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Releases: chinezbrun/pytes_serial


03 May 05:36
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  • enhance: optimize MQTT to reduce unnecessary trafic -- close #31
  • fix: console display for discovery progress %
  • clean-up


30 Apr 16:31
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This release comes with bug fixes and improvements after cells monitoring implementation.

Main changes:

  • fix: Pylontech no cells data -- close #26, close #27 @vapopescu , @chinezbrun
  • fix: MQTT publish -- refactoring, split topics to avoid overloads -- close #28 , close #29 @vapopescu
  • fix: MQTT discovery -- refactoring
  • new: auto start as background service instructions
  • update: documentation to reflect all changes

As the MQTT discovery was updated is mandatory to delete all created devices in Home Assistant before start this release. Devices will be created in new configuration. Backward compatibility of the sensors name, history is maintained.


27 Apr 09:21
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Major release

This release come with cells monitoring option. Meaning that, as of this release you can have available sensors in Home Assistant for every single battery cell. On top, additional statistics are now available like min, max or delta per each battery. Statistics are performed by the program based on cells data.

Main changes:

  • new: cells monitoring -- close #24
  • new: statistics for cells -- close #25
  • enhance: MQTT discovery -- refactoring, improved speed
  • change: documentation updated to reflect changes

Backward compatibility is ensured for auto discovered sensors in Home Assistant, MariaDB (sensors and records), but you need to pay attention to config file that was changed. This release doesn't work with previous config files, a new row 'cells_monitoring' was added in [event] section.



11 Apr 05:33
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fix: reported 100% CPU when running -- close #23


26 Mar 18:59
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fix: cells data could not be read - error message -- close #22


07 Oct 18:41
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Major release

This release come with possibility to have in Home Assistant multiple devices from all systems where pytes serial is running. Meaning that, as of this release you can have more pytes serial running in different hosts/location and the output to be captured in Home Assistant as multiple devices.

Main changes:

  • new: Home Assistant device name can be customised now in config file (i.e pytes, pytesone, pytestwo, pylon ...) -- close #20
  • fix: wrong 100% SOC display in log files -- close #19
  • fix: sensor nickname display for HomeAssistant -- close #21
  • change: renamed one json field name for better alignment with pylon ('pytes' to 'devices')

This release doesn't work with previous config files, as a new section was added. Backward compatibility is ensured for HA, MariaDB (sensors and records), but you need to pay attention to config file that was changed.
If you have only one pytes serial that is running the changes are minimal for you and you will not notice the differences except bugfixes #19, #21.

Home Assistant:
For the auto discovered sensors, backward compatibility is ensured if default values in new section are kept.
If you have sensors, manually declared in Home Assistant, please re-check the yaml file, they may be affected as the JSON file format was changed.

MariaDB: if two or more pytes serial instances are running you need to create an additional table in the database for each and to have corresponding settings in the individual configuration file too.

MQTT: if two or more pytes serial instances are running state topic will be in line with each device name


06 Aug 17:41
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Major release

This release come with two new functionalities: logging and cells monitoring.

Main changes:

  • new: logging level, log size, number of backups can be selected now in config file (close #16)
  • new: power_events, bat_events, sys_fault are now monitored (close #18)
  • new: events are human readable (system faults only) (close #17)
  • new: cells details are logged in 'battery_events.log' when a selected event happened - log is created automat
  • new: pytes-serial events are now logged in 'pytes_serial.log'- log is created automat
  • new: no of events since script started are reported now in section 'serial_stat' of JSON file
  • info: old event.log is deprecated

This release has backward compatibility (MQTT, MariaDB, JSON) but you need to pay attention to config file that was changed (two new sections added to the end) to accommodate new features #16, #18
More info here


03 Jun 05:33
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Major release

  • adaptive speed based on BMS response
  • serial statistics is reported now in JSON file
  • reading frequency limited to min 10 sec in order to prevent overloading of the BMS
  • overall better roundtrip special on multiple batteries bank (Pytes and Pylontech)
  • major refactoring of the code vs. latest stabile version 0.3.5

This release has backward compatibility.


26 Feb 14:49
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  • fix: history not displayed for all Pytes sensors in Home Assistant (#14)
  • new: the program won't start if no serial port open
  • new: timeout to prevent forever loop if no response from serial (#12)
  • update documentation
  • minor cosmetics


13 Feb 17:30
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bug fix: issue #13 -- incorrect unit of measurements for voltage in HA