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Provide easily-importable, comprehensive, and sufficiently-diverse sample data plus instructions to install and configure new Google Blogger blog. Resulting blog helps to more robustly teach, learn, explore, and test themes, layouts (sections), and widgets across 4 types of views generated: index (i.e. items, tags, search results), static page, …


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Provide easily-importable, comprehensive, and sufficiently-diverse sample data plus instructions to install and configure new Google Blogger blog. Resulting blog helps to more robustly teach, learn, explore, and test themes, layouts (sections), and widgets across 4 types of views generated: index (i.e. items, tags, search results), static page, item (i.e. post), and archive (i.e. items); 404 error page is unaffected by blog data.

[ See ]

[ See ]


Table of Contents



Key Features

Content Features


Random lorem ipsum text.


Variety of random images for:


Single sentence of varying lengths containing random lorem ipsum text.

Search Descriptions

Single sentence of varying lengths containing random lorem ipsum text.


Random header image, followed by up to two paragraphs of varying lengths containing random lorem ipsum text, followed by possibly up to two random gallery images. Each image has alternate text with a single sentence of varying lengths containing random lorem ipsum text. Each paragraph may or may not contain an embedded random image. One or two posts do not have any images (i.e. no header image, no embedded paragraph images, and no post-content gallery images).


Variety of comments and replies (i.e. nested comments) on pages and posts to allow testing of comment permissions: allow; do not allow, show existing; plus, do not allow, hide existing. Each comment is a single sentence of varying lengths containing random lorem ipsum text.

Post Timestamps

Many recent timestamps with fewer during the preceding 4 years (i.e. randomized front-loaded timestamps between 2019-04-22 and 2022-09-22) allowing testing of various archive settings.

Post Labels

Random selection of up to 5 labels from collection of 12 labels, whose titles contain up to 3 words of random lorem ipsum text. One or two posts do not contain any label information.

Post Locations

Some posts contain a randomly chosen landmark in a random city in the United States. Many posts contain only a random city in the United States. A few posts only contain a random state in the United States. One or two posts contain only the United States of America. One or two posts do not contain any location information. This variety helps test specificity of displayed locations.



While exploring the creation of themes for Google Blogger using various sections, layouts, and widgets, discovered there was not enough data (e.g. pages, posts, or labels) with enough diversity to clearly understand how information would be displayed to visitors. Wanted to focus on Google products to explore integration of various Google Cloud modules as tools for community members.


Known Issues

Google Blogger Backup (Export) / Restore (Import) Post and Page Entries Missing Search Description and Comment Permission Setting

When backing-up (exporting) data from Google Blogger to create XML file, resulting XML file does not contain data for search description and comment permission settings in post and page entries. Therefore, these missing data cannot be imported. See related Blogger Help Community post for more information. See Installation of Manual Workaround for Known Issues.





PURPOSE: get comprehensive and sufficiently-diverse sample data help learn, explore, and test various themes, layouts (sections), and widgets

  1. Clone repository to local workspace or download following files:
  2. Sign-in to Google account
  3. Go to Google Blogger
  4. Click drop-down box at top of left-hand menu sidebar
  5. Select New Blog…
  6. Enter title for test blog (e.g. My Google Blogger Template Sample)
  7. Enter subdomain address for test blog (e.g. mysample2058)
  8. Click Settings near bottom of left-hand menu sidebar
  9. Scroll down to Manage Blog section
  10. Select Import content
  11. On pop-up window, click IMPORT button
  12. Select downloaded google-blogger-sample-data.xml file

Manual Workaround for Known Issues

See Known Issues.

  1. If continuing directly from Installation, skip to step #2, otherwise do following:
    1. Sign-in to Google account
    2. Go to Google Blogger
    3. Click drop-down box at top of left-hand menu sidebar
    4. Select title for test blog (e.g. My Blog Template Testing)

Post and Page Entries Missing Search Description and Comment Permission Setting

  1. Click Pages near middle of left-hand menu sidebar

  2. For each page in table below, do following:

    1. Select title to load for editing
    2. In right-hand menu sidebar, select Search Description
    3. Copy search description from table below and paste into page search description
    4. In upper-right-hand screen corner, click Update button
    5. In upper-left-hand screen corner, click (back) button
    Title Search Description
    Cras Quis Mauris Nibh. Proin suscipit mi nibh, maximus aliquet lectus rutrum et.
    Duis Aliquet Ante Urna, Quis Vehicula Mauris Mollis Eu. Aliquam efficitur laoreet nisl, et hendrerit dolor elementum quis.
    Maecenas Vestibulum Rutrum Mi At Molestie. Etiam pretium luctus dolor, et lacinia risus molestie non.
    Sed Dignissim Eu Felis Ac Fringilla. Etiam ut maximus massa.
  3. For each page in table below, do following:

