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A small lisp-clone language.

Building Polaris


  • CMake >= 3.5
  • CPPUTest - Check the scripts directory for an installation script, alternatively if on mac it can be installed with brew install cpputest


mkdir build
cmake ../build
make -j5
sudo make install

Optionally ccmake can be used instead of cmake in the above to get a curses gui for configuring polaris.

Installing stdlib

At the time of writing this the stdlib isn't fully developed. Enabling the cmake option SETUP_POLARIS and having the HOME environment variable set will permit the build system to copy a .polaris/stdlib to the HOME directory. Afterwards .polaris can be added to the include directories (below) to access files in the stdlib.

Running Polaris

Not supplying a file will start the REPL.


polaris> (+ 3 (/ 10 2))

./polaris hello-world.pol

./polaris hello-world.pol
Hello World!

Adding include directories

To allow easy importing polaris can be given a set of include directories to look for files when an import command is executed.

./polaris --include dir_1:dir2:dir_3 

Again, if no file is present REPL will start.

polaris> (import "some_file.pol")

With the above statement, the first instance of some_file.pol found will be used from either the immediate execution directory, or one of the 3 included directories.

As with everything, the import command reads in a list so multiple things can be imported in the same statement

polaris> (import "some_file.pol" "some_other_file.pol")

The full path name of a file is recorded to ensure files are not imported multiple times.



docker build -t polaris .

Running Container REPL

docker run -a stdin -a stdout -i -t polaris /polaris/docker-build/polaris
