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A prototype java wrapper for DirectInput8 without any JNI code. Using the JDK17-Panama preview build and trying out custom code generators.

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DirectInput using Panama + jextract + codegen

An attempt at auto-generating a usable DirectInput8 (dinput.h) wrapper in Java using Project Panama and zero JNI code or helpers.

  • Requires jdk17-panama preview to compile or run examples.

Currently this is in a working state and the native calls do work.

However, this is mostly an exercise in discovering code-generator improvements so that it is possible to generate highly usable native code wrappers.


  • The JDK jextract tool generates low-level classes based on dinput.h into lib-directinput8-jextract/dev.viskar.lib.dinput8.natives
  • The lib-common-codegen module contains an experimental code-generator tool that can generate code based on the classes output byjextract. This code generate produces human-friendly code on top of the jextract code. This crucially provides the massive amounts of setup code to create Class/Interface objects with all of their virtual methods resolved into method handles and corresponding java methods + wrapper classes.
  • The lib-directinput8 module provides the final hand-written code, adding in javadocs and slight interface improvements.

Code Generation Walkthrough

This project's main focus is its reusable generator aimed at improving the upon jextract generated sources. It takes a lot of the classe files geneatad from jextract and re-assembles them into more human-friendly code. The key features it adds are:

  • Genrates Java objects based on C/C++ objects using the discovered vtable structures. These have a fully functioning list of methods powered by behind-the-scene MethodHandles.
  • Generates Java objects that wrap a struct MemorySegment with the look and feel of a POJO with getters/setters.

The Code Generation Logic

After running jextract, one of the first things that's apparent is that it's not really streamlined for working with C/C++ objects/classes yet. Although a bit scattered, the the necessary data does exist, so it's just a matter of making code smart enough to assemble it into a more usable form.

This is roughly what the raw jextract output looks like when it exports an object with vtable methods (comments added by me).

class dinput_h {

    class IDirectInput8W {
        // Object with a vtable has these getters/setters
        static lpVtbl$get(MemoryAddress add);
        static lpVtbl$set(MemoryAddress add);
    // The corresponding vtbl
    // - The nested Interfaces describe the function in this vtable
    // - The getters are accessor for the function address
    IDirectInput8WVtbl {
        // int CreateDevice(MemoryAddress, MemoryAddress, MemoryAddress, MemoryAddress)
        public static interface CreateDevice$243 {
            int apply(jdk.incubator.foreign.MemoryAddress x0, jdk.incubator.foreign.MemoryAddress x1, jdk.incubator.foreign.MemoryAddress x2, jdk.incubator.foreign.MemoryAddress x3);
            public static  MemorySegment allocate(CreateDevice$243 fi) {
                return RuntimeHelper.upcallStub(CreateDevice$243.class, fi, dinput_h_constants_4.CreateDevice$243$FUNC(), "(Ljdk/incubator/foreign/MemoryAddress;Ljdk/incubator/foreign/MemoryAddress;Ljdk/incubator/foreign/MemoryAddress;Ljdk/incubator/foreign/MemoryAddress;)I");
            public static  MemorySegment allocate(CreateDevice$243 fi, NativeScope scope) {
                return allocate(fi).handoff(scope);
        public static  MemoryAddress CreateDevice$get(MemorySegment seg) {
            return (jdk.incubator.foreign.MemoryAddress)dinput_h_constants_4.IDirectInput8AVtbl$CreateDevice$VH().get(seg);
        public static interface EnumDevices$253 {
            int apply(jdk.incubator.foreign.MemoryAddress x0, int x1, jdk.incubator.foreign.MemoryAddress x2, jdk.incubator.foreign.MemoryAddress x3, int x4);
            public static  MemorySegment allocate(EnumDevices$253 fi) {
                return RuntimeHelper.upcallStub(EnumDevices$253.class, fi, dinput_h_constants_4.EnumDevices$253$FUNC(), "(Ljdk/incubator/foreign/MemoryAddress;ILjdk/incubator/foreign/MemoryAddress;Ljdk/incubator/foreign/MemoryAddress;I)I");
            public static  MemorySegment allocate(EnumDevices$253 fi, NativeScope scope) {
               return allocate(fi).handoff(scope);
        public static  MemoryAddress EnumDevices$get(MemorySegment seg) {
            return (jdk.incubator.foreign.MemoryAddress)dinput_h_constants_4.IDirectInput8AVtbl$EnumDevices$VH().get(seg);

The information is all there to piece together an object, but it would still be a lot of boiler plate. So the codegen module in this project aims to bridge that gap.

Some of the troubles work with these jextract classes:

  • There's no pre-generated static methods to help make the MethodHandles that we'll need.
  • There's no explicit pairing IDirectInput8W and IDirectInput8WVtbl, we just have to know to link them together.
  • The interface declarations in the vtbl DO describe the method signature, but its not exposed as a FunctionDescriptor or MethodType. So we have to use reflection to regenerate it.

But we can still work with this, that's what code generators are for. From here, the steps would be:

  • For each inner interface inside the vtbl (e.g. CreateDevice$243), look for the corresponding vtbl getter (CreateDevice$get).
  • Do some reflection on the "apply" function CreateDevice$243.apply(..) to re-build the MethodType signature
  • Create code to instantiate and hold all the MethodHandles.

