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Catalyst Underwriter

The Catalyst Underwriter is designed to accelerate swaps speed by taking on the settlement risk of the transaction. The underwriting service relies on the Generalised Relayer which is a reference implementation of a relayer that understands Generalised Incentives.


The Catalyst Underwriter relies on having a running instance of the Generalised Relayer.

ℹ️ The running Generalised Relayer does not need to relay swaps. Rather it is only used to gather the AMB message relaying information.

Aside from the npm packages specified within package.json, the Underwriter relies on Redis for data management. This dependency however is also required by the Generalised Relayer, so no extra work is required to run the Underwriter.

Underwriter Configuration

The Underwriter configuration is split into 2 distinct files.

⚠️ The Underwriter will not run without the following configuration files.

1. Main configuration .yaml file

Most of the Underwriter configuration is specified within a .yaml file located at the project's root directory. The configuration file must be named using the config.{$NODE_ENV}.yaml format according to the environment variable NODE_ENV of the runtime (e.g. on a production machine where NODE_ENV=production, the configuration file must be named config.production.yaml).

The NODE_ENV variable should ideally be set on the shell configuration file (i.e. .bashrc or equivalent), but may also be set by prepending it to the launch command, e.g. NODE_ENV=production docker compose up. For more information see the Node documentation.

The .yaml configuration file is divided into the following sections:

  • global: Defines the global underwriter configuration.
    • The privateKey of the account that will submit the underwrite transactions on all chains must be defined at this point.
    • Default configuration for the monitor, listener, underwriter, expirer and wallet can also be specified at this point.
  • ambs: The AMBs configuration.
  • chains: Defines the configuration for each of the chains to be supported by the relayer.
    • This includes the chainId and the rpc to be used for the chain.
    • Each chain may override the global services configurations (those defined under the global configuration), and amb configurations.
  • endpoints: The Catalyst endpoints of which swaps to underwrite.
    • For each vault, the factoryAddress, interfaceAddress, incentivesAddress and vaultTemplates, must be specified, together with the swap channel mappings (channelsOnDestination).

ℹ️ For a full reference of the configuration file, see config.example.yaml.

2. Environment variables .env file

Hosts and ports specific configuration is set on a .env file within the project's root directory.

ℹ️ See .env.example for the required environment variables.

Running the underwriter

Option A: Using Docker

The simplest way to run the Underwriter is via docker compose (refer to the Docker documentation for installation instructions). Run the Underwriter with:

docker compose up [-d]

The -d option detaches the process to the background.

⚠️ With the default configuration, to use Docker for the Underwriter, the Relayer must also be running with Docker. The Underwriter docker-compose.yaml configuration attaches to the default network on which the Relayer resides on to allow communication with it, but this configuration may need to be adjusted on some machines. Use the docker network command for more information on the available networks, or refer to the Docker documentation.

Option B: Manual Operation

Install the required dependencies with:

pnpm install
  • NOTE: The devDependencies are required to build the project. If running on a production machine where NODE_ENV=production, use pnpm install --prod=false

Make sure that a Generalised Relayer implementation is running, and verify that the port of the active Redis database is correctly set on the .env configuration file.

Build and start the Underwriter with:

pnpm start

For further insight into the requirements for running the Underwriter see the docker-compose.yaml file.

Underwriter Structure

The Underwriter is devided into 3 main services: the Listener, the Submitter and the Expirer. These services work together to get the Catalyst swap events and submit their corresponding underwrites on the destination chain. The services are run in parallel and communicate using Redis. Wherever it makes sense, chains are allocated seperate workers to ensure a chain fault doesn't propagate and impact the performance on other chains.

🏗️ The Underwriter is still on a very early development stage. Further services will be added as development progresses.


The Listener service is responsible for fetching the on-chain events of the Catalyst swaps/underwrites, in specific:

  • Catalyst Vault events:
    • SendAsset: Signals that a swap has been executed.
  • Catalyst Chain Interface events:
    • SwapUnderwritten: Signals that a swap has been underwritten.
    • FulfillUnderwrite: Signals that a swap has arrived, an active underwrite exists for the swap, and the underwrite logic has completed.
    • ExpireUnderwrite: Signals that an underwrite has been expired.

The information gathered with these events is sent to the common Redis database for later use by the other services.


The Underwriter service gets recently executed swap information from Redis. For every new swap, the underwriter:

  1. Gets the full corresponding AMB message from the Relayer.
  2. Estimates the token amount required for underwriting.
  3. Simulates the transaction to get a gas estimate. (TODO)
  4. Performs the underwrite if the evaluation is successful using the underwriteAndCheckConnection method of the CatalystChainInterface contract.
  5. Confirms that the underwrite transaction is mined.

