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Learning data science through building projects. #100DayOfMLCode

Easy Projects

Breast Cancer detection

This is a pretty simple data set. Using 9 features of biopsy, classified whether it is cancerous or not. Used the pandas library to explore and prepare the data. Plotted the distributions and correlation matrixes of each feature. Used K-nearest neighbors and suppor vector machine classifier and got accuracies of 95% for both models.

Board Game Review Prediction

To predict board game ratings from a scale from 0 to 10 based on numeric features such as play time, number of owners, number of wishers, number of comments, etc. Performed data cleaning by removing unrated data points. Used linear regression and random forest for the machine learning models. Random forest out-performed linear regression based on mean squared error as metrics.

DNA Sequence Classification Using Various Machine Learning Algorithms

Used DNA sequences that are equal in length to classify whether it is a promoter of a gene or not. Performed data preprocessing and feature engineering. In order to use the nucleotides in the sequences as features, they needed to be converted into dummy variables using pandas. Used a number of machine learning models and compared their performances. The models include K-nearest neighbors, densely connected neural network, gaussian process classifier, decision tree, random forest, ada boost, naive bayes, and support vector machine with various kernels. A support vector machine with linear kernel performed the best with the accuracy of 96%.

Peak Detection Using a Neural Network

In my graduate research, I was tring to accurately determine the presence and absence of a peak from some time series data. The peaks are gaussian in shape, with varying amplitude, width, noise level, and baseline. Without any labeled data, the best way to train the model is to randomly generate the data, with and without a peak. A neural network was trained using MLPClassifier in sklearn. The net was densely connected with 2 hidden layers of 100 and 50 neurons. The resulting training accuracy was 95%

Credit Card Fraud Detetion

Stock Market Clustering

Obtained open and closing values of various stocks using pandas_datareader. Calculated the daily movements for ~400 days, then performed kmeans clustering for 5 cluster centers. Then used principal component analysis to reduce the dimensionality of the data into only 2 dimensions. The clusters were very interesting and made a lots of sense. Clusters consisted of similar companies. For example, car companies were in the same cluster. Other clusters consisted of airplane companies, tech companies, or food and personal product companies.

Intermediate Projects

Diabetes Onset Detection

The goal was to determine whether an individual has diabetes or not based on measurements such as the number of pregnancy, blood glucose level, insulin, BMI, etc. Performed data exploration and removed missing data. To avoid overpredicting the negative case, had to resample the negative data as the negative sample to positive sample ratio was 2:1. A densely connected neural network with two hidden layers was used. Used RandomizedSearchCV to automatically search for the hyperparameters that gave the best model. Parameters included batch_size, epochs, learning_rate, actiation function etc. The resulting accuracy on the test set was ~80 %.

Learning Natural Language Processing

An introduction to natural language processing.

Hard Projects

CIFAR10 Image Classification

Image Super Resolution

Very Hard Projects

Image Denoising Using Principal Component Analysis

Daily Log

Day 001: This might be too soon but have been working on an ANN project. Have implemented the core algorithms in @AndrewYNg 's class but this is the first time I have applied it in a real world problem. Still polishing the code.

Day002: Polished up my notebook on peak detection using a neural network. With the lack of real labeled data, I worked around the problem using simulated peak data. This made my machine learning problem a lot easier.

Day003: Taking a deep dive into principal component analysis. Never taken linear algebra before so I am pretty confused about eigenvectors. Starting with basic linear algebra and working my way to gaining a fundamental understanding of PCA.

Day004 and 005: Progress has been slow last two days. Still going through the linear algebra essentials. @3blue1brown has a great video series walking you through the graphical intuition of linear algebra.

Day006: finally watched through the linear algebra series by @3blue1brown. Moving on to understanding single value decomposition and eigendecomposition.

Day007 and 008: Got a general understanding of the math behind PCA. Now starting a mini project to denoise an image using PCA

Day009. Used PCA to denoise an image. It worked somewhat but it's not as good as a boxcar average. Still trying.

Day010 and 011. PCA to denoise an image. Borrowed some ideas from this paper, which uses local pixel grouping and block matching to build a training set. Also messed around with Kmeans. Not happy with the results yet.

Day 012 and 013: Have been working on image denoising using PCA for several days. Still doesn't work well. Going to polish it up and upload to github anyways. Moving on to other topics and revisit this later.

Day 014: polished up my notebook on image denoising using PCA. Going to branch out to learn something else. Probably enroll in a data science course.

Day 015: Game plan: Need to develop the breadth and depth of knowledge at the same time. Also need to showcase skills through projects. Eventually, will develop a web app for real world data problems. Now, started a new project on stock market clustering.

Day 016: Obtained the daily stock movements of dozens of companies in last two years using pandas_datareader. Clustered with KMeans and PCA to visualize the data. Interesting to see the similarities between groups like auto and oil or McDonalds and pepsi.

