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yoh edited this page Jun 18, 2024 · 11 revisions



Editor's Report



paper タイトル 対応状況(空 or 完了 or 対応しない or 担当名)
P2922R0 Core Language Working Group "ready" Issues for the June, 2023 meeting
P2621R2 UB? In my Lexer?
P1854R4 Making non-encodable string literals ill-formed
P2361R6 Unevaluated strings
P2558R2 Add @, $, and ` to the basic character set
P2738R1 constexpr cast from void*: towards constexpr type-erasure
P2915R0 Proposed resolution for CWG1223
P2552R3 On the ignorability of standard attributes
P2752R3 Static storage for braced initializers
P2741R3 User-generated static_assert messages
P2169R4 A nice placeholder with no name


paper タイトル 対応状況(空 or 完了 or 対応しない or 担当名)
P3046R0 Core Language Working Group "ready" Issues for the November, 2023 meeting (as defect report)
P2308R1 Template parameter initialization (as defect report)
P2662R3 Pack Indexing
P2864R2 Remove Deprecated Arithmetic Conversion on Enumerations From C++26



paper タイトル 対応状況(空 or 完了 or 対応しない or 担当名)
P2910R0 C++ Standard Library Issues to be moved in Varna, Jun. 2023
P2497R0 Testing for success or failure of <charconv> functions
P2592R3 Hashing support for std::chrono value classes
P2587R3 to_string or not to_string
P2562R1 constexpr Stable Sorting
P2545R4 Read-Copy Update (RCU)
P2530R3 Hazard Pointers for C++26
P2538R1 ADL-proof std::projected
P2495R3 Interfacing stringstreams with string_view
P2510R3 Formatting pointers
P2198R7 Freestanding Feature-Test Macros and Implementation-Defined Extensions
P2338R4 Freestanding Library: Character primitives and the C library
P2013R5 Freestanding Language: Optional ::operator new
P0493R4 Atomic maximum/minimum (まだapplyされていなかったので保留)
P2363R5 Extending associative containers with the remaining heterogeneous overloads
P1901R2 Enabling the Use of weak_ptr as Keys in Unordered Associative Containers
P1885R12 Naming Text Encodings to Demystify Them
P0792R14 function_ref: a type-erased callable reference 完了
P2874R2 Mandating Annex D
P2757R3 Type checking format args
P2637R3 Member visit
P2641R4 Checking if a union alternative is active
P1759R6 Native handles and file streams
P2697R1 Interfacing bitset with string_view
P1383R2 More constexpr for <cmath> and <complex> 完了
P2734R0 Adding the new 2022 SI prefixes 完了
P2548R6 copyable_function 完了
P2714R1 Bind front and back to NTTP callables
P2630R4 submdspan 完了


paper タイトル 対応状況(空 or 完了 or 対応しない or 担当名)
P0543R3 Saturation arithmetic
P2407R5 Freestanding Library: Partial Classes
P2546R5 Debugging Support
P2905R2 Runtime format strings (as defect report)
P2918R2 Runtime format strings II
P2909R4 Fix formatting of code units as integers (Dude, where's my char?) (as defect report)
P0952R2 A new specification for std::generate_canonical
P2447R6 std::span over an initializer list 完了
P2821R5 完了
P2868R3 Remove Deprecated std::allocator Typedef From C++26
P2870R3 Remove basic_string::reserve() From C++26 完了
P2871R3 Remove Deprecated Unicode Conversion Facets from C++26 完了
P2819R2 Add tuple protocol to complex
P2937R0 Freestanding: Remove strtok
P2833R2 Freestanding Library: inout expected span
P2836R1 std::basic_const_iterator should follow its underlying type's convertibility (defect report)
P2264R7 Make assert() macro user friendly for C and C++
P1673R13 A free function linear algebra interface based on the BLAS

Core Issueへの対応

Library Issueへの対応