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Title: Problem Set 4 - IronKernel Date: 2014-03-18 Category: PS Tags: Problem Sets, Kernel Status: draft Slug: ps4

Thursday, 3 April at 11:59pm


The goal of this problem set is for you to develop a deep understanding of how operating systems work by hacking on a small kernel.

All of the programs you have written until now in this class (and probably in your life, unless you have had unusual experience outside your classes) have run at user-level, with limited access to machine resources. They have also depended on lots of other programs to run, including an operating system.

A kernel does not rely on any other programs to run. It is the program below all other programs, and it has complete access to all machine resources. Programming a kernel gives you unlimited power (at least, not limited by any underlying operating system, but only by the limits of your physical processor), but also poses many challenges since you don't have any other programs to build on!

For this problem set, we will provide a very limited starting kernel for ARM processors implemented in Rust: IronKernel. IronKernel was developed starting from rustboot, as a project in last semesters cs4414 class by Kevin Broderick, Alex Lamana, Zeming Lin, John Stevans, and Wil Thomason (Alex, Wil, and Zeming are current cs4414 TAs!).

IronKernel doesn't provide many things you would expect in an operating systems today so is a long way from being able to host your Zhtta server, but it is enough for you to get some fun experience hacking a kernel and we hope (with your help!) it will one day become an operating system one could use to host a web server. One of the things IronKernel currently doesn't provide is any kind of file system, which is one of the things you will implement for this assignment. The file system you will implement will be an in-memory file system, so there is no need to write a disk driver (but the files are not persistent — everything is lost when you shut down).

Setting Up your Environment

Since developing on bare metal is difficult, most kernel development is done in an emulator. We will use the QEMU emulator to emulate an ARM processor. In addition to installing the emulator, you will also need to install an ARM cross-compiler. You'll be running the compiler on your x86 processor, but it will be producing binaries for the ARM processor which you will run on the QEMU emulator.

You can set up your enviornment for this by either:

  1. Executing the shell commands here.

  2. Downloading the provided VirtualBox VM image: This includes all the tools you need for ps4, but may take a few hours to download. (Note that standard unzip may not be able to unzip this file. On Mac OS X, Keka works.)

If you are ambitious, you can try to set things up on another platform, but be forewarned this could be a time-consuming and frustrating effort since many of the required packages depend on particular versions of other packages that are installed.

Collaboration Policy

For this problem set, you are required to work in a team of three or four people (except in cases where you were notified based on your PS3 teamwork that you should work alone for PS4, or where you make your own successful argument before 21 March that it is better for you to work alone or in a team of two).

Your teams should work together in a way that is efficient and collaborative, and ensures that all team members understand everything in the code you submit. As part of the grading for this assignment, you will do a short demo with one of the course staff, at which all team members will be expected to be able to answer questions about how your code works.

Please note that only one team member should create the private repository for this problem set. The other members should work in the same repository as a collaborator.

In addition to working directly with your teammates, you should feel free to discuss the problems, provide coding help, and ask for help with any students in the class (or anyone else in the world, for that matter), so long as you don't to it in a way that is detrimental to your own or anyone else's learning. You can do this in person, using the course forum (including comments at the end of this page), using the #cs4414 and #rust IRC channels, or any other communication medium you find most effective.

Getting Started

Before continuing with this assignment, one member of your team should:

  1. Set up the private repository named 'cs4414-ps4'.

  2. Add your teammate(s) and 'cs4414uva' as the collaborators.

  3. Clone the empty private repository to your working environment. Instead of mygithubname below, use your github username.

   git clone
  1. Get the starting code for ps4.
    git remote add course
    git pull course master
    git push --tags origin master
  1. In the ps4 directory, get the rust-core module by doing:
    git submodule update --init
  1. After finishing these steps, you should now be able to run IronKernel by executing:
    make run

You should see the Ironkernel logo, and a QEMU window.

The window as of now is only an echo shell - it prints whatever you type into it! This may not seem very exciting to you if you are used to huge and luxurious operating systems like Linux, Mac OS X, and Windows that allow users to do things like run programs, connect to the Internet, and use a disk drive. But, if you think about what it takes to go from the bare hardware to something that can print when you type, you should find it very exciting! In fact, it even has some extra functionality, like handling the backspace and enter key correctly. (Many of the non-printing function keys will freeze your terminal, so be glad you are running in a simulator!)

We want to make Ironkernel behave more like a terminal so we can eventually run zhtta on it! (We don't expect anyone to get that far with it this semester though. That said, feel free to surprise us!)

As noted in Exam 1, running a shell in kernel-space if probably a really bad idea. (Its a less bad idea if it is mostly programmed in safe Rust code than in unsafe code, since at least you get the benefits of Rust's software-based memory protection for the shell implementation.) But, since IronKernel does not yet have the ability to create a new process and run code at user-level, for this assignment you will be implementing a shell that runs are part of the kernel.

Hacking the Kernel

First, make some seemingly trivial changes to the kernel to get started with kernel hacking. Each of these changes only involves one or two lines of code, but the goal of these questions is to get you comfortable with kernel-level programming and understanding some aspects of the IronKernel code.

