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192 lines (110 loc) · 3.38 KB

File metadata and controls

192 lines (110 loc) · 3.38 KB


In this library you can get fast

  • Images
  • Audios
  • Videos
  • Files

using Media Store API


repositories {

        maven { url '' } 
dependencies {

        implementation 'com.github.code4rox:MediaLoaderX:1.0.0'

add permission and allow runtime

<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE"/>


  • Load all Images and Images Folders

  ImageLoaderX(context).getAllImages({ images ->
            //  all images list 
        }, { imageFolders ->
            // all images folder list

  • Load all Audios and Audios Folders

      AudioLoaderX(context).getAllAudios({ audios ->

            //  all audios list

        }, { audioFolders ->

            // all audios folder list

        } , { artists ->
            // all artist with songs
        } , { albums ->
           // all albums with songs

  • Load all Videos and Videos Folders

   VideoLoaderX(context).getAllVideos ({ videos ->

            //  all videos list 

        }, { videosFolders ->

            // all videos folder list


  • Load all Files and Files Folders

In android 11 and above you need to give MANAGE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE permission to get all files othervoise this give only media files. and don't forget add permission in menifest <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.MANAGE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE" />

NOTE: MANAGE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE permission is only granted to specific app types, such as file managers or antivirus apps, and you'll need to justify its use when publishing on the Google Play Store.

   FileLoaderX(context).getAllFiles  ({ files ->

            //  all files list

        }, { fileFolders ->

            // all files folder list


Advance Use

if you want get all images or all folders only use like this

  ImageLoaderX(context).getAllImages({ images ->
            //  all images list  
  ImageLoaderX(context).getAllImages({ imageFolders ->
            // all images folder list
  • Selection , Sorting and Filter
  VideoLoaderX(this).apply {

            // Show only videos that are at least 5 minutes in duration.
            mSelection = "${MediaStore.Video.Media.DURATION} >= ?"
            mSelectionArgs = arrayOf(TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS.convert(5, TimeUnit.MINUTES).toString())

            // if you want sort
            mSortOrder = MediaStore.Video.Media.DATE_ADDED + " DESC"

            // if you want filter
            mFilterVideoExt = arrayOf("mp4", "mkv")

            // all videos list
        }, {
            // all videos folder list

Exception handling

and if you have any kind of exception you can deduct like this

  ImageLoaderX(context).getAllImages({ images ->
            //  all images list 
        }, { imageFolders ->
            // all images folder list
        },{ error ->
           // error message show here