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Project Structure

Ashish Shekar edited this page Jun 9, 2020 · 1 revision

So in the last guide we created a project called helloworld and we ran it using the okrubik CLI. Using that project as a base we are also going to analyze the whole structure of this Rubik app so let's fasten our seatbelts and Go.

Project Structure

The file/directory structure of the initial Rubik app is shown below:

File/Folder Purpose
main.go The entrypoint of your Rubik server. This is where your config is loaded and server is started.
config/ The TOML configurations of your project is placed here. decl.go is the declaration of your config.
routers/ Routers hold group of routes. Routers are grouped by responsibilities/domains in rubik.
routers/*/route.go This file handles the creation of router and addition of routes under this domain.
routers/*/controller.go Corresponding controllers of all routes under this domain can be located here.
routers/import.go This file contains Import function which is the entripoint of all Routers into Rubik.
static/ This folder contains all the files that you want to serve statically under /static prefix path.
templates/ This folder holds files used for redering template as response.
storage/ This folder all files that can be organized and stored using the Storage API of Rubik.

Tree Representation

├── cmd
│   └── server
│       ├── config
│       │   ├── decl.go
│       │   └── default.toml
│       ├── main.go
│       ├── routers
│       │   ├── import.go
│       │   └── index
│       │       ├── controller.go
│       │       └── route.go
│       ├── static
│       │   └── main.css
│       └── templates
│           └── index.html
├── go.mod
├── go.sum
└── rubik.toml
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