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Zikun Fan edited this page Aug 3, 2020 · 5 revisions

NOTE: This doc was ARCHIVED, please follow the docs shows in TOC to continue exploring Crust Network

What are CRUs?

CRU is the native token of the Crust network in a similar way that BTC is the native token of Bitcoin or ether is the native token of the Ethereum blockchain.

What are the uses of CRUs?

CRUs serve six key functions in Crust:

  • Network user to pay transaction fee
  • To guarantee Crust nodes
  • To rent storage resources from network storage providers
  • To be pledged by storage providers to guarantee storage orders
  • To be staked for network maintenance purpose
  • To be used for governance of the network

Network user to pay transaction fee

Crust is a public block chain, users need to pay fees to make their transactions be accepted.

To guarantee Crust nodes

A guarantor can guarantee one or more (up to 16) validator candidates on CRU to earn rewards. CRUs and storage capacity which participants provide will be used to facilitate the consensus mechanism that underpins Crust. Participants will put their CRUs at risk (via staking) to perform functions such as voting and block generation. The staking of CRUs acts as a guarantee for malicious participants whom will be punished by the network by getting their CRUs slashed. The CRUs required to participate in the network will vary depending on the activity which is being performed, the duration the CRUs will be staked for, the network storage capacity, and the total number of CRUs staked.

To rent storage resources from network storage providers

Crust will provide a storage marketplace. Users can store their files permanently by sign a payment in CRU.

To be pledged by storage providers to guarantee storage orders

Validators and candidates are all be storage providers. When a storage provider accept order from Crust marketplace, he needs to stake a number of CRU to guarantee that the data will be kept well. In fact, any behavior such as offline or data lost will be punished.

To be staked for network maintenance purpose

Crust is a PoS-based blockchain system, which means the block generation is mainly based on token staking. The CRU token is the staking token to maintain the stability and security of Crust network.

To be used for governance of the network

CRU can be used for advance and voting of on-chain governance mechanisms.