    1. Select title to load for editing
    2. In right-hand menu sidebar, select Search Description
    3. Copy search description from table below and paste into page search description
    4. In right-hand menu sidebar, select Options
    5. Select reader comments permission from table below
    6. In upper-right-hand screen corner, click Update button
    7. In upper-left-hand screen corner, click (back) button
    Title Search Description Comments Permission
    Curabitur Imperdiet Dictum Sapien Non Commodo. Ut eget mi ac eros congue fermentum. Do not allow, show existing
    Nulla Blandit Non Ante In Mollis. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Do not allow, show existing
    Aliquam Suscipit Sapien Vitae Tincidunt Mollis. Morbi id ornare erat. Do not allow, hide existing
    Morbi Bibendum Nisi Sed Tempor Ultrices. Phasellus tincidunt erat quis lacus ultricies, vitae aliquam arcu elementum. Do not allow, hide existing
  4. Click Posts near top of left-hand menu sidebar

  5. For each post in table below, do following:

    1. Select title to load for editing
    2. In right-hand menu sidebar, select Search Description
    3. Copy search description from table below and paste into post search description
    4. In upper-right-hand screen corner, click Update button
    5. In upper-left-hand screen corner, click (back) button
    Title Search Description
    Ac Tellus Praesent Sed Tortor In Dolor Varius Porttitor Duis pretium commodo diam, ac laoreet est facilisis vel.
    Aenean vel enim ac nisi iaculis egestas nec ac dui. Aliquam consectetur dignissim dignissim.
    Aliquam aliquam consectetur porta. Morbi gravida elit id elit interdum faucibus.
    Aliquam erat volutpat. Pellentesque in dui in felis fermentum dignissim.
    Donec lacinia mi eu pharetra aliquet. Vestibulum eget eros dolor.
    Donec ultrices mauris vitae diam tincidunt imperdiet tempus id justo. Suspendisse cursus, nunc eu laoreet vulputate, nulla elit viverra quam, et egestas ligula leo a tellus.
    Et Commodo Vel, Semper In Lectus Aliquam Hendrerit Libero Morbi quis sem non lorem porttitor commodo convallis at augue.
    Imperdiet Interdum Ac Ut Neque Quisque Ac Augue Eu Elit Mollis Egestas Aliquam auctor varius lectus, non hendrerit eros tempor id.
    In placerat mi sit amet nibh elementum, nec tincidunt lectus convallis. Donec dapibus tortor dignissim nibh convallis mattis.
    Luctus Varius Sed, Convallis Id Nulla Curabitur Quam Metus, Tempus Integer ut eros sit amet mauris fringilla tincidunt.
    Metus, In Faucibus Tortor - Morbi Suscipit Scelerisque Elit Fusce auctor, nunc id luctus facilisis, nulla tellus efficitur mi, et dignissim nunc mi vitae lorem.
    Nam vel justo et arcu dictum pharetra eu at enim. Duis sed nisi leo.
    Nulla egestas elementum purus, quis ultricies est. Integer justo libero, dignissim et auctor quis, iaculis eget leo.
    Ornare Diam, Vitae Dictum Quam Integer Vel Nisi Ac Nunc Phasellus accumsan neque non dui ullamcorper tempor facilisis quis enim.
    Pellentesque commodo, augue pellentesque ornare maximus, est massa congue risus, sit amet dictum lectus leo vitae velit. Vestibulum porta est et dui vestibulum, vitae porta orci interdum.
    Pellentesque suscipit mi vitae erat rutrum, ac scelerisque quam fermentum. Aenean sit amet mollis libero.
    Quis Ultricies Vulputate Nam Nulla Est, Imperdiet Eget Auctor Ac, Eleifend Sed vitae ultrices diam.
    Quisque Aliquam Id Velit At Vulputate Etiam Nisl Mi, Ornare Sed id pharetra neque.
    Quisque Sodales Gravida Purus Ac Placerat Pellentesque Eu Egestas Duis porta purus sed nibh imperdiet, in viverra mauris sodales.
    Sit Amet Viverra Ut Interdum Vehicula Turpis A Hendrerit Vestibulum Aliquam erat volutpat.
    Sollicitudin Rhoncus Nunc Efficitur Erat Metus, Quis Bibendum Phasellus et mattis sapien, non egestas velit.
    Vitae A Metus Etiam Odio Odio, Tincidunt Vitae Massa Et, Viverra Pellentesque Duis eu orci sed ipsum congue tempus.
  6. For each post in table below, do following:

    1. Select title to load for editing
    2. In right-hand menu sidebar, select Search Description
    3. Copy search description from table below and paste into post search description
    4. In right-hand menu sidebar, select Options
    5. Select reader comments permission from table belowv
    6. In upper-right-hand screen corner, click Update button
    7. In upper-left-hand screen corner, click (back) button
    Title Search Description Comments Permission
    Ligula Aliquet Id Sed Eu Ultricies Odio Aliquam Vitae Phasellus vel orci eleifend, ultrices ante non, suscipit eros. Do not allow, show existing
    Pellentesque Metus Et Quam Dignissim, Eget Pretium Ligula Interdum Nulla scelerisque est accumsan fermentum dapibus. Do not allow, show existing
    Sed justo ex, varius eu ornare eget, mollis et lorem. Phasellus et congue purus, a commodo dolor. Do not allow, show existing
    Cras at malesuada elit. Proin faucibus, nibh sit amet sagittis maximus, eros turpis malesuada nibh, nec faucibus sapien nibh ut est. Do not allow, hide existing
    Donec Sit Amet Lacinia Ante Proin Consequat Enim Vitae Cras posuere sit amet mi sodales faucibus. Do not allow, hide existing
    Erat Etiam Tempus Augue At Neque Posuere Sagittis Mauris facilisis quis arcu in scelerisque. Do not allow, hide existing
    Mauris a semper tortor. Sed vel nunc erat. Do not allow, hide existing
    Proin tempus, nisl sed vulputate iaculis, felis mi venenatis dolor, eget convallis ante libero eu erat. Etiam iaculis neque at mi mollis, in volutpat sapien cursus. Do not allow, hide existing
    Sed tincidunt eu turpis nec vehicula. Vivamus quis viverra eros, finibus aliquam sapien. Do not allow, hide existing
    Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia curae; Suspendisse potenti. Quisque at varius nisi. Do not allow, hide existing
    Vestibulum eu accumsan purus. Cras elementum augue ipsum, et mollis nunc condimentum eu. Do not allow, hide existing



PURPOSE: help to learn, explore, and test various settings to get best experience

  1. If continuing directly from Installation, skip to step #2, otherwise do following:
    1. Sign-in to Google account
    2. Go to Google Blogger
    3. Click drop-down box at top of left-hand menu sidebar
    4. Select title for test blog (e.g. My Blog Template Testing)

Blog Settings

  1. Click Settings near bottom of left-hand menu sidebar
  2. In Basic section, click Description to review and update (e.g. Sample blog for teaching, learning, exploring, and testing Google Blogger themes, layouts, and widgets.), then click SAVE
  3. Click Favicon, click Choose File, select downloaded favicon.ico file, then click Save
  4. Scroll down to Privacy section, click slider for Visible to search engines to hide sample blog from search engines (i.e. avoid cluttering search results with sample data)
  5. Scroll down to Permissions section, click Reader access, select Private to authors (or Public to share with others), then click SAVE
  6. Scroll down to Posts section, click Max posts shown on main page, enter 7, then click `SAVE
  7. Scroll down to Comments section, click Comment location, select Embedded, then click SAVE
  8. Click Who can comment?, select Users with Google Accounts, then click SAVE
  9. Click Comment moderation, select Always, then click SAVE
  10. Click Email moderation requests to, enter email address, then click SAVE
  11. Click Comment form message, enter, enter comment form message (e.g. Please share your reactions and thoughts with us! What did you like most? What could we improve?), then click SAVE
  12. Click Pending comment notification emails, enter email address, then click SAVE
  13. Scroll down to Formatting section, click Time zone, select your time (e.g. (GMT-05:00) Central Time – Chicago for CDT or (GMT-06:00) Central Time – Chicago CST), then click SAVE button
  14. Click Date header format, then select option to display weekday, month, day, and year (e.g. Tuesday, October 04, 2022), then click SAVE
  15. Click Timestamp format, then select option to display hours, minutes, seconds, and AM/PM (e.g. 3:02:03 PM), then click SAVE
  16. Click Comment timestamp format, then select option to display weekday, month, day, year, hours, minutes, seconds, and AM/PM (e.g. Tuesday, October 04, 2022 at 3:02:03 PM UTC-5), then click SAVE
  17. Scroll down to Meta tags section, then click on slider to Enable search description
  18. Click on Search description, then enter website description to be used in search engine results (e.g. My sample Google Blogger blog to more robustly teach, learn, explore, and test themes, layouts, and widgets.), static page, item (i.e. post), and archive (i.e. items); 404 error page is unaffected by blog data.), then click SAVE button
  19. Scroll down to Site feed section, click Allow blog feed, select option Until Jump Break, then click SAVE button
  20. Click Post feed footer, enter post feed footer (e.g. For more information, please visit our website. For updates, please follow us on your favorite social media!), then click SAVE button
  21. Scroll down to General section, click User Profile, then complete profile as much as desired (e.g. here is my profile)

