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How to make a ricardian contract for PF proposal.

In Boscoin, ricardian contract is written in yaml format.

There are fields which proposer should fill out.

Field Content Type
title Title of PF string
abstract Brief summary of the PF string
id Identification code of the PF string
proposer Name of individual or organization who submit proposal string
proposer_account Sebak network public address of proposer(BOScoin public address) string
execution_duration PF execution duration(blocks) uint64
amount_of_issuance The amount of coins issued through the PF in BOS unit(BOS = 10000000Gon) uint64
pf_budget_account Issued coin will be sent to PF budget account(BOScoin public address) string
execution_condition_ratio The execution_ratio is used to determine the voting threshold in execution condition. The voting threshold is calculated by the execution_ratio of the number of members as of end of voting float
execution_condition Condition which should satisfy to pass voting string
definitions definitions of terms used in proposal collection of string
detailed_description Detailed description about the PF collections of string
limitations_on_warranties Limitations on Warranties about the PF collections of string

Here's the example of ricardian contract with yaml format.

title: "Membership Reward PF"

    "This document is a contract between you and BlockchainOS Inc., which will be referred to as Membership reward PF contract. 
    The contract will be effective and hence executed if Membership reward PF proposal is approved by Congress Voting. 
    If granted, Membership reward shall substitute for both Freezing reward and Confirmation reward presented in White Paper 1.0."

id: "PF_R_00-000-A"

proposer: "BlockchainOS Inc"


execution_duration: 6307200

amount_of_issuance: 160833600


execution_condition_ratio: 0.1

--- #Document contents

    "Membership reward PF Proposal will be regarded as being approved by Congress Members via Congress Voting if the following condition is met; 
    A - B ≥ C × 0.1 
    A = the number of "Agree" votes. 
    B = the number of "Disagree" votes. 
    C = the number of Members as of end of voting. 
    A Congress Member acknowledges that the result from the Congress Voting may differ from its intention (i.e., agree/disagree, as the case may be), 
    and, as a Member, shall accept and not object to such result."


    - Membership reward:
        "Membership reward refers to rewards distributed to BOScoin users 
        who acquire Membership in exchange for their contribution to the BOScoin economy."

    - pre-Membership:
        "pre-Memberhsip is only a preliminary step to acquire Membership. 
        The requirements for obtaining Pre-membership are; 
        (i) complete KYC Verification; (ii) agree to terms and conditions ; and (iii) delegate node operation to BlockchainOS. 
        BOScoin users who acquire pre-Membership but not Membership can't receive the Membership reward."

    - Membership:
        "Pre-membership entitles a user to become a Member upon freezing no less than 10,000 BOScoins, or more, 
        in increments of 10,000 BOS in his/her Frozen accounts linked to a Membership account."

    - Congress Voting:
        "Congress Voting herein refers to the act of participating in the decision making process 
        on whether or not the Membership reward PF proposal should be executed."

    - Congress member:
        "Congress member refers to a Member who acquired Membership by meeting all the requirements 
        thereby earning the right to vote and receive the Membership reward."

    - Public Financing (PF):
        - "Public Financing means a financial business model where the Community issues additional BOScoin by its decision via Congress Voting. 
          The Community makes the decision by reviewing each PF proposal."

        - "Process - Once a PF proposal is suggested which requires the use of a certain volume of BOScoin, 
          Congress members decide whether to issue and use additional BOScoin via Congress Voting, 
          depending on the result - additional BOScoin may or may not be issued and used."

    - Frozen qualities:
        "Frozen qualities mean lifting of the freezing after 241,920 block height (approximately 2 weeks) 
        upon Member's action of unfreezing of the BOScoin in the Frozen account."

    - General account:
        "General account refers to an account without the Frozen qualities. 
        A general account can be in the Linked Relation with 0 or more Frozen accounts."

    - Frozen account:
        "Frozen account refers to an account with the Frozen qualities. 
        One Frozen account may be in the Linked relation with one General account."

    - Membership account:
        "refers to a General account designated to be used to obtain Pre-membership."

    - Freezing:
        "Freezing means the act of creating a Frozen account from a Membership account 
        and transferring BOScoin to the Frozen account at the same time. 
        Before unfreezing, BOScoins in the Frozen account can't be transferred."

    - Unfreezing:
        "Unfreezing means lifting the freezing; according to the Frozen qualities, 
        it takes 241,920 block height (approximately 2 weeks) to complete the Unfreezing."

    - Retrieval transaction:
        "Retrieval transaction refers to the action of transferring BOScoin in a Frozen account 
        into its linked General account after unfreezing is completed."

