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A simple project demonstrating a FastAPI application integrated with MongoDB, all containerized using Docker and orchestrated with Kubernetes.


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FastAPI Application with MongoDB, Dockerized and Orchestrated using Kubernetes (Kind)

This project is part of my coursework for the Cloud Software and Systems course offered by the Department of Computer Science at Aalto University. It demonstrates my proficiency in backend development, containerization, and orchestration through the creation of a FastAPI application integrated with a MongoDB database, all containerized and managed using Docker and Kubernetes (Kind).

Key Features and Technologies:

  1. FastAPI: Utilized for building a high-performance, RESTful API. The application processes various HTTP requests and returns responses in JSON format.

  2. MongoDB: Chosen as the NoSQL database, it efficiently stores and manages course and student data.

  3. Docker: Used to containerize both the FastAPI application and MongoDB, facilitating consistent deployment across different environments.

  4. Kubernetes (Kind): Employs Kubernetes in a local development environment using Kind for orchestrating the FastAPI and MongoDB containers, showcasing skills in container orchestration, deployment, and management.

File Structure

├── backend
│   ├── Dockerfile
│   ├──
│   └── requirements.txt
├── manifests
│   ├── fastapi.yaml
│   ├── mongo.yaml
│   └── persistent-volume.yaml

System Architecture Diagram

    participant Client as Client (e.g., Browser/Curl)
    participant FastAPI as FastAPI Server
    participant MongoDB as MongoDB
    participant K8s as Kubernetes Cluster
    participant Docker as Docker (Kind)

    Note over Client,FastAPI: Communication via HTTP Requests

    Client->>FastAPI: Request (POST/GET/PUT/DELETE)
    activate FastAPI
    FastAPI->>MongoDB: Query/Update Data
    activate MongoDB
    MongoDB-->>FastAPI: Data/Response
    deactivate MongoDB
    FastAPI-->>Client: JSON Response
    deactivate FastAPI

    Note over FastAPI,Docker: FastAPI Containerized in Docker
    Note over MongoDB,Docker: MongoDB Containerized in Docker

    Docker->>K8s: Deploy FastAPI & MongoDB Containers
    activate K8s
    K8s->>FastAPI: Manage & Expose FastAPI
    K8s->>MongoDB: Manage & Expose MongoDB
    deactivate K8s

    Note over K8s: Kubernetes (via Kind) orchestrates containers


Running the Application

To test the FastAPI application with MongoDB in a Kubernetes (Kind) environment, follow these steps:

  1. Clone the Repository and Navigate to the Project Directory

  2. Run the Script: Execute the provided script from the root directory of the project. This script will set up the Kubernetes cluster, build and load the Docker images, apply Kubernetes manifests, and expose a port for tests.

    This script performs several actions:

    • Creates a Kubernetes cluster using Kind.
    • Builds and loads the FastAPI Docker image.
    • Pulls the MongoDB image and loads it into the Kind cluster.
    • Applies Kubernetes manifests for the FastAPI application and MongoDB.
    • Waits for all pods to be in the 'Ready' state.
    • Expose the port for FastAPI for testing purpose.

    Note: Make sure that Docker, Kind, and kubectl are installed and configured on the local machine before running the script.

  3. Interacting with the Application: After successfully running the script, one can interact with the FastAPI application via tools like curl.

  4. Cleanup: Once it is done testing, the script will automatically clean up by deleting the images and the Kind cluster.


A simple project demonstrating a FastAPI application integrated with MongoDB, all containerized using Docker and orchestrated with Kubernetes.








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