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Builds Neobuf Packages from Protobuf files using Protoplasm! :D

Useful info

Installing this package creates a command line executable called neobuild (or neobuild.exe in Windows) in Python's Scripts folder so you just run the neobuild command from a console.


Assuming you've got a package called sandbox and you're storing your protobuf files in a directory called proto and you want to spit out the build into the directory build just go:

neobuild sandbox 

Versioning Your Package

If you place a plain text file called VERSION in the root of your proto package (e.g. /proto/sandbox/VERSION from the example above) and skip any versioning parameters (the --major, -m, --patch and -p guys) Neobuilder will use that file for versioning.

The first line in the file should be the semantic version number x.y.z.a

More stuff

usage: neobuild [-h] [-m | -p] [-b [BUILDROOT]] [-v] package [protopath]

Builds neobuf packages with protoplasm.

positional arguments:
  package               Package name
  protopath             Path to the root of the protobuf files (default="./proto")

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -m, --major           Bump the major version number instead of the minor
  -p, --patch           Bump the patch version number instead of the minor
  -b [BUILDROOT], --buildroot [BUILDROOT]
                        Path to the root of the output build files (default="./build")
  -v, --verbose         Spits out DEBUG level logs