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Low-contrast flat colorscheme for Vim and terminals


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Mystical Tutor 📚🔮

Mystical Tutor is a dark, low-contrast, flat colorscheme for Vim and terminals. Although it works best with true colors (in GVim and supporting terminals with set termguicolors), it degrades gracefully to 256 and 16 colors for use with compatible terminals. Special attention has been paid to legibility in diff mode.

main image

Note: A kakoune version of the colorscheme is now available at kakoune-mysticaltutor.


Download colors/mysticaltutor.vim into a colors folder in Vim's runtimepath e.g. ~/.vim or %USERPROFILE%\vimfiles. Alternatively, use your favorite package manager.

Put colorscheme mysticaltutor in your vimrc to enable.

Terminal themes

Although not necessary for the Vim colorscheme to work, themes for some terminals are available under the terminal folder. Note that some of these are not tested, feel free to open an issue if you encounter problems.

A simple tmux theme (displayed below) that you can append to your tmux.conf can also be found in the same folder. It assumes you are using the terminal theme.

terminal theme


  • Created using lifepillar's wonderful Colortemplate tool, with the corresponding template available in the template folder
  • Colors inspired by One Half, seabird and various material themes
  • Technical details lifted wholesale from the excellent Apprentice by romainl, such as how to best combine Visual/Cursorline/Diff highlights
  • used for creating some of the terminal themes

More screenshots

Diff highlights:


Python snippet, tabline and highlights for all syntax definitions: syntax

256 colors:

256 color

16 colors with own terminal theme:

256 color

16 colors with Windows 10 default theme (Campbell):

256 color