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coslyk edited this page Jun 30, 2020 · 6 revisions

This is a guide on how to publish packages to this repository.

1. Read the packaging rules first.

You need to read the packaging rules first. Only packages which obey the rules will be accepted.

2. Fork this repo, clone it and create a new branch

You need to create a new branch which is named with the package name.

3. For the first time, set up Docker environment

We use Docker to build packages, so you need to set up Docker for the first time:

  1. Install Docker
  2. Add your user to the docker group, so that you can use Docker without sudo.
  3. Build Docker image:
cd debianopt-repo
docker build -t docker-deb-builder:buster-amd64 -f docker-deb-builder/Dockerfile-debian-buster-amd64 .

4. Write recipe

Write your recipe in the recipes folder. Write YAML file and if needed, the debian-template. See YAML file for details.

5. Build package and test it locally

Build package with:

./ recipes/your-package-name

If it is built successfully, you will get a .deb package under recipe/your-package-name. Install it and test if it is OK.

6. Submit Pull Request

Submit your pull request to us. We will review and merge it. After being merged your package will be automatically published to the DebianOpt Repository!

7. Edit the Wiki page

Feel easy to edit the package list wiki page and add your package to the list!