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Adding Asterix to your build

Asterix's Maven group ID is com.computablefacts and its artifact ID is asterix.

To add a dependency on Asterix using Maven, use the following:



Snapshots of Asterix built from the master branch are available through Sonatype using the following dependency:


In order to be able to download snapshots from Sonatype add the following profile to your project pom.xml:


Publishing a new version

Deploy a release to Maven Central with these commands:

$ git tag <version_number>
$ git push origin <version_number>

To update and publish the next SNAPSHOT version, just change and push the version:

$ mvn versions:set -DnewVersion=<version_number>-SNAPSHOT
$ git commit -am "Update to version <version_number>-SNAPSHOT"
$ git push origin master

Packages Summary

  • Asterix. Core data structures and algorithms.
  • Decima. Decima is a proof-of-concept Java implementation of the probabilistic logic programming language ProbLog.
  • Junon. Junon is a data transfer object for Java compatible with our platform API.
  • Jupiter. Jupiter is an easy to use storage layer for Apache Accumulo.
  • Nona. Nona is an extensible Excel-like programming language.


Asterix contains a few helpers to perform text mining/NLP related tasks :


A Span is a fragment of string with properties/features. Furthermore, this class contains many methods to detect and deal with overlaps between spans.

// Create a new Span object
Span span=new Span("123456789",2,5);

// Usage
    String text=span.text(); // "345"
    String rawText=span.rawText(); // "123456789"
    Map<String, String> features=span.features(); // {"has_digits":"true", "has_letters":"false"}


A SpanSequence is a list of spans.

// Create a new SpanSequence object
String text="123456789";

    Span span123=new Span(text,0,3);
    Span span456=new Span(text,3,6);
    Span span789=new Span(text,6,9);

    SpanSequence sequence=new SpanSequence(Lists.newArrayList(span123,span456,span789));

// Usage
    int size=sequence.size() // 3
    Span span=sequence.span(1) // span456


A ConfusionMatrix is a tool to evaluate the accuracy of a classification. The following metrics are available :

  • Matthews Correlation Coefficient
  • Accuracy
  • Positive Predictive Value (aka. Precision)
  • Negative Predictive Value
  • Sensitivity (aka. Recall)
  • Specificity
  • F1 Score
  • False Positive Rate
  • False Discovery Rate
  • False Negative Rate

Furthermore, two functions have been added to compute the following metrics :

  • Micro-Average
  • Macro-Average
ConfusionMatrix matrix=new ConfusionMatrix("");

    double mcc=matrix.matthewsCorrelationCoefficient(); // 0.0001
    double accuracy=matrix.accuracy(); // 0.000001
    double sensitivity=matrix.sensitivity(); // 0.000001


A StringIterator facilitates iterating over the characters in a string. Furthermore, this class contains many functions to find a character category : punctuation marks, arrows, hyphens, apostrophes, bullets, quotation marks, etc.

// Split a string on white-space characters
String text="123 456 789";
    SpanSequence sequence=new SpanSequence();
    StringIterator iterator=new StringIterator(text);


    int begin=iterator.position();
    int end=iterator.position();

    sequence.add(new Span(text,begin,end));

// Here, sequence = ["123", "456", "789"]


A SnippetExtractor allows the extraction (from a text) of the snippet that contains the most dense selection of words (from a given list).

String text=
    "Welcome to Yahoo!, the world’s most visited home page. Quickly find what you’re "+
    "searching for, get in touch with friends and stay in-the-know with the latest news "+
    "and information. CloudSponge provides an interface to easily enable your users to "+
    "import contacts from a variety of the most popular webmail services including Yahoo, "+
    "Gmail and Hotmail/MSN as well as popular desktop address books such as Mac Address Book "+
    "and Outlook.";

    String words=Lists.newArrayList("latest","news","CloudSponge");

    String snippet=SnippetExtractor.extract(words,text);

// Here, snippet = "...touch with friends and stay in-the-know with the latest news and 
//                  information. CloudSponge provides an interface to easily enable your 
//                  users to import contacts from a variety of the most popular webmail 
//                  services including Yahoo, Gmail and Hotmail/MSN as well as popular 
//                  desktop address books such as Mac..."


