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Releases: conwetlab/ckanext-storepublisher

Ease the installation process

25 Nov 08:35
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Included improvements:

  • The installation process have been eased so now the extension can be installed by running python install.

Update OAuth2 Lib

07 Sep 14:45
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  • Update OAuth2 Lib to version 0.5.0 in order to preserve consistency among CKAN extensions developed by this team.

Store consistency

15 Jun 13:54
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New features:

  • When a dataset is deleted, attached store resource & offerings are also deleted.
  • Completly refactored code.

Minor change in Store API

19 May 08:48
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New features:

  • The Store API has been updated and the filed resource_type is now mandatory: the code has been adapted to send it.

Minor improvement: Receive Store Data in JSON format

22 Oct 14:26
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  • The Accept header is set to receive the data in JSON format. This allows us to avoid parsing XML.

Hidden Acquire URL

21 Oct 11:18
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  • User is not asked to update the acquire URL, it's updated automatically.
  • Minor bugfixes.

Bug fixing

17 Sep 09:33
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  • Fix the problem with the final slash.
  • Add a link to the created offering in the Store when the offering is published.

Initial Version

15 Sep 08:12
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Initial version that allows users to publish datasets in the FIWARE Store. To do so, the user must access the Manage option of the dataset and click on the tab called Publish. A form will be opened to set up the characteristics of the offering that will be created.

Note: This plugin does not create the offerings directly.