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Installs or reconfigures java.

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Apache 2.0 License (


  class { "java":
    version        => "1.7",
    jdk            => true,
    jre            => true,
    sources        => true,
    javadoc        => true,
    set_as_default => false,
    export_path    => false,
    vendor         => "oracle",
  • version
    • the java version ("1.7", "1.6")
  • jdk
    • ensures the developer kit
  • jre
    • ensures the runtime kit
  • sources
    • ensures sources
  • javadoc
    • ensures javadoc
  • set_as_default
    • ensures that the java version is set as default when typing "java"
  • export_path
    • ensures the export of the JAVA_HOME and JRE_HOME variable
  • vendor
    • determines which JVM to install ("openjdk", "oracle")
    • Note that you automatically agree to oracles license if you choose oracle as vandor