Blog Layout

Header Section

Header Widget

Navbar Section

PageList Widget

Main Section

Blog Widget
HTML Widget
Image Widget
TextList Widget
Text Widget
Profile Widget
LinkList Widget
FeaturedPost Widget
PopularPosts Widget

Sidebar Section

Translate Widget
BlogSearch Widget
Subscribe Widget
BlogArchive Widget
Label Widget

Footer Section

ContactForm Widget
Stats Widget
Attribution Widget
ReportAbuse Widget
BloggerButton Widget
  1. Click Layout near middle of left-hand menu

  2. Go through each of the sections (e.g. headers, sidebars, main, footers) and each of the included widgets to review all settings. Make sure all settings are enabled and have desired content (e.g. text or images) to help understand data that is available for visitors. For each widget, simply click pencil (edit) icon to view settings for widget.






Google Blogger Architecture

  • Blog
    • Export / Import (XML)
      • Settings
        • Theme (XHTML)
          • CSS
          • Layout
            • Sections
              • ID
              • Class
              • Maximum Widget # (maxwidgets)
              • Enable Additional Widgets (showaddelement)
              • Span Direction (growth)
              • Widgets (See also XHTML Widget Tags and XHTML Data Tags)
                • ID
                • Type
                • Locked Flag (locked)
                • Title
                • Display on View Type (pageType)
                • Display on Mobile (mobile)
                • Settings
                • Content = Data can only be offered inside widgets
      • Data
        • Pages
          • ID
          • URL
          • Author
          • Title
          • Search Description -- MISSING -- See Known Issues
          • Body (HTML)
          • Comment Permission -- MISSING -- See Known Issues
          • Comments (linked by identifier)
        • Posts
          • ID
          • URL
          • Timestamp
          • Author
          • Title
          • Search Description -- MISSING -- See Known Issues
          • Labels
          • Location
          • Media Links
          • Body (HTML)
          • Comment Permission -- MISSING -- See Known Issues
          • Comments (linked by identifier)
        • Comments
          • ID
          • Timestamp
          • Author
          • Body (HTML)
    • Views
      • index (i.e. items newest to oldest, items with specific label, items matching search criteria)
      • static_page
      • item
      • archive
      • error_page


Test Case Highlights

-- TODO: identify test case post dates --


  • [Date] -- [Title]
    • info
  • 33 = latest post; multiple labels (5); long labels tag; full location (street, city, state, ZIP Code); long description tag; header image, image embedded in each paragraph, +2 additional post-content images; comments allowed (5 comments each with 5 replies (30 comments total))
  • 6 = earliest post; single label; header image plus each paragraph has images; multiple comments (4)
  • 21 = long post title
  • 25 = short post title; single label; short labels tag
  • 11 = no label; long location tag; no images; no new comments allowed, existing comments shown
  • 9 = no street, city, or state, only country location
  • 23 = no street, only city and state location; no new comments allowed, existing comments hidden (2)
  • 20 = single label; short description tag; header image only
  • 31 = very little paragraph content; header image, image for each paragraph, plus 1 post-content image; comments allowed, no comments posted
  • 3 = header image + 1st paragraph image; a lot of paragraph content; no new comments allowed, existing comments displayed (4)





Authors and Acknowledgment




Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.

Please make sure to update tests as appropriate.








Provide easily-importable, comprehensive, and sufficiently-diverse sample data plus instructions to install and configure new Google Blogger blog. Resulting blog helps to more robustly teach, learn, explore, and test themes, layouts (sections), and widgets across 4 types of views generated: index (i.e. items, tags, search results), static page, …








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