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File metadata and controls

278 lines (228 loc) · 13.8 KB

bootstrapLightbox : object

Kind: global namespace


Service for loading an image.

Kind: static class of bootstrapLightbox

ImageLoader.load ⇒ Promise

Load the image at the given URL.

Kind: static property of ImageLoader
Returns: Promise - A $q promise that resolves when the image has loaded successfully.

Param Type
url String


Lightbox service.

Kind: static class of bootstrapLightbox

Lightbox.templateUrl : String

Template URL passed into $

Kind: static property of Lightbox

Lightbox.fullScreenMode : Boolean

Whether images should be scaled to the maximum possible dimensions.

Kind: static property of Lightbox

Lightbox.getImageUrl ⇒ String

Kind: static property of Lightbox
Returns: String - The URL of the given image.

Param Type Description
image * An element in the array of images.

Lightbox.getImageCaption ⇒ String

Kind: static property of Lightbox
Returns: String - The caption of the given image.

Param Type Description
image * An element in the array of images.

Lightbox.calculateImageDimensionLimits ⇒ Object

Calculate the max and min limits to the width and height of the displayed image (all are optional). The max dimensions override the min dimensions if they conflict.

Kind: static property of Lightbox
Returns: Object - May optionally contain the properties minWidth, minHeight, maxWidth, and maxHeight.

Param Type Description
dimensions Object Contains the properties windowWidth, windowHeight, imageWidth, and imageHeight.

Lightbox.calculateModalDimensions ⇒ Object

Calculate the width and height of the modal. This method gets called after the width and height of the image, as displayed inside the modal, are calculated.

Kind: static property of Lightbox
Returns: Object - Must contain the properties width and height.

Param Type Description
dimensions Object Contains the properties windowWidth, windowHeight, imageDisplayWidth, and imageDisplayHeight.

Lightbox.isVideo ⇒ Boolean

Kind: static property of Lightbox
Returns: Boolean - Whether the provided element is a video.

Param Type Description
image * An element in the array of images.

Lightbox.isSharedVideo ⇒ Boolean

Kind: static property of Lightbox
Returns: Boolean - Whether the provided element is a video that is to be embedded with an external service like YouTube. By default, this is determined by the url not ending in .mp4, .ogg, or .webm.

Param Type Description
image * An element in the array of images.

Lightbox.images : Array

Array of all images to be shown in the lightbox (not Image objects).

Kind: static property of Lightbox

Lightbox.index : Number

The index in the Lightbox.images aray of the image that is currently shown in the lightbox.

Kind: static property of Lightbox

Lightbox.keyboardNavEnabled : Boolean

Whether keyboard navigation is currently enabled for navigating through images in the lightbox.

Kind: static property of Lightbox

Lightbox.image : *

The image currently shown in the lightbox.

Kind: static property of Lightbox

Lightbox.modalInstance : Object

The UI Bootstrap modal instance. See {@link}.

Kind: static property of Lightbox

Lightbox.imageUrl : String

The URL of the current image. This is a property of the service rather than of Lightbox.image because Lightbox.image need not be an object, and besides it would be poor practice to alter the given objects.

Kind: static property of Lightbox

Lightbox.imageCaption : String

The optional caption of the current image.

Kind: static property of Lightbox

Lightbox.loading : Boolean

Whether an image is currently being loaded.

Kind: static property of Lightbox

Lightbox.openModal ⇒ Object

Open the lightbox modal.

Kind: static property of Lightbox
Returns: Object - The created UI Bootstrap modal instance.

Param Type Description
newImages Array An array of images. Each image may be of any type.
newIndex Number The index in newImages to set as the current image.
modalParams Object Custom params for the angular UI bootstrap modal (in $

Lightbox.closeModal : function

Close the lightbox modal.

Kind: static property of Lightbox

Param Type Description
result * This argument can be useful if the modal promise gets handler(s) attached to it.

Lightbox.setImage : function

This method can be used in all methods which navigate/change the current image.

Kind: static property of Lightbox

Param Type Description
newIndex Number The index in the array of images to set as the new current image.

Lightbox.firstImage : function

Navigate to the first image.

Kind: static property of Lightbox

Lightbox.prevImage : function

Navigate to the previous image.

Kind: static property of Lightbox

Lightbox.nextImage : function

Navigate to the next image.

Kind: static property of Lightbox

Lightbox.lastImage : function

Navigate to the last image.

Kind: static property of Lightbox

Lightbox.setImages : function

Call this method to set both the array of images and the current image (based on the current index). A use case is when the image collection gets changed dynamically in some way while the lightbox is still open.

Kind: static property of Lightbox

Param Type Description
newImages Array The new array of images.


This attribute directive is used in an <img> element in the modal template in place of src. It handles resizing both the <img> element and its relevant parent elements within the modal.

Kind: static class of bootstrapLightbox