Day 017: Part 1. Started reading this DL book ch 1, 2. Review on the maths behind ANN: tensor operations, gradient descent, and backprop. Always wondered how backprop was derived. It uses chain rule to calc the gradients of weights of previous layers.

Day 017: Part 2. Started exploring the pima-indian dataset. Checked for skewness and correlations using pandas.plotting.scatter_matrix. Getting rid of data that don't make sense. Following a tutorial on using keras to detect the onset of diabetes.

Day 018: Part 1. Statistics. This book seems quite useful. Reviewed on central limit theorem. Since I was exploring the pima-indians data, I also learned about bivariate (Pearson) correlation. Plotted a scattering matrix for the dataset.

Day 019: Part 1. Read an article on chinese NLP. Would be interesting to work on as it's difficult and I speak it. Don't know too much about NLP so it might kick my butt. But will try when I'm ready.

Day 018 & 019. Part 2. Still working on diabetes onset detection using #keras. Learned about hyperparameter (learning rate, dropout, epoch, and batch size) tuning using a grid search method. And there is so much more to learn!

Day 020 & 021. Part 2. Finishing diabetes onset detection. The dataset is too imbalanced so I had to resample the data. Used RandomizedSearchCV for auto hyperparameter tuning. Finally got acceptable precision and recall, ~80% for both classes for the test set.

Day 021. Part 1. Important to learn from the work of others. Going through a git repo in detail: …. Learning the practices of managing and distribution open source software. This sample project is also useful:

Day 022: Part 1. Coding skill Thursday. Trying to understand how and .travis.yml work. Also looked at ideas to showcase my coding skill, see: …. Part 2. Polished and pushed diabetes detection project to github

ay 023: Supervised learning on DNA sequences. Classified whether a DNA sequence is a promoter of a gene or not (Dataset: …) Realized you can train and evaluate many different algorithms at the same time and see which gives the best results.

Day 024: Part 2. Tutorial on NLP ( …). Very new to this sub-field. Learning the common techniques like tokenizing, stemming, chunking, etc, using the nltk module. Very excited to learn more!

Day 024: Part 1. Deep learning Saturday. Continue reading "Deep Learning with Python". Ch 3. Review on activation function, loss funcs (binary & categorical crossentropy & mean squared error). Plotting loss func vs epoch for validation set to detect overfitting

Day 025 &26: NLP continues. Trying to understand how to use regular expression.

Day 027: NLP continues. Learned tagging words to their part of speech. Used Regexp to parse words. Learned about name entity recognition.

Day 028: NLP. Learned how to train a SVM to predict if a movie review is positive or negative based on the most frequent words in the review. I thought it would do a poor job, but got a 83.6 % accuracy. Not bad!

Day 029: Part 1: Learning how to package my python code using pip. Got stuck trying to upload to pypi. Kind of lost. Part 2: NLP. Polished my notebook on predicting movie review sentiment. Also correctly predicted sentiments of reviews I found online.

Day 031: Part 1. Read chapter 4 on "Deep Learning with Python". On the issue of overfitting and various methods to overcome it (e.g. dropout, Kfold, regularization).

Day 030 & 031: Part 2: Working on a computer vision problem using a all convolutional neural network with keras (dataset: …, paper: …). Using google colab for the free GPU power. Still training and I am going to bed.

Day 032: my CNN model can't get >90% on the test set. Training for more epochs. Hopefully doesn't overfit.

Day 033 & 034: my conv net is at 89% now. Still trying to hunt for the next few percents. Hyperparameter tuning is hard! Playing with RandomSearchCV and keras callbacks.

Day 035 & 036: Part 1: Learning how to build python packages ( …). Part 2: Learned about data augmentation using ImageDataGenerator in keras ( …). It expands my image training set by randomly modifying the images.

Day 037: Worked on the CIFAR-10 dataset. No matter what I did, I still couldn't get it to 90+%. Until I read this: … . I ensemble averaged 11 best models I trained and got 90%! I'm happy now. My notebook:

Day 038&039: Trying to enhance image resolution using Convnet. Having issue with model not learning the training set. From what I have read, dozens of things could have gone wrong. Kind of lost

Day 040-042: Got sick last couple of days. I finished working on using a neural network to enhance image resolution. Here are the results: (left: original, right: enhanced). Overall acceptable. Slight enhancement on the tiger and the zebra looks a bit cartoonish.

Day 043&044: Exploring a related topic--image inpainting. Trying to regenerate deleted parts of an image. Realized my model architecture didn't work. Started exploring variational autoencoder ( …) Generative neural networks are fun.

Day 045-047: Spent two days getting the neural network architecture set up. Spent today trying to train the model to reconstruct missing part of an image. Not even overfitting. Something is wrong with the model.

Day 048-049: Image inpainting is a little too advanced for me right now. Instead, I have been organizing my github page on the data science projects I have been working on. Also, started following a tutorial on more NLP.

Day 050: Back to following a machine learning tutorial. Now doing another NLP. Goal is to develop a SMS spam detector. Did data exploration. Now cleaning up the data using regex.


Learning data science through building projects






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