To make the Underwriter as resilitent as possible to RPC failures/connection errors, each evaluation, underwrite and confirmation step is tried up to maxTries times with a retryInterval delay between tries (these default to 3 and 2000 ms, but can be modified on the Underwriter config).

The Underwriter additionally limits the maximum number of transactions within the 'submission' pipeline (i.e. transactions that have been started to be processed and are not completed), and will not accept any further underwrite orders once reached. If a submitted transactions fails to commit within the number of specified tries and timeout, the Underwriter will attempt to cancel the transaction.

⚠️ If the Underwriter fails to cancel a transaction, the Underwriter pipeline will stall and no further orders will be processed until the stuck transaction is resolved.


The expirer objective is to resolve any expired underwrites. For underwrites made by this underwriter, the expiry is executed at a configurable expireBlocksMargin interval before the expiry deadline. Everytime an underwrite is captured by the listener service, an expire order is scheduled by the expirer. If the underwrite is fulfilled, the expire order is discarded, otherwise it is executed at the effective expiry time.

Further Services


The monitor service is responsible for polling at a configurable interval the most recent block information of each chain, and then it broadcasts this information to the other services of the underwriter.

🏗️ In the future this service will be moved to the Relayer, which will be able to also inform on the state of the different providers (e.g. RPCs, chains, AMBs).


The wallet service is in charge for submitting the transactions to the RPCs as requested by the other services of the underwriter. For each transaction:

  1. The transaction is submitted with configurable fee parameters (see the 'Automatic transaction pricing' section below for more information).
  2. The transaction confirmation is awaited.
  3. If the transaction takes a long time to confirm, the transaction is automatically repriced with higher fee parameters (see the 'Transaction repricing' section below for more information).
  4. If the transaction continues to not be mined, the wallet will try to cancel the transaction (if cancellation fails, the wallet pipeline stalls until the transaction nonce is processed).

For each transaction, the wallet may be instructed to:

  • Retry the transaction if it fails because of an 'invalid nonce' error. (Note that this may not be desired, as the resulting transaction will be out of order with respect to the other submitted transactions)
  • Discard the transaction if too much time passes between the time when the transaction is requested to when the transaction is actually submitted (e.g. might happen because of a long mining times or a wallet 'stall').

Further features

Automatic transaction pricing

The Underwriter has the ability to automatically set the transactions gas pricing.

EIP-1559 transactions

  • The maxFeePerGas configuration sets the transaction maxFeePerGas property. This defines the maximum fee to be paid per gas for a transaction (including both the base fee and the miner fee). If not set, no maxFeePerGas is set on the transaction.
  • The maxPriorityFeeAdjustmentFactor determines the amount by which to modify the queried recommended maxPriorityFee from the rpc. If not set, no maxPriorityFee is set on the transaction.
  • The maxAllowedPriorityFeePerGas sets the maximum value that maxPriorityFee may be set to (after applying the maxPriorityFeeAdjustmentFactor).

Legacy transaction

  • The gasPriceAdjustmentFactor determines the amount by which to modify the queried recommended gasPrice from the rpc. If not set, no gasPrice is set on the transaction.
  • The maxAllowedGasPrice sets the maximum value that gasPrice may be set to (after applying the gasPriceAdjustmentFactor).

⚠️ If the above gas configuration is not specified, the transactions will be submitted using the ethers/rpc defaults.

Transaction repricing

If a transaction does not mine in time (maxTries * (confirmationTimeout + retryInterval) approximately), the Underwriter will attempt to reprice the transaction by resubmitting the transaction with higher gas price values. The gas prices are adjusted according to the priorityAdjustmentFactor configuration. If not set, it defaults to 1.1 (i.e +10%).

Low balance warning

The Underwriter keeps an estimate of the Underwriter account gas/tokens balance for each chain. A warning is emitted to the logs if the gas/tokens balance falls below a configurable threshold (lowGasBalanceWarning/lowTokenBalanceWarning in Wei).

The Store library

The distinct services of the Underwriter communicate with each other using a Redis database. To abstract the Redis implementation away, a helper library, store.lib.ts, is provided.

Underwriting disabling

Underwriting may be enabled and disabled dynamically by sending a POST request to the enableUnderwriting/disableUnderwriting endpoints of the underwriter. An optional JSON encoded payload may be specified to select the chainIds to enable/disable.

ℹ️ Underwriting disabling is useful when it is desired to take down the underwriter, as it allows the underwriter to continue to run throughout a 'take-down' period to handle any required expiries.


Typechain Types

The Underwriter uses ethers types for the contracts that it interacts with (e.g. the Catalyst Vault Common contract). These types are generated with the typechain package using the contract abis (under the abis/ folder) upon installation of the npm packages. If the contract abis change the types must be regenerated (see the postinstall script on package.json).