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Stephan Stricker edited this page May 5, 2023 · 8 revisions

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The sample consists of two main components. The sample page is used to operate the recorder management. The task mappRecorder_01 drives the recorder management. The following functions are currently supported.

  • Create new recordings
  • Delete recordings
  • View record data
  • Download record data

Up to 3 web clients can connect at the same time. While the task itself can only execute one command at a time the commands are executed so fast that this should not be an issue. The init command may take longer but the response data is distributed to all sessions. The task uses a variable structure to communicate with the outside world that can also be used to interact with other tasks. The structure Recorder_01 looks as follows:

Level 1 Level 2 Level Description
CMD Used to trigger commands like Init, record, delete, ... A command is triggered by setting it to true, when the command is finished the task will reset the command. This indicates that the command is finished. Do not change any parameters or set another command until the previous command is finished.
Init Initializes the record management and reads the names of previous recordings.
Record Starts a new recording session. This value must be true to all recording types.
Trigger Creates a trigger based entry.
Delete Deletes the selected record file
View View the selected recording file
Download Download the selected recording file
LoadConfig Load a configuration from a file
ErrorReset Resets pending errors
PAR Parameters like record variables, name, ...
RecordNameNew Record name or file pattern for command record
RecordName Record name for command delete and view
RecordMode Type of recording. Trigger, event, timer based or a combination of the three.
RecordIntervall Time for timer based record mode.
IsRecording Indicates that a recording is active
SamplesNum Samples in active recording
Initialized Shows that the record management was initialized.
VisuSlotID This is the session ID for the current command. This is used to identify where to send response messages.
DAT Recordings lists as well as status information
RecordNames List with all record names
RecordNum Number of recordings in the list
Status Shows the result for the last command
VIS Data specific for the visualization. The structure is an array, one for each client session
RecordNames List with all recordings formatted as data provider for the mappView list box
RecordNum Number of visible records in the list. Depending on the filter this number can be lower than the total number of records stored under DAT.
RecordFilter Only show records that fit the filter pattern.
RecordSelected Selected record used with the command delete and view.
RecordDoubleClick Helper variable to detect a double click on a record. When a double click is detected the record is opened.
EnableButtons Enable buttons delete and view if at least one record is available.
ViewFilePath File path used for the web widget that shows the file content.
FileView Trigger to open the fly out window and view the file content
DownloadFileUrl Url containing the file name that is downloaded
ShowMessageBoxError Show a message box when command was not successful
ERR Information about errors
State State where the error occurred
Text Error text
StatusText Shows the result for the last command.
StatusNo Shows the status as number


The sample communicates with the outside world via the global structure 'Recorder_01'. If more than one recorder management is needed the complete package 'mappRecorder' should be duplicated. It is important that the new task name and new global structure use the same name.

After importing the sample go to the package 'mappRecorder' and edit the file 'DatVariables.var'. The variable array 'DAT_VAR_LIST' contains the name of the variables that contain the record data. The default variable has a few sample values. After importing the task these can be replaced with "real" variables that should be saved. The variables can be standard type but also arrays or structures.

The following constants located in the package mappRecorder under Variables.var can be adjusted if necessary.

Constant Default Text
DAT_MAX_NUM 100 Maximum number of records.
DAT_NAME_LENGTH 40 Maximum length for a record name.
DAT_MAX_CLIENTS_ID 2 Maximum number of concurrent web client connections. Do not change this number.
DAT_VIEW_FILTER csv, xml Files extensions than can be used with the view command. Filter is case sensitive.
DAT_DOWNLOAD_SIZE 500000 Maximum size of memory allocated for uploading and downloading files
DAT_VAR_NUM 10 Maximum number of variables that can be registered.
DAT_DEVICE RECORDER_DEVICE Device name for the recording data defined under File Devices in the CPU configuration.
DAT_CONFIG var_list.csv File with variable list to record.
DAT_THIS_TASK Recorder_1 Name of this task and the global variables structure.
DAT_MPLINK gDataRecorder_1 mappRecoreer link name from configuration view
DAT_VAR_LIST List of variables to be inlcuded in a record


The sample generates the following list of error messages. All other error numbers are generated from included libraries that can be found in the Automation Studio help.

No Constant Text
50010 ERR_REC_TOO_MANY_CLIENTS More than 3 clients try to connect to user management
50100 ERR_REC_NAME_EMPTY Record name is empty
50101 ERR_REC_NAME_EXISTS Record name already exists
50102 ERR_REC_NAME_LOST Record name was not found
50103 ERR_REC_NAME_LENGTH One or more record names exceeds maximum length
50110 ERR_REC_DEV_NAME_EMPTY Device name is empty
50120 ERR_REC_VAR_NAME_EMPTY Variable name is empty
50121 ERR_DAT_VAR_NAME_NUM Config file contains too many variable names
50122 ERR_DAT_VAR_NAME_END Cannot find end of variable name in config file
50130 ERR_REC_NOT_INITIALIZED Record management is not initialized
50200 ERR_REC_MAX_NUM Record management is not initialized
50300 ERR_REC_TASK_NAME Task name is incorrect. Make sure task name and global variable structure share the same name and that the string "this" is correct in the init task.
50400 ERR_MEM_ALLOC Memory allocation for file upload and download failed
50410 ERR_MEM_DOWNLOAD Size of download file exceeds maximum
50420 ERR_TIMEOUT_DOWNLOAD Download response timed out

Revision History

Version 0.6 (05.05.2023)

  • Updated Automation Studio and mapp components
  • Added new command LoadConfig to load a variable list from a file
  • Minor bug fixes

Version 0.5 (05.02.2021)

  • Fixed memory violation when file exceeds download buffer size

Version 0.4

  • Only start recording when FUB is active
  • Changed some parameters to constants
  • Simplified configuration
  • Added more error messages
  • Added the possibility to define multiple variables
  • Moved status text to main structure
  • Moved error no up to main structure and renamed it to StatusNo
  • Rercord name can now be defined at RecordNameNew

Version 0.3

  • Fixed oversized item flag is not reset
  • Fixed ReplaceString function call
  • Update mapp to version 5.8.1

Version 0.2

  • Fixed download not working when downloading the same file again

Version 0.1

First public release