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Zikun Fan edited this page Aug 3, 2020 · 3 revisions

NOTE: This doc was ARCHIVED, please follow the docs shows in TOC to continue exploring Crust Network

There are four roles in Crust network: validator, candidate, guarantor and user.


Validators responsible for block generation based on BABE&GRANDPA algorithm. In the meanwhile, validator are also storage providers. Following are some basic requirements for validators:

  • Keep online and responsive 24/7. Any behavior such as offline or absent of consensus will be slashed.
  • Storage provider. The storage capacity of one validator will determine the upper limit of the staking capacity of it.


Candidates also act as storage providers. In each era, candidates that rank higher in storage capacity will become validators. Following are some basic requirements for candidates:

  • Keep online and responsive 24/7. Any behavior such as offline or absent of consensus will be slashed.
  • Storage provider. The storage capacity of one candidate will determine the upper limit of the staking capacity of it.


Unlike candidate and validator, guarantor only need a Crust account and some CRUs to guarantee Crust nodes(Validator and Candidates) and get guarantee fee back.


User only need a Crust account and some CRUs to buy storage service from Crust storage market.