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To download a Gravitaion Wave (GW) Bulk Data File Set

L Anderson edited this page Aug 8, 2020 · 1 revision

To download a Gravitational Wave (GW) Bulk Data file set:

  1. Visit for more background information on GWOSC Timelines and when data is available to the public.

  2. Using the example of downloading S5 Data Release (5th science run)

  3. Visit

  4. You will see a list of options:

  5. Data for Events and Catalogs – This is where you can browse and search for data sets

  6. Large Data Sets for High Performance Computing – This is where you can download large data sets to analyze using computer clusters

  7. Note: This is not for use on personal computers

  8. O1, O2, S5, and S6 Data Release – This is where you will download Data and its corresponding Documents and Timeline

  9. Science Mode Times for LIGO/Virgo/GEO Network – This only has Timeline information

  10. Note: This link currently doesn’t work

  11. LSC Publications – Corresponding publications on data sets

  12. Find S5 Data Release. There are two ways to download data:

  13. Select the Data icon

  14. At “Next choose your gravitational wave detector:” select “H1”

  15. H1 refers to Hanford One detector

  16. Then enter dates 2005-11-01 and 2005-12-01 into “Start Time” and “End Time” respectively

  17. Note where it says “OK”. This is telling you that the data is available for the specified time frame. As an experiment, enter 1970-11-01 and notice the change. “OK” should change to “GPS time must be positive”. Now let’s change 1970 back to 2005.

  18. At “Choose your output format:”, “Time series data in HDF5 and Frame files” has already been selected. Click Continue on the next line.

  19. A new page will open and will list general information about your dataset and a list of datasets that look like what’s shown below:

  20. General information that’s written under Archive the sample list shares:

  21. The corresponding science (S) run

  22. Chosen GPS time frame

  23. The detector (H1) in this case

  24. The total time period in seconds (4096 seconds in this case) and the frequency the strain data was taken (16kHz or downsampled to 4 kHz)

  25. The file size unit

  26. And a brief explanation of each column

  27. The sample list above shares the information below:

  28. Timeline – the GPS of each dataset

  29. UTC – the converted date and time from GPS to UTC

  30. Mbytes – file size of each sample dataset

  31. Frame –

  32. Percent – the percent of the 4096 that each file that has science mode data

  33. To download, find 81511200, and click “HDF5” to download. Store in a place that is easily accessible on your computer

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