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Full Active Intel Gathering

Chopicalqui edited this page Feb 25, 2022 · 2 revisions

Perform setup

This use case applies to internal and external penetration tests. Among other things, the use cases are:

  • Check services for default credentials using hydra or changeme
  • Check access to file sharing services (e.g., NFS and SMB) using smbclient or showmount
  • Check security of web applications using tools like gobuster, nikto, davtest, aquatone or Burp Suite Professional
  • Obtain TLS information using sslscan, sslyze and nmap
  • Perform vhost enumerations

The collection is performed on previously executed Nmap scans and a list of in-scope IPv4/IPv6 networks/addresses.

Before we start:

  1. We re-initialize the KIS database
  2. We specify a workspace $ws (e.g., ws=pentest)
  3. We specify the list of networks $networks to be investigated (e.g., networks=, networks=, networks=, or networks= Refer to the wiki page Scoping in KIS for more information.
  4. We import Nmap scan results
  5. We might also import Nessus scan results
# initialize new database
docker exec -t kaliintelsuite kismanage database --drop --init

# create a new workspace $ws
docker exec -it kaliintelsuite kismanage workspace --add $ws

# add the networks $networks to workspace $ws and set the scope to all (default)
docker exec -it kaliintelsuite kismanage network -w $ws --add $networks

# import nmap scan results into KIS
docker exec -it kaliintelsuite kismanage scan -w $ws --nmap $nmap_paths

# add new host names to workspace $ws. thereby, all sub-level domains of $domains become automatically
# in scope due to the second-level domains' scope type all
docker exec -it kaliintelsuite kismanage hostname -w $ws --add $domains $hostnames

Note: If we also want to incorporate second-level domains and their sub-domains into the penetration test, then we might want to start with the use case Semi-passive hostname gathering.

Perform initial collection

Now, we perform the actual active intelligence collection. For more information about the selected collectors, refer to the wiki page KIS Collectors.

docker exec -it kaliintelsuite kiscollect -w $ws --debug --strict -t5 --anyservicenmap --certnmap \
--dnsaxfrdomain --dnsaxfrservice --dnsnmap --finger --ftpfilelist --ftphydra --ftpnmap --httpchangeme \
--httpdavtest --httpgobuster --httpgobustersmart --httphydra --httpkiterunner --httpmsfrobotstxt --httpnikto \
--httpnmap --httpntlmnmap --httpwhatweb --ikescan --imapnmap --ipmi --ldapnmap --ldapsearch --msrpcenum --mssqlhydra \
--mssqlnmap --mysqlhydra --mysqlnmap --nbtscan --nfsnmap --ntpq --onesixtyone --oraclesidguess --pgsqlhydra \
--pop3nmap --rdpnmap --rpcclient --rpcinfo --rpcnmap --showmount --smbclient --smbcme --smbfilelist --smbmap \
--smbnmap --smtpnmap --snmpcheck --snmphydra --snmpnmap --snmpwalk --sshchangeme --sshnmap --sslscan --sslyze \
--tlsnmap --telnetnmap --tftpnmap --vncnmap --x11nmap --httpburpsuitepro --autostart

Review collected data

After the collection, we review collected domain information (obtained via certificate scrapping using collectors certnmap, sslyze and sslscan) and if applicable, add them in scope:

# perform a review of the collected data using kisreport
docker exec -it kaliintelsuite bash
(.venv) kis_shell> ws=
(.venv) kis_shell> kisreport domain -w $ws --csv --scope outside | csvcut -c "Second-Level Domain (SLD)","Scope (SLD)","Companies (SLD)" | \
csvsort -c "Second-Level Domain (SLD)" | csvlook
(.venv) kis_shell> exit

# add newly identified second-level domains and their sub-level domains in scope
docker exec -it kaliintelsuite kismanage domain -w $ws -s {all,strict} $domains
docker exec -it kaliintelsuite kismanage hostname -w $ws --add $domains $hostnames

Continue collection

Intelligence collection from vhosts

Based on the newly added in-scope information, we might also collect intelligence from vhosts using kiscollect's --vhost argument:

docker exec -it kaliintelsuite kiscollect -w $ws --debug --strict -t5 --anyservicenmap --certnmap \
--certopenssl --dnsaxfrdomain --dnsaxfrservice --dnsnmap --finger --ftpfilelist --ftphydra --ftpnmap --httpchangeme \
--httpdavtest --httpgobuster --httpgobustersmart --httphydra --httpkiterunner --httpmsfrobotstxt --httpnikto \
--httpnmap --httpntlmnmap --httpwhatweb --ikescan --imapnmap --ipmi --ldapnmap --ldapsearch --msrpcenum --mssqlhydra \
--mssqlnmap --mysqlhydra --mysqlnmap --nbtscan --nfsnmap --ntpq --onesixtyone --oraclesidguess --pgsqlhydra \
--pop3nmap --rdpnmap --rpcclient --rpcinfo --rpcnmap --showmount --smbclient --smbcme --smbfilelist --smbmap \
--smbnmap --smtpnmap --snmpcheck --snmphydra --snmpnmap --snmpwalk --sshchangeme --sshnmap --sslscan --sslyze \
--tlsnmap --telnetnmap --tftpnmap --vncnmap --x11nmap --httpburpsuitepro --vhost domain --tld --autostart

Creating screenshots with Aquatone

We might also want to create screenshots using aquatone:

docker exec -it kaliintelsuite bash
(.venv) kis_shell> ws=
(.venv) kis_shell> kisreport path -w $ws --scope within --type http --csv | csvcut -c "Full Path" | grep -v "Full Path" | aquatone -out /kis/aquatone
(.venv) kis_shell> exit

After Aquatone is complete, we copy newly created screenshots form the docker volume:

mv /var/lib/docker/volumes/kaliintelsuite_kis_data/_data/aquatone .

If we are working on Microsoft Windows, then we have to replace the above path by:
