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Vue.js sample app showing use of MSAL for authentication and calling MS Graph APIs

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MSAL & Microsoft Graph - Vue.js

This project consists of two things:

  • A sample Vue.js application.
  • Drop in helper modules for MSAL.js and Microsoft Graph. See docs below

The sample app is an example of using MSAL for JS v2 to authenticate against Azure AD from a single page JS application.
After signing in, an access token is requested and used to query the Microsoft Graph API

This uses the newer MSAL.js 2.0+ library which supports the authorization code flow with PKCE for single page apps, and not the older implicit flow.

The app provides demonstration of some fundamental use cases:

  • Signing in users from a single page application (SPA)
  • Login, logout, user account caching
  • Requesting and using scoped access tokens
  • Calling the Microsoft Graph API
  • Searching the Microsoft Graph with OData

screen shot

This app only uses User.Read and User.ReadBasic.All permissions in the Graph, so does not require admin consent

The use of a registered multi-tenant application and the v2 Azure AD 'common' endpoint is assumed, but single tenanted apps would also work

Note. The MSAL library is used directly rather than any Vue specific wrapper, as there's enough layers of abstraction to deal with as it is, without one more

Set Up & Deployment

Pre-reqs - Register app in Azure AD

Using the Azure CLI create the new app registration

az ad app create --display-name="Graph Demo App" \
--available-to-other-tenants=true \
--query "appId" -o tsv

Make a note of the GUID returned, this is the app ID, or client ID

Follow the guide here to further configure the app, this currently can't be done from the CLI

Quick summary of the steps:

  • Click 'Authentication'
    • UNSELECT the checkbox 'ID tokens (used for implicit and hybrid flows)'
    • Click 'Add a platform'
      • Click 'Single page application'
      • Enter http://localhost:8080 as the redirect URI

Copy .env.local.sample to .env.local and place the app ID in the setting VUE_APP_CLIENT_ID


There is a Dockerfile to build the app and serve it via NGINX. The Azure AD client ID needs to be set at build time (as this is a Vue.js app)

Run from root of project, and set CLIENT_ID and image tag as required

docker build . -f deploy/Dockerfile --build-arg CLIENT_ID="CHANGE_ME" -t msal-graph-vue

Running Locally

This project was created with the Vue CLI

Project setup

npm install

Compiles and hot-reloads for development

npm run serve

Local server runs on http://localhost:8080 by default

Compiles and minifies for production

npm run build

Lint code with ESLint

npm run lint

Using as a drop in library

The src/services/auth.js and src/services/graph.js files are ES6 modules and have been written to be as reusable as possible, so can be copied and dropped into any SPA project.


This is a fairly opinionated wrapper around MSAL.js 2.0 providing methods for configuring MSAL, login, logout, acquiring tokens etc. It also supports a special 'dummy user mode' where MSAL has been stubbed for when you want your app to optionally support user auth e.g. demos and test environments.


First call configure() this accepts the Azure AD clientId you wish to use, the second parameter is to enable/disable dummy user mode, dummy user mode is only switch on if clientId is null or empty

Call this once as your app is initialized.

import auth from './services/auth'

// Example of getting client id, there might be other mechanisms you want to use to fetch this value
const clientId = process.env.VUE_APP_CLIENT_ID

// Set up auth helper with dummy user disabled
auth.configure(clientId, false)

// Set up auth helper with dummy user enabled, it's only enabled when clientId is undefined/blank
//auth.configure(clientId, true)

Method Reference

  • configure(clientId, enableDummyUser) - Configure and setup the helper
  • login(scopes) - Prompt user to login, scopes parameter is optional, the defaults are:, openid, profile, email
  • logout() - Perform a full logout.
  • user() - Get the current user, returns the MSAL AccountInfo object.
  • acquireToken(scopes) - Attempt to get an access token, silent is called first, then pop-up if that fails. The access token as a string is returned.
  • clearLocal() - Clear local cache, use for a 'shallow' local only logout.
  • isConfigured() - Returns if the helper is configured .
  • clientId() - Returns the clientId used to configure the helper.


This is a helper for calling the Microsoft Graph, it requires auth.js which has been setup and configured previous to any calls to this library. This is a thin wrapper around the beta Graph endpoint endpoint, and it silently acquires tokens for you.

Note. It requests an access token with the user.readbasic.all scope, in order to search the directory, this scope does NOT require the application to have admin consent.

Method Reference

  • getSelf() - Calls the /me endpoint to get details of the currently signed in user. See Graph docs
  • getPhoto() - Returns the current user's photo as a blob object.
  • searchUsers(searchString, maxResults) - Search the directory for users, looks in the displayName and userPrincipalName fields, by default returns 50 results.
  • getAccessToken() - Returns the current accesstoken in use.


Vue.js sample app showing use of MSAL for authentication and calling MS Graph APIs






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  • Vue 50.8%
  • JavaScript 39.2%
  • Dockerfile 5.3%
  • HTML 4.7%