one is expected to be in the building. An agent needs to retrieve sunrise and sunset timestamps, and turn lights on or off accordingly.

TC2: Working hours

In this scenario, in addition to sunrise and sunset times, parts of the building (floors) expose different opening and closing times beyond which no light should be on. The ground floor is assumed to close later (11pm) than other floors (7pm). All floors open at 8am. When a floor is open, any light on the floor that is off is considered a fault. In this task, the agent must perform automated reasoning to infer what room belongs to each floor in order to decide whether lights in the room should be on or off at a given point in time.

TC3: Global light sensor

In task TC3, a light that is off is a fault if outside illuminance is below a certain threshold (10,000 lux). In this scenario, we assume the building is equipped with a weather station mounted on its rooftop that includes a light sensor. By applying a threshold, we want to determine whether the lights in the entire building should be on or off. In contrast to TC1 and TC2, the times at which light should be on or off is randomly generated to simulate cloud coverage. Yet, agents could anticipate when to perform an action, as illuminance on the surface of the building varies from sunrise until sunset.

TC4: Per-room light sensor

In task TC4, a fault is defined as in TC3 but at the level of a single room. We only consider the rooms in the building that are equipped with luminance sensors so as to decide for each room whether lights should be on or off by applying a global threshold (500 lux).

TC5: Per-room occupancy sensor

In TC5, a fault is any light that is off while an occupant is detected in the room. In this scenario, we assume that the rooms in the building are equipped with occupancy sensors. Using those sensors only, we want to determine whether the lights should be on or off. The challenge for agents in this task is to continuously monitor occupants coming in and leaving the building in a non-deterministic fashion. Although the simulated environment displays a clear occupancy pattern throughout the day, an agent cannot know it upfront, and can only build a model of occupancy by repeated observation.

TC6: Per-room occupancy and light sensor

This task combines TC5 with the constraints of TC4: a fault is any light that is off while an occupant is detected in the room and illuminance is below 500 lux. In this scenario, we want to raise energy efficiency and only turn on light in rooms with occupants and low illuminance. An agent faces less potential faults but overcoming them requires a more advanced model of the environment (or faster perception-action loops).

TC7: Per-room occupancy and custom light sensor

TC7, the most challenging task of the benchmark adds one more constraint to TC6: instead of a global illuminance threshold, agents have to make decision based on the preferences of occupants, which they can update at any time


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