The Codecs package contains helpers to :

  • Encode/decode objects to/from JSON strings,
  • Encode/decode string to/from Base64,
  • Encode a number as a string such that the lexicographic order of the generated string is in the same order as the numeric order.
Pair<String, String> pair=new Pair<>("key1","value1");
    String json=JsonCodec.asString(pair); // {"key":"key1","value":"value1"}

    List<Pair<?, ?>>pairs=Lists.newArrayList(new Pair<>("key1","value1"),new Pair<>("key2",2),new Pair<>("key3",false));
    String json=JsonCodec.asString(pairs); // "[{"key":"key1","value":"value1"},{"key":"key2","value":2},{"key":"key3","value":false}]"

    Map<String, Object> json=JsonCodec.asObject("{\"key\":\"key1\",\"value\":\"value1\"}");
    Collection<Map<String, Object>>json=JsonCodec.asCollection("[{\"key\":\"key1\",\"value\":\"value1\"},{\"key\":\"key2\",\"value\":2},{\"key\":\"key3\",\"value\":false}]");

    Base64Codec.decodeB64(Base64.getDecoder(),"dGVzdA=="); // test
    Base64Codec.encodeB64(Base64.getEncoder(),"test"); // dGVzdA==

    BigDecimalCodec.encode(BigDecimal.valueOf(123456789L)); // ??9123456789*
    BigDecimalCodec.encode(BigDecimal.valueOf(-123456789L)); // **0876543210?


The AsciiProgressBar class contains helpers to display a textual progress bar while enumerating a bounded or an unbounded dataset.

// Progress bar on a bounded dataset
AtomicInteger count=new AtomicInteger(0);
    AsciiProgressBar.ProgressBar bar=AsciiProgressBar.create();
    List<String> list=...

// Progress bar on an unbounded dataset
    AsciiProgressBar.IndeterminateProgressBar bar=AsciiProgressBar.createIndeterminate();
    Stream<String> stream=...
    bar.complete(); // reset


The AsciiTable class contains helpers to display a textual table.


// Display a table with header

// Display a table without header


A highly customizable implementation of the DocSetLabeler algorithm :

An algorithm capable of generating expressive thematic labels for any subset of documents in a corpus can greatly facilitate both characterization and navigation of document collections.


Decima is a proof-of-concept Java implementation of the probabilistic logic programming language ProbLog.

This library embeds a Java port of the C# library BDDSharp ( under MIT licence). BDDSharp is a library for manipulating ROBDDs (Reduced Ordered Binary Decision Diagrams). A good overview of Binary Decision Diagrams can be found in Lecture Notes on Binary Decision Diagrams by Frank Pfenning.


ProbLog is a redesign and new implementation of Prolog in which facts and rules can be annotated with probabilities (ProbLog makes the assumption that all probabilistic facts are mutually independent) by adding a floating-point number in front of the fact/rule followed by double-colons ( from ProbLog's site) :

0.3::stress(X) :- person(X).
0.2::influences(X, Y) :- person(X), person(Y).

smokes(X) :- stress(X).
smokes(X) :- friend(X, Y), influences(Y, X), smokes(Y).

0.4::asthma(X) :- smokes(X).


friend(jean, pierre).
friend(jean, éléana).
friend(jean, alexis).
friend(éléana, pierre).

The program above encodes a variant of the "Friends & Smokers" problem. The first two rules state that there are two possible causes for a person X to smoke, namely X having stress, and X having a friend Y who smokes himself and influences X. Furthermore, the program encodes that if X smokes, X has asthma with probability 0.4.

