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Linxdot Prometheus Exporter

Exporter for metrics for Linxdot miner devices.

The goal of this community-driven initiative is to monitor the Linxdot miner using the open-source Prometheus platform. The metrics were discovered by analyzing the responses from the embedded dashboard frontend, as there is currently no official documentation provided by Linxdot.

Once Prometheus has collected metrics and stored them in a database, you can easily create a Grafana dashboard to visualize the data:

Grafana example


Metrics identified:

  • miner_cpu_temp
  • miner_cpu_usage
  • miner_mem_usage
  • miner_sto_usage


  • animal_name
  • firmware version
  • model_name
  • region
  • sn

Running Local Python Package

A Python package is available for execution of a server of a instance of an exporter providing the follow metrics, an example below:

# HELP miner_exporter_info Miner Information
# TYPE miner_exporter_info gauge
miner_exporter_info{animal_name="xxxxxx-xxxxxxx-xxxxxxxx",firmware="Linxdot 1.2.26 r17752-8c4a79dd5",model_name="LD-1001",region="AU915",sn="LD1NTVxxxxxxxxx"} 1.0
# HELP miner_cpu_temp CPU temperature
# TYPE miner_cpu_temp gauge
miner_cpu_temp 35.555
# HELP miner_cpu_usage CPU utilization
# TYPE miner_cpu_usage gauge
miner_cpu_usage 7.169
# HELP miner_mem_usage Memory utilization
# TYPE miner_mem_usage gauge
miner_mem_usage 17.504
# HELP miner_sto_usage Storage utilization
# TYPE miner_sto_usage gauge
miner_sto_usage 39.822

Install instructions:

$ python install

Command line options:

$ python -m linxdot_exporter --help

usage: [-h] [-f LOG_FILE] [-o HOST] [-u USERNAME] [-p PASSWORD] [-a] [-d] [-r REFRESH_INTERVAL] [-t PORT] [--version]

Exporter for metrics for Linxdot miner devices

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -f LOG_FILE, --log_file LOG_FILE
                        Path of log file
  -o HOST, --host HOST  Miner hostname or IP address
  -u USERNAME, --username USERNAME
                        Miner API username
  -p PASSWORD, --password PASSWORD
                        Miner API password
  -a, --plain_credentials
                        Use login credentials without MD5 hashing
  -d, --debug           Enable debug mode
                        Refresh rate of reading miner API (seconds)
  -t PORT, --port PORT  TCP port number of exporter listens
  --version             show program's version number and exit

Execution example:

$ python -m linxdot_exporter -h miner.hostname -u admin -p xxxxxxxx



Some variables are required to run at local docker platform:

  • MINER_HOST: Miner hostname or IP address
  • MINER_USERNAME: Dashboard username
  • MINER_PASSWORD: Dashboard password
  • EXPORTER_DEBUG: Enable debug mode if setted

Build image:

$ docker build -t linxdot_exporter .


$ docker run --env EXPORTER_DEBUG="True" --env MINER_HOST="" --env MINER_USERNAME="admin" --env MINER_PASSWORD="xxxxxxxx" -p 8061:8061 --name linxdot_exporter linxdot_exporter

Docker Compose

Edit docker-compose.yml file and replace variables with miner hostname and credentials. Execute with the following command:

$ docker-compose up

Third Party Components

This software uses components of the following projects

Prometheus Python client library (