**Problem 1.** Modify `kernel/` to make it prompt you with `sgash> ` whenever the user types enter. (The actual change is simple, but the point of this question is to get you starting to explore the Ironkernel code.)
**Problem 2.** Change the color scheme of Ironkernel to something cooler. Bonus points if you allow users to change their own colors. Be prepared to explain how characters are drawn to the screen during the demo. (Hint: look in `arch/arm/io`)

Problem 3. After a particularly long and painful night of kernel-hacking, you are starting to feel like everything is upside-down. To correct this, modify the code so characters are printed upside-down (that is, the letters should appear normal if you turn the screen upside-down). (Hint: this only involves changing one line of code.)

(After you complete problem 3, you may comment out your code and go back to rightside-up characters, but that's up to you which you prefer.)


The first step to having a working shell in our kernel is for it to remember what you typed into it. However, libraries like string formatting are not provided to you on a standalone piece of hardware. In fact, the only thing you get is raw data types like u8, uint, and char. So we have to first implement a simple string library to more easily manipulate what the user types.

**Problem 4.** Modfify `kernel/` to echo whatever you type into the prompt back to you on the second line.


After we have a string library going, we'll want to allow users to input and output commands.

**Problem 5.** Code in some basic commands, so that the system recognizes `echo`, `ls`, `cat`, `cd`, `rm`, `mkdir`, `pwd`, and a new ficticious command `wr` for writing a string to a file. We will implement these commands in a later step.

After problem 5, your shell should display an error message for any unrecognized command, provide the original echo functionality for echo, and do nothing for the other commands.


In order for our commands to actually do anything we need to add a filesystem.

The simplest filesystem just implements a tree, where each branch node is a directory and each leaf node is a file. For now, we'll only support text files. In addition, we'll keep all our files in memory. Writing a driver for a disk is hard and depends on the physical device, but we'll assume the owner of a machine running IronKernel is rich enough to purchase all the memory they need and won't every shut down their machine, so an in-memory filesystem is sufficient!

A simple filesystem provides these calls:

-- read_file(file) - returns the string stored in a given file -- write_file(file, string) - writes the given string to the given file -- create_file(directory, name) - creates a file with the given name in the given directory -- delete_file(directory, name) - deletes the file with the given name in the given directory -- get_file(directory, name) - gets the file with the given name belonging to the specified directory -- list_directory(directory) - returns the list of files and directories contained in the specified directory -- create_directory(parent, name) - creates a directory with the specified name under the given parent directory -- delete_directory(directory) - deletes the given directory if and only if it is empty -- get_directory(parent, name) - gets the directory with the given name belonging to the specified parent

**Problem 6.** Implement a filesystem that provides at least the calls described above.

Once the filesystem calls are implemented, you can use them to implement commands that users could use to manipulate files in your shell.

**Problem 7.** Implement `ls`, `cat`, `cd`, `rm`, `mkdir`, `pwd`, `mv`, and `wr` as built-in shell commands that use your filesystem.

These commands should provide the minimal basic functionality of their unix counterparts, but do not need to handle any options or more than pathnames as their inputs (one pathname for ls, cat, cd, rm, mkdir; none for pwd; and two for mv). The wr command should take a pathname as its first input and a string as its second argument. It will write the string to the file. Each of these commands should be implemented as a function that uses your filesystem API calls.

Memory Management

Memory in Ironkernel is done using the Buddy Blocks allocation system. This system treats the whole memory as something akin to a binary tree, where each requestion for a segment of memory would involve traversing down the tree until you find a block just big enough to contain it. For example, if your block of memory was 128kb large and you request for an allocation of 26kb, we would divide the memory space into something akin to:

          32kb    32kb        64kb

and the user would be guarenteed the first block for their allocation.

We have provided intial code for the Buddy Block allocation system (which was enough for you to implement the file system using it), but there's a fatal bug in it! Whenever space is reclaimed, our code fails to reclaim it correctly.

**Problem 7.** Identify the bug with the Buddy Block allocation system and fix it. (Hint: What is the correct behavior of the memory manager when two adjacent blocks are both reclaimed and free?)

Improving Ironkernel

For the last problem, your goal will be to improve Ironkernel in some way.

**Problem 8.** Improve your kernel in some interesting way.

Some suggestions include getting the arrow keys to work, getting pipes to work, and implementing ext4's filesystem paradigm, which makes less fragmented files but gives up some speed in accessing files sequentially.

If you want to do an ambitious improvement, you can get started on it for this problem, but make finishing the improvement your final project.

Submission, Benchmarking Competition, and Demos

There are three parts to submitting PS4:

  1. Submit the PS4 Submission Form (by 11:59pm on Thursday, 3 April).

  2. Sign-up for a PS4 Demo. You should sign-up for a demo time by 4:59pm on Tuesday, 1 April.

  3. Within 24 hours of finishing your demo, each team member shoud invidually submit the PS4 Assessment Form.

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IronKernel was developed starting from [rustboot](, as a [project in last semesters cs4414 class]( by Kevin Broderick, Alex Lamana, Zeming Lin, John Stevans, and Wil Thomason. Alex, Wil, and Zeming designed and wrote most of this assignment, with some help from David Evans.