    - Linking:
        "Linking means the act of linking the General account which was used to create the Frozen account 
        exclusively with the relevant transaction upon creation of the Frozen account."

    - Linked relation:
        "Linked relations refers to the linkage between the Frozen account and 
        the General account which was linked at the time of creation of the Frozen account."
    - KYC(Know your Customer):
        "KYC Verification means a customer due diligence procedure, 
        which is required to be performed for ensuring the realization of the 1 person-1vote principle 
        and compliance with financial laws of relevant jurisdictions."


    - Requirements to receive Membership reward:
        - "Membership reward will be distributed to whom satisfies the following conditions;
          1. Conduct KYC verification
          2. Consent to terms and conditions 
          3. Agrees to delegate node operation to BlockchainOS. 
          4. Freeze at least 10,000 BOS in Frozen account linked to Membership account." 

    - Distribution of Membership reward: 
        - "If Membership reward PF proposal is approved via Congress Voting, 
          a PF budget account will receive newly issued BOScoin for distribution of Membership reward." 
        - "Membership reward will be distributed if Membership reward PF proposal is executed." 
        - "Members who satisfies Membership requirements will receive Membership reward until they loose Membership."
        - "The amount of Membership reward per member will be calculated every 17,280 blocks (approximately daily) as ; 
          440,640 BOS X (Number_of_Frozen_BOScoin) ÷ (Number_of_Frozen_BOScoin_in_Mainnet). 
          Number_of_Frozen_BOScoin = The number of frozen BOS in Frozen accounts linked in a Membership account
          Number_of_Frozen_BOScoin_in_Mainnet = The total number of frozen BOS in Frozen accounts linked in Membership accounts in Mainnet."
        - "To calculate the amount of Membership reward per member, 
          Number_of_Frozen_BOScoin will be counted every 17,280 blocks." 

    - Membership reward will be distributed in accordance with the following rules: 
        - "The calculation of Membership reward starts at 13:00, December 7th, 2018 (UTC+09:00)." 
        - "The first distribution of Membership reward will include 172,800 blocks (approximately 10 days) of rewards." 
        - "From the second to the thirteenth (the second to the last) distribution of Membership reward will include 483,840 blocks 
          (approximately 28 days) of rewards."
        - "The fourteenth (the last) distribution of Membership reward will include 328,320 blocks (approximately 19 days) of rewards." 

    - Freezing action:
        - "Freezing can be conducted only in units of 10,000 BOS." 
        - "Freezing can be conducted only in a Membership account." 
        - "Upon user's request of Freezing, Frozen account will be created and the requested BOScoin will be transferred to the Frozen account." 
        - "Frozen account is for one-time use. Additional freezing is conducted via creation of additional Frozen accounts."
    - Unfreezing action:
        - "Upon user's request of unfreezing, freezing is lifted after 241,920 block height (approximately 2 weeks)."
        - "If unfreezing is completed, BOScoin in Frozen account can be transferred to the General account linked to the Frozen account." 

    - Retrieval transaction:
        - "Retrieval transaction refers to the action of transferring all BOScoin in a Frozen account 
          into its linked General account after unfreezing is completed."

    - "If the execution/application of the proposal is conducted differently from the content of the proposal, 
      BlockchainOS Inc. shall inform the Community of such disparity, 
      and the Community shall take the necessary measures to execute/apply the proposal in the intended manner."
    - "Distribution time of Membership reward may be dependent on the situation of BlockchainOS Inc." 
    - "The execution/application of the proposal may be postponed or cancelled in the case 
      where the occurrence of a critical error with regard to the execution/application of the proposal is anticipated 
      or it becomes impossible to execute/apply the proposal due to legal issues, etc."
    - "In the case where a Member provides or registers false information upon the KYC Verification, 
      BlockchainOS Inc. may immediately suspend or forfeit its Membership."
    - "BlockchainOS Inc. shall not be liable for any failure, restrictions on service or 
      damage/loss to a Member unavoidably occurring due to force majeure events or 
      any equivalent events beyond the control of BlockchainOS Inc."
    - "BlockchainOS Inc. shall not be liable for any failure, restrictions on service or 
      damage/loss to a Member unavoidably occurring due to an illegal access to the BlockchainOS Inc.’s server, 
      interference with normal operation of the server by a third party, or unauthorized usage of Members’ information, 
      to the extent permitted under the relevant laws. Any gains or rights, acquired through illegal access to the BlockchainOS Inc.’s server, 
      interference with normal operation of the server by a third party, or unauthorized usage of Members’ information, shall be forfeited. 
      The forfeiture does not include any damage compensation."