It is then possible to calculates the probability of the various people smoking and having asthma :



The rules above can also be stored as a YAML file (example). This YAML file can be transpiled into a valid set of rules using the Compiler tool. One big advantage of this approach is that it allows the user to easily write unit tests.

java -Xms1g -Xmx1g com.computablefacts.decima.Compiler \
     -input "rules.yml" \
     -output "rules-compiled.txt" \
     -show_logs true

The Builder tool allows the user to automatically generate facts from ND-JSON files containing one or more JSON objects.

java -Xms1g -Xmx1g com.computablefacts.decima.Builder \
     -input "facts.json" \
     -output "facts-compiled.txt" \
     -show_logs true

The Solver tool allows the user to load facts and rules into a Knowledge Base and query it.

java -Xms2g -Xmx4g com.computablefacts.decima.Solver \
     -rules "rules-compiled.txt" \
     -facts "facts-compiled.txt" \
     -queries "queries.txt" \ 
     -show_logs true


Decima has the ability to perform HTTP calls at runtime to fill the knowledge base with new facts. The function for that is :

fn_http_materialize_facts(https://<base_url>/<namespace>/<class>, <field_name_1>, <field_variable_1>, <field_name_2>, <field_variable_2>, ...)

At runtime, the following HTTP query will be performed (with each field_variable_x encoded as a base 64 string) :

GET https://<base_url>/<namespace>/<class>?<field_name_1>=<field_variable_1>&<field_name_2>=<field_variable_2>&...

The function expects the following JSON in return :

    "namespace": "<namespace>",
    "class": "<class>",
    "facts": [{
        "field_name_1": "...",
        "field_name_2": "...",
      }, {
        "field_name_1": "...",
        "field_name_2": "...",

An example of use-case, is to merge the content of multiple data sources :

// Dataset CRM1 -> 2 clients
clients(FirstName, LastName, Email) :- 
    fn_http_materialize_facts("http://localhost:3000/crm1", "first_name", FirstName, "last_name", LastName, "email", Email).

// Dataset CRM2 -> 3 clients
clients(FirstName, LastName, Email) :- 
    fn_http_materialize_facts("http://localhost:3000/crm2", "first_name", FirstName, "last_name", LastName, "email", Email).

// Merge both datasets
clients(FirstName, LastName, Email)?

// Result (example)
clients("Robert", "Brown", "[email protected]").
clients("Lucy", "Ballmer", "[email protected]").
clients("Roger", "Bacon", "[email protected]").
clients("Robert", "Schwartz", "[email protected]").
clients("Anna", "Smith", "[email protected]").


Junon is a data transfer object for Java compatible with our platform API.


Jupiter implements a simple blob store on top of Apache Accumulo.


The BlobStore API allows your application to persist data objects. Methods are available to write and read opaque Strings, JSON and Files.

Configurations configurations=...;
    BlobStore blobStore=new BlobStore(configurations,"blobs" /* table name */);

// Write blobs
    Set<String> noBlobSpecificVizLabels=Sets.newHashSet();

    try(BatchWriter writer=blobStore.writer()){

    String str=...;

    Map<String, Object> json=...;

    File file=...;

// Read blobs
// For convenience, <dataset>_RAW_DATA authorizations are automatically added to each blob
    Authorizations auths=new Authorizations("MY_STRINGS_RAW_DATA","MY_JSONS_RAW_DATA","MY_FILES_RAW_DATA");


Note that it is possible to filter-out JSON fields at the tserver level before returning the JSON object to the client.

Map<String, Object> json=new HashMap<>();
    json.put("email","[email protected]");

    try(BatchWriter writer=blobStore.writer()){

    Set<String> fieldsToKeep=Sets.newHashSet("first_name","last_name","email");
    Optional<Value> blob=blobStore.jsons(scanner,"my_jsons",null,fieldsToKeep).first();



Nona is an extensible Excel-like programming language.