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L Anderson edited this page Aug 8, 2020 · 1 revision

Welcome to the Gravitation Wave Open Science Center tutorial that I am following and learning from! Here you will find my learning process as I move through this tutorial.

Here is what I am using: Anaconda

  • About: Open source tool marketed to data scientist to safely and securely complete projects in python, R or other data science tools
  • Source:


  • There are different ways of understanding Python:
    • Language – Python is a scripting language which means that, once you run your code, your computer can “understand” the commands and will build and execute the program
      • This is what most beginning programmers think of when learning about Python
  • Specification – this means that you the user can figure out how you want to use Python the programming language
    • To do this you need an interpreter, and each has its own unique features
      • Interpreter – this is a type of program that reads and executes the instructions or code
        • Examples – Jpython (Python code  Java), CPython (Python is go-between for C and other languages)
    • Python is translated into bytecode that is then executed by an instructor
      • Bytecode – instructions that are followed by a Virtual Machine
        • Virtual machine -
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