So, the steps to generate the code are shaping up to look like:

  1. Given a MemoryAddress to an IDirectInput8W instance
  2. Convert it to a MemorySegment with IDirectInput8W.sizeof()
  3. Read the vtbl pointer with IDirectInput8W.lpVtbl$get
  4. Convert the vtbl's MemoryAddress to its MemorySegment using IDirectInput8WVtbl.sizeof().
  5. For each discovered inteface/method in IDirectInput8WVtbl
    1. Read the function address from the vtbl: MemoryAddress f = IDirectInput8WVtbl.CreateDevice$get(vtbl)
    2. Build the MethodType from the interface CreateDevice$243.apply(..) using some reflection
    3. Grab the FunctionDescriptor from the jextract classes dinput_h_constants.CreateDevice$243$FUNC()
    4. Build the MethodHandle with RuntimeHelper.downcallHandle(..)
    5. Store the MethodHandle somewhere so we don't have to re-build it
    6. Wrap the all the MethodHandle into a class with actual Java methods to guarantee parameter correctness.
    7. Assemble all the methods into a single class
    8. Return the final generated code.

The result is something that resembles this:

public final class IDirectInput8WInstance {

    static MemorySegment $vtbl;
    private final MemorySegment _self;
    public IDirectInput8WInstance(MemoryAddress selfAddress) {
    public IDirectInput8WInstance(MemoryAddress self) {
        _self = self;
        // The VTable will use this later when the class load gets triggered
        if ($vtbl == null) {
            $vtbl = dinput_h.IDirectInput8W.lpVtbl$get(_self)
    public MemoryAddress address() {
        return _self.address();

    public final int CreateDevice(MemoryAddress x1, MemoryAddress x2, MemoryAddress x3) {
        return VTable.CreateDevice(address(), x1, x2, x3);
    public final int EnumDevices(int x1, MemoryAddress x2, MemoryAddress x3, int x4) {
        return VTable.EnumDevices(address(), x1, x2, x3, x4);
    // Inner class is using Java's only-once initialization so we can lazy-init
    // All of the VTable MethodHandles into static final fields.
    public static final class VTable {
        private static final MemorySegment $vtable = IDirectInput8WInstance.$vtable;

        public static final MethodHandle $CreateDevice = RuntimeHelper.downcallHandle(
        public static final MethodHandle $EnumDevices = RuntimeHelper.downcallHandle(
        public static final int CreateDevice(MemoryAddress x0, MemoryAddress x1, MemoryAddress x2, MemoryAddress x3) {
            try {
                return (int)$CreateDevice.invokeExact(x0, x1, x2, x3);
            } catch (Throwable t) {
                throw new IllegalStateException(t);
        public static final int EnumDevices(MemoryAddress x0, int x1, MemoryAddress x2, MemoryAddress x3, int x4) {
            try {
                return (int)$EnumDevices.invokeExact(x0, x1, x2, x3, x4);
            } catch (Throwable t) {
                throw new IllegalStateException(t);

So now we have a fairly human friendly object to work with:

IDirectInput8WInstance instance = new IDirectInput8WInstance(address);

But it's still not quite usable. It could use some final touches:

  • Add javadoc
  • Add real parameter names
  • Add new method signatures that use more accurate types rather than just MemoryAddress.

Thankfully with this generator, we can also generate all structs as well. And any callbacks can be sorted out with a tiny bit of code too.

So the final bit of work is just to hand-write some clean adapters:

class DirecInput8W {
    final IDirectInput8W instance;

    public int EnumDevices(int dwDevType, int dwFlags, EnumDevicesCallback callback) {
        try (MemorySegment lpCallback = deviceCallback.allocate()) {
            return instance.EnumDevices(dwDevType, lpCallback, MemoryAddress.NULL, dwFlags);

    public DirectInputDevice8W CreateDevice(TDIDEVICEINSTANCEW deviceInstance) {
        try (OutPointer outPointer = OutPointer.allocate()) {
            int result = instance.CreateDevice(
            if (result == dinput_h.DI_OK()) {
                return DirectInputDevice8W.of(outPointer.getPointer());
            } else {
                return null;

The final user code looks like this:

DirecInput8W directInput = DirecInput8W.getInstance();

directInput.EnumDevices(DI8DEVCLASS_GAMECTRL(), DIEDFL_ATTACHEDONLY(), deviceInstance -> {
    // Strongly typed invocation.
    // The callback and CreateDevice both take a TDIDEVICEINSTANCEW object
    DirectInputDevice8W device = directInput.CreateDevice(deviceInstance);
    // TDIDEVICEINSTANCEW is also an auto-generated object with getters/setters for its struct
    String productName = NativeUtils.stringFromWChars(deviceInstance.getTszProductName());
    System.out.println("Found device: " + productName);

Misc Notes

jextract snippets

jextract -d . \
-extract -l dinput \
--source \
--target-package dev.viskar.lib.dinput8.natives \
-I "C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\10\Include\10.0.19041.0\um" \
--filter dinput.h \
"C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\10\Include\10.0.19041.0\um\dinput.h"

After generating, need to fix the LIBRARY[] object in dinput_h_constants to use a correct path.


--add-opens java.desktop/java.awt=ALL-UNNAMED
--add-exports java.desktop/


A prototype java wrapper for DirectInput8 without any JNI code. Using the JDK17-Panama preview build and trying